The Foote School 
November 14, 2013
In This Issue
Quick Links

Thanksgiving Food Drive
Still Short of Goal

Foote's Thanksgiving Food Drive has collected 550 canned goods for St. Ann's Soup Kitchen in Hamden - but with just days to go, we are still short of our goal. Each class was asked to donate a specific canned item and we're within reach of filling 100 grocery bags with all the fixings for a Thanksgiving Day meal. Here is what's still needed before Mon., Nov. 18 (and the grade responsible for collecting it):
  • Cranberry sauce (Kindergarten)
  • Canned green beans (MAG) 
  • Canned soup (third)
  • Boxed instant stuffing (fourth)
  • Canned fruit (fifth)
  • Boxed baking mix (sixth)
  • Canned peas or corn (seventh)
  • Boxed mashed potatoes (eighth)
  • Canned yams (ninth)
  • Ground coffee (faculty/staff)

ALSO: Foote is raising money to purchase turkeys for St. Ann's guests. There is a collection box in the main office. By donating, you'll help make another family's Thanksgiving a special one. Thank you!

Book Fair Starts Tuesday  

This year's Book Fair runs from Tues., Nov. 19 through Thurs., Nov. 21 in the Twichell Room. Click here for more information on Teacher Wish Lists and the Read to Grow Program to benefit New Haven Public School libraries. This year's special guest is award-winning author and illustrator Christopher Myers, who will visit with Foote and New Haven public school students on Thursday and keynote the ice cream social that evening in the Hosley Gym. RSVP to And click here to sign up as a volunteer.

Follow Foote School on Facebook and Twitter  

Foote has launched a new Facebook page and Twitter account. Like us on Facebook at, and follow us on Twitter @footeschool. We'll use the new social media accounts to share daily happenings at Foote and to update parents on school news and announcements. They will build on our existing Alumni of the Foote School Facebook page, which will remain focused on connecting and sharing news about Foote School grads. You will also soon be able to find links to the new Facebook and Twitter pages on our homepage. Questions? Contact Director of Communications Andy Bromage at
New Recycling Bins

Have you noticed the new blue bins around campus? Members of this year's Environmental Action Group have placed the new recycling containers next to garbage cans in an effort to divert more glass and plastic bottles and aluminum cans from the waste stream. We hope everyone will support EAG's goal of reducing waste by recycling. Thank you!
Treasure Island Tickets on Sale Next Week

Tickets for the December theater production, Treasure Island, go on sale to the general public  Mon., Nov. 18. Seats are $10 for all shows. There will be four public performances of Treasure Island: Thurs., Dec. 5, Fri. Dec. 6 and Sat., Dec. 7 at 7 p.m., and a matinee show on Sun., Dec. 8 at 1 p.m. There will also be two in-school performances: Dec. 4 for the Middle School and Dec. 5 for the Lower School. Tickets may be purchased at the front desk.

Secondary School Recommendation Forms

Parents of eighth and ninth graders:


If your child intends to apply to secondary schools this year, please remember that all recommendation forms must be submitted to the proper teacher and our office by Wed., Nov. 20. On or before that date, please send an email titled "Schools Applying To" to Liam Considine at and Erika Villa at indicating the final list of schools to which your child will be applying. 


Additionally, please encourage your child to carefully complete and submit the student questionnaire that Mr. Considine made available this week.

Please provide a stamped and addressed envelope for Math and English teacher recommendations. The student should give the form directly to their teacher. Forms given directly to the Registar's Office do not need a stamped envelope. 
School Photos Have Arrived

This year's school photo packages have arrived and have been distributed  to teachers. Parents with questions about order forms, late orders, missing orders or refunds should contact Coffee Pond's Customer Service Department by email at, or call 1-800-632-2323 ext. 0.

Photo Retake Day
A photo retake day will be held from 8:30-10:30 a.m. on Tues., Dec. 3. Appointments are not necessary. If you are dissatisfied with your portrait and would like to try again, please return the entire, undamaged portrait package to the photographer on retake day. Write any suggestions for the photographer on a piece of paper so it shows through the envelope window. Retake packages will be distributed three to five weeks after retake day. For refund information, please visit

Latin Students Mix Beats for "Hip-Hop Hexameter"

How do you say "phat beats" in Latin? Ninth Grade students in Drew Sweet's Honors Latin II class asked themselves that question Thursday as they performed "Hip-Hop Hexameter." That's the name Drew gave to a project that has students recite the opening lines to Vergil's "Aeneid" over original beats created on GarageBand. He debuted the project last year as a device for students to hear the rhythm - long and short syllables - of dactylic hexameter. In August, Drew's innovation was recognized with an ING Unsung Heroes grant worth $2,000, which he used to purchase new microphones and headphones so the students could make quality recordings of their creations. He was one of only 100 educators nationwide selected for the grant. On Thursday, ninth graders presented their beats and voted for who had the "phattest" one and also for whose beat would best help sixth graders learn the "Aeneid." Click the still frames for video of the student performances, and stay tuned for finished audio recordings later this year.

From the Faculty Blogs

A Foote grandparent used cauliflower, snails and sand dollars to teach Sue Delaney's MAG students how things grow.

Third graders experienced life circa 1830 at Old Sturbridge Village this week (pictured), and Melissa McCormack has a slideshow.

Jacqui Fritzinger's fifth grade Spanish students made traditional masks for "Dia de los muertos."

Chinese teacher Lely Evans posted several videos of her students, including fifth graders singing a song about body parts.

Head of Middle School John Turner blogs about the many reasons why it's cool to be smart at Foote.

And Curriculum Coordinator Lauren Goldberg channels John Dewey to explain how getting "off track" can lead a young learner to discover new things.

To read more, check out the Lower School blogs and Middle School blogs
DatesDates to Remember
Nov. 14 - Parent Conferences for MS, 5:00-8:00 p.m. (by appointment)
Nov. 19-21 - Book Fair
Nov. 21 - Book Fair Ice Cream Social, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Nov. 27 - Thanksgiving Assembly, 11 a.m.
Nov. 28-29 - Thanksgiving Recess
Dec. 3 - Photo Makeup Day
Dec. 5-8 - Theater Production: "Treasure Island"