The Foote School 
February 14, 2013
Quick Links

Tickets are On Sale for 
"The Admirable Crichton"

Tickets for "The Admirable Crichton," this year's ninth grade play, are available at the Front Desk, and are selling fast. Stop by soon to get your seats for this entertaining, illuminating production about class distinctions in Victorian England!  




A Gathering for Kindergarten Parents
Join other kindergarten parents, Head of School Carol Maoz and Head of Lower School Beth Mello for a conversation with Foote School's consulting psychiatrist, Michael Kaplan M.D.,
      "The Delights of Parenting 5- and 6-Year-Olds"
Thurs., Feb. 21
5:30-6:30 p.m. 
Perrine Library 
Childcare is available during that time for kindergartners and school-aged siblings. Pizza will be served. 
Reservations for childcare are required
Please sign up on the clipboard at the Front Desk.  
Reminder: Raffle Basket Collection Approaching

This is a friendly reminder that we are collecting items for the PTC raffle baskets. While the themes for each grade have been determined, you are welcome to contribute to any theme that inspires you. If you have children in more than one grade, you may contribute to each of those grade's baskets, or just one - whichever you choose. 

The sign-up sheets also include a list of suggested items. Please click on your child's (or children's) grade to see if there is an item you are willing to donate. This will help us track the contributions. 

Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
Ninth Grade

Merchandise will be collected through Fri., Feb. 22 and may be dropped off at the Front Desk and at the Development Office.

We need volunteers to help organize the merchandise. Please contact Mary Rinaldi at, Cheryl Nadzam at, or PTC Co-Presidents Jaime Cole or Nadine Koobatian at if you can help!

The Book Swap is Coming!

bookswapThe Book Swap has been a beloved Foote School event for more than 35 years. Mark your calendars and gather your used books: this year's Swap will take place from Mon., Feb. 25 through Fri., March 1 in the Sturley Room (lower level of the Library).  


Read how the book swap works here. All books should be appropriate for children preschool through ninth grade. Please, no textbooks, coloring books, or activity books.


The hours for the week are:


Monday       8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (bring in books)

Tuesday       8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (bring in books)

Wednesday  8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (bring in and pick out books - no adult shopping*)

Thursday     8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (bring in and pick out books - no adult shopping*)

Friday          8 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (pick out books only)


Volunteers are needed to make the Book Swap a success.  Sign up here for time slots throughout the week.  If the hours listed don't work for you but you still want to help, please email Vicki Murphy or Camille Koff.


* The Book Swap is an event for the students, so students get first pick of the books all day Wednesday and on Thursday morning. Thanks for your understanding.


An Update on "Hamlet"
Tickets for "Hamlet" are sold out

The PTC is selling "Party-Only" tickets, which include admission to the pre-party at Yale's Dwight Hall.  These tickets will be available on the Foote website for $50 by clicking this link, then clicking the second-to-last link in the shopping cart. 


We are delighted to offer "Party-Only" tickets to faculty and staff for $25. Click on the link above, then click on the last link to purchase tickets.


Pure Delight
This week, Foote kindergartners rejoiced in the accumulation of snow on the Lower School Field, taking to the slope to climb, slide, and laugh with glee.   
Community Service Works

As part of Foote's Community Service initiative, students have been busy sewing blankets and making congratulatory cards for Columbus House residents moving into supportive housing, and creating fleece hats for clients of Christian Community Action in New Haven. Here is a note from Betsy Branch, the patient navigator at Columbus House, regarding the blankets:

"These special blankets are going to two people who have not had good places to live for a long time, and who are now moving into supportive housing through Columbus House.  They will be starting out with very few belongings, but thanks to Foote students, they'll be wrapped in coziness right away, and will also have the warm feeling of knowing that there are people in the community who care about them."



Foote in Snow
Foote's maintenance crew worked through the weekend to dig out the campus from the more than 3 feet of snow that fell Friday night and Saturday morning. A hearty thank you to all crew members!  



Winter Weekend
Fri., Feb. 15 - Mon., Feb. 18
School is closed
Bowling Night
5:30 p.m. Fri., Feb. 22  
Johnson's Duckpin Lanes
Book Swap 
Mon., Feb. 25 - Fri., March 1
Foote Night at the Yale Rep
Sat., April 6

The Foote School
50 Loomis Place
New Haven, CT 06511