The Foote School 
January 10, 2012
Quick Links

             A Note from Carol Maoz                    


Safety Drill


On Fri., Jan. 25 at 9 a.m., The Foote School will conduct a lockdown drill.  As I mentioned in my letter in December, we refer to this planned drill as a "Shelter Drill."  As this is the first drill of its kind, all students will either be in their homerooms (K-5) or in their first period class (6-9), prepared for this drill. We will conduct other unannounced drills in the future. Information regarding the drill and our expectations for student behavior will be shared as follows:

  • K- 5:  Lower School Head Beth Mello will visit each classroom next week to explain the drill and offer a chance for students to ask questions.
  • Grades 6-9: Middle School Head John Turner will talk about the drill at the Wednesday morning meeting on January 23. 
We continue to discuss the best ways to ensure the safety of our children and teachers, taking into consideration the culture of our school, which we all value so dearly. These conversations are taking place at the administrative level as well as at the Board level. Later this month, Business Manager Jay Cox and I will attend a CAIS (Connecticut Association of Independent Schools) Security Summit and meet with the New Haven chief of police to gather further information on additional steps we should consider. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.


Annual Fund
AF logo Thank you to the many families who have already donated to Foote's Annual Fund. We're at a record pace toward 100 percent participation. 
Our Annual Fund class captains have connected with many parents throughout the fall. If you haven't given yet, making your gift here will save our volunteers a call!
Questions? Please contact Annual Fund Chair Glenn Levin or Director of Development Ann Baker Pepe.  
Sign Up for Mini Courses
A division of the After School program, the Mini Course Program offers a variety of learning and play opportunities, including baking, model building, art, yoga, science, embroidery, and crafts. Courses begin Fri., Jan. 11. Sign up today!
Find the course descriptions here.
Fine the enrollment form here.
The Season for STARS 

starslogo *STARS* (Schools Together for Arts ResourceS) is a Saturday morning collaboration between Foote and neighborhood public schools involving cooking, crafts, multi-media, and cultural programs. 


This winter Foote is offering four programs from 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays, Jan. 12 through March 2:  

Find the fliers for these programs at 


The programs are free to participants.  


Questions about *STARS* programs?

Please email *STARS* coordinators Laura Altshul at, Deb Rhoads at, or Dawn Walsh at or call 203-777-3464.

Jan. 15 Sports Practices Cancelled
Sports practices are cancelled for Tues., Jan. 15; an All School Faculty Meeting will be held from 3-4:30 p.m. that day.
Seventh Grade Metropolitan Opera Trip

The seventh grade will travel to New York City for this year's Metropolitan Opera all-day field trip on Mon., Jan. 14.  Students will be attending a full dress rehearsal of Gioachino Rossini's comic opera, "Le Comte Ory." Please click here for details regarding the trip.  


If your child cannot attend, please contact Sarah Heath at,  at home at 203-248-4615, or by cell at 203-376-6909.


Rehearsal Information for the Ninth Grade Play 


A link to rehearsal information for 

the upcoming ninth grade play, "The Admirable Crichton," may be found 

on the front page of the website 



"The Admirable Crichton" will be presented at 7 p.m. Tues., Feb. 26; 
Wed., Feb. 27; Thurs., Feb. 28;
and Fri., March 1. 

Ticket sale information will be posted
at a later date. 

The Geography Bee

Held today, Thurs., Jan. 10, the Geography Bee attracted more than twice as many students this year as last. Students in grades 4-8 participated in seven rounds of questions related to geography. The top scorers will be invited to the final Foote competition, which will be held at 3 p.m. Wed., Jan. 16.
Moderators Sally Nunnally and Trevor Rosenthal pose questions and track accuracy of answers.
Contemplating the question
The bee was so popular this year that two classrooms were needed to accommodate all participants.
Seventh Grade Metropolitan Opera Trip
7 a.m., Mon., Jan. 14
Meet at school
Geography Bee Final Competition 
3 p.m., Wed., Jan. 16 
Martin Luther King, Jr. Assembly
11:45 a.m., Fri., Jan. 18
Hosley Gymnasium

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Mon., Jan. 21
School will be closed
No Vacation Program Available