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August 16, 2016 APA Los Angeles
Get to Know Your APA Los Angeles Board: Lila Burgos

Our Finance & Administration Director, Lila Burgos, is a dynamic planner who specializes in social impact program evaluation, strategic planning and community outreach. We asked Lila to share her thoughts on her planning career and her love of Los Angeles - here's what she had to say. Read the complete interview on our blog
People St Block Party & Celebration, 8/23
Join APA Los Angeles and the South Park BID as we celebrate People St as recipient of a 2016 National Planning Achievement Award, one of just six nationwide. To celebrate, we're throwing a summer block party with music, tacos, beverages, and mingling around the Hope Street Parklet between 11th and 12th Streets.

Your ticket includes:
  • Tunes by DJ Nalepa, an LA-based electronic musician, multimedia artist and mad scientist 
  • Tacos by Chef Mario of The Briks, a local Mexican North African restaurant
  • One beverage (aguas frescas, house wine or beer)
  • An award presentation featuring Councilmember Jose Huizar, Director of City Planning Vince Bertoni, and Seleta Reynolds, General Manager of LADOT
  • Community performances, mural walks, and more to be announced!

Thanks to our event sponsors for their generous support!

Upcoming Events
APA Los Angeles & South Park BID Present:
People St Block Party & Award Celebration

Tuesday, August 23

6-8 PM
$10 members / $15 non-members/ $5 students

Join APA Los Angeles and the South Park BID as we celebrate People St as a recipient of a 2016 National Planning Achievement Award, one of just six nationwide. To celebrate, we're throwing a summer block party with music, tacos, beverages, and mingling around the Hope Street Parklet between 11th and 12th Streets.

Tickets include tacos and a beverage from The Briks, music by DJ Nalepa, performances from People St partners, South Park mural walks and more!

People St, a program of the City of Los Angeles' Department of Transportation, helps communities transform sections of Los Angeles' 7,500 miles of city streets into active, vibrant, and accessible public spaces.

People St facilitates partnerships between the community and the City of Los Angeles, uplifting grassroots initiatives and empowering community partners to build neighborhood support for plaza, parklets, and other public spaces.  The program exemplifies what can be done when planners work together with talented interdisciplinary teams of designers and engineers as well as the community to create memorable places.

Please take the Silver Line to 11th and Flower. The street will be shut down to through traffic for the block party and private parking in the area can be expensive.
APA Los Angeles and Metro

Transit Supportive Planning Toolkit Training

Wednesday, August 24

6 - 7:30 PM
IBI Group's DTLA office

315 W 9th St., Suite 600
Free, RSVP here
CM Credits Offered

Metro is collaborating with the Los Angeles Regional Collaborative for Climate Action and Sustainability (LARC) to develop a Transit Supportive Planning Toolkit that provides local municipalities with policy and regulatory tools to encourage implementation of transit oriented developments (TOD) in their jurisdictions. The Toolkit provides best practices, land use policies, sample ordinances, and other strategies that can be used by local municipalities to develop and adopt transit-supportive land use and zoning regulations. 

Metro is conducting a workshop to preview the Toolkit and obtain feedback on the content of the project. The workshops are geared towards local city and county planning department staff, regional agency staff, city planning commissioners, and members of neighborhood or planning advocacy organizations.

The workshop will include presentations on the content and tools in the Toolkit, with opportunities to ask questions and receive feedback from attendees about the situations faced in their cities.
The Toolkit is a component of a countywide climate action and sustainability plan entitled "A Greater Los Angeles, the Framework for Regional Climate Action and Sustainability" being developed by LARC. The LARC framework will provide Los Angeles County with regional policy direction, coordinated strategic planning, and best management practices for climate change mitigation and adaption strategies.

Accessible via Metro blue, purple and Expo line at 7th Street station. The event is free, but space is limited. Please RSVP here
SCAG Presents:
Toolbox Tuesday: Funding and Implementing First/Last Mile Access at Transit Stations
Tuesday, August 30

10 AM- 4 PM
Southern California Association of Governments
818 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017

Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) will be hosting a FREE all-day interactive seminar and workshop on a variety of First/Last Mile topics including planning and funding station access projects. 

The morning session (10 a.m. - 12 p.m.) will cover access issues facing Metrolink stations including active transportation access, re-designing stations as transportation centers and planning Transit Oriented Districts (TOD) at the suburban scale. 

The afternoon session (1 p.m. - 3 p.m.) will provide a preview of thee forthcoming SCAG Sustainability Planning Grant Program Call for Projects. This session will cover funding sources for active transportation access plans, as well as other examples of TOD planning Additionally, speakers will present recent efforts to integrate new mobility innovations such Lyft and Uber into local transit service.
The day will conclude with an open workshop format where you will be able to address specific project challenges with SCAG staff and other speakers. Lunch will be provided at the SCAG downtown LA office.

Latinos and Planning, APA Los Angeles Young & Emerging Planners, and the Urban Rising Group Present:

Investment without Displacement: The Complexities of Planning in Diverse Communities

Wednesday, August 31

6 - 8:30 PM

Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza

3650 W. Martin Luther King Blvd

How do we achieve development without displacement?  We all want better neighborhoods and amenities without being displaced. As development and investment spreads throughout the City of Los Angeles, current housing and economic conditions have impacted communities citywide.  As stakeholders in South Los Angeles begin to see development in their communities, the urgency of these matters has prompted community members, planners and activists to organize and collectively seek solutions, resources and tools to mitigate the impacts of economic injustice.  
This panel/workshop, part of APA Los Angeles' Dialogo series, continues the discussion on three important topics in relation to gentrification and the South Los Angeles community: Housing, Transportation Policy, and Economic Development. It also seeks to provide community planners, members and activists with tools to combat gentrification and other impacts of economic injustice in South Los Angeles. Other topics to be discussed include access to capital, homeownership, commercial real estate, renters rights, sense of ownership, and community collectiveness.

FREE to members and non-members. Presenters to be announced!
California Preservation Foundation Presents:

CEQA and Historic Resources: A Legal Introduction

Friday, September 9

1 - 4 PM

Southwestern Law School at Bullock's Wilshire

3050 Wilshire Blvd, Room BW390 
$80 / $65 members, including APA members


Discuss the CEQA process for evaluating impacts to historic resources, implementing appropriate mitigation measures, and more.  This program is tailored towards attorneys interested in CEQA case law as it pertains to historic properties.

You Will Be Able To...
  1. Determine what an historic resource is under CEQA and which thresholds require further study
  2. Identify the start-to-finish CEQA review process from initial study, to EIR, to mitigation.
  3. Examine the unique considerations for historic resources under the California Environmental Quality Act
  4. Using Case Law, understand the legal nuances of CEQA
Speakers include: 
  • Amy Minteer, Esq., Chatten-Brown & Carstens
  • Deborah Rosenthal, Esq., FAICP, FitzGerald Yap Kreditor LLP
  • Susan Brandt-Hawley, Esq., Brandt-Hawley Law Group
Includes 3 MCLE Continuing Education Units. APA Los Angeles members will be extended the member rate. To register, visit the California Preservation Foundation
Los Angeles Region Planning History Group Presents: 
Colloquium XIII - The COMPLETE STREET: Wrongs and Rights-of-Way

Saturday, September 10

9 AM - 2 PM 
The Huntington Library  

1151 Oxford Rd, San Marino
$50 / $35 students

At its 13th colloquium, LARPHG presents a history of the use of our streets and applies the lessons of the past to future policies and practice.

Did you know that most of the open space in Los Angeles is dedicated to our public streets?
The history of how we have used this precious resource has changed over time. With the recent emphasis on "complete streets" the region is exploring new ways to adapt our streets from "automobile" focused thoroughfares to "multi-modal" places.
Planners promise that recapturing the public street right-of-way for people will address transportation, health, environmental, and quality of life needs.

Speakers include Greg Fischer, Rock Miller, Deborah Murphy, Ryan Johnson, Claire Bowin, Fred Dock and Nathan Baird.
Come hear about the past, the present, and the implications for the streets of the future. Admission includes continental breakfast and lunch.

Register at   
APA Los Angeles Presents:
Summer in the City: Burbank
Thursday, September 15

6 - 8:30 PM
Downtown Burbank
145 S. San Fernando Blvd. 91502
FREE for Students & Members / $10 non-members 
CM Credits Pending

For our final Summer in the City event of 2016, join us in downtown Burbank as we learn more about your favorite Scandinavian home goods retailer and their decision to stay in Burbank and build a new 456,000 square foot store. We will be learning more about the project entitlement and environmental review process, and how the landscape in this area of the city has changed since the project was first proposed - new streets, new development, new opportunities. Then we will turn our attention to the existing IKEA site.

When the new IKEA store opens next spring, and leaves behind its old space in the Burbank Town Center, dramatic changes are proposed for the area. Over 750 multi-family units are proposed for the former IKEA site and an additional 70 for-sale units are proposed nearby. Additionally, the overhauled property would have an open-air plaza, 40,000 square feet for "fresh retail tenants," and open space for outdoor recreation opportunities, dining, and farmers markets. 

At the conclusion of our walking and transit tour of the site IKEA locations, we will head to Story Tavern in the heart of Downtown Burbank for food, drinks, and an opportunity to network with colleagues. CM Credit for this evening is pending. Additional information on speakers coming soon!
Congratulations to Our New AICP Members!

In May, 10 members of the Los Angeles section passed the AICP exam, representing more than 20% of all successful candidates in California. Congratulations to each of them on this tremendous accomplishment!
  • Ashley Atkinson
  • Agustin Barajas
  • Aviva Brown
  • Stephanie Hawner
  • Ashley Hefner
  • Shreya Malu
  • Sean McPherson
  • Peter Sun
  • John Swartz
  • Max Thelander
For more information about preparation for the November exam, contact our Professional Development Directors at

UCLA Student Receives National Scholarship

As the 2016 recipient of APA's Judith McManus Price Scholarship, UCLA graduate student Ana Bonilla recieves $4,000 toward her planning degree.

After several years working in the healthy communities field Ana's decision to return to school to pursue a Master's in Urban and Regional Planning was fueled by the inextricable link between planning and other disciplines, specifically, public health. Ana looks forward to a career where she can apply principles of both planning and public health to address the links between health equity and land use decisions in Los Angeles County. Please join us in congratulating Ana Bonilla!
Seeking Donations for Our CPF Auction Baskets  

The APA California Conference is coming up

October 22-25 at the Pasadena Convention Center. One of the signature events is the Silent and Live Auction of items and gift baskets to benefit the California Planning Foundation (CPF). Each year, planners show their dedication and support for CPF by donating amazing items to help fund scholarships for planning students. Taking place on Sunday, October 23, the event will feature entertainment, food, drink and fun all in one place to support a great cause! 

APA Los Angeles will be preparing three gift baskets for the auction.  As such, we are seeking members to donate items that match the conference theme of "Creating Our Future - The Art of Planning," with a special emphasis on items, services, art, or event tickets that highlight the art and beauty of Los Angeles!  We're seeking your help to make our baskets the best of the auction!  Please contact CPF Liaison Ana Cubas at if you have any items to donate. Thank you and we look forward to receiving your great ideas and items!
Suggestions for APA Los Angeles Book Club?

We are gearing up for the Fall edition of the APA Los Angeles Book Club. We've identified a few excellent choices, but wanted to ask our membership for their suggestions before we finalize.

What book have you read, or re-read, that spoke to you about high-quality and inspiring urban planning?

Where would be a great place to hold the book club discussion this Fall?

Please forward your suggestions for book or location by August 22 to Steve Gerhardt, AICP, Programs Committee member, at

State Conference Ambassador Program for Young Planners Recruiting Hosts & Guests!

The 2016 APA California Conference Ambassador Program is an opportunity for visiting Young Planners Group (YPG) and Student APA members outside of the host section attending the 2016 State Conference to fellowship with and be hosted by a fellow YPG or student member from the host area. The intent of the program is to provide these visiting planners with a unique conference experience by allowing them to directly connect with local planners while also aiding with conference rooming cost. If you are a current YPG or Student member who is interested in being a host or guest please sign up below!

Hosts sign up here 
Guests sign up here

State Conference Registration Goes Up 9/15!

Get on Board for the Pasadena Conference and register before the next rate increase -- see the program at!

Sponsor & Exhibitor Deadline August 31
The conference is quickly approaching, and exhibit booth and sponsorship packages are now available through August 31. For more information about the variety of packages available, please see the sponsorship and exhibitor brochure.

2017 National Conference Proposals Due 8/25

Planning is on the move. Get on board! Take the APA train to the 2017 National Planning Conference in New York City, May 6-9 2017.

Is your work advancing the field of planning? Do you have insights that would enlighten your colleagues in the field? Propose a session, workshop, or discussion and help make the 2017 conference the hottest place for planners everywhere.

Session; deep dive; facilitated discussion; general and student posters; Fast, Funny, or Passionate proposals are due August 25. See for details and guidelines. Proposals must be submitted by an American Planning Association member.

Pro Bono Community Planning Assistance Now Available from APA California

APA's California Chapter has launched a program to provide volunteer professional planning assistance to financially constrained municipalities and community groups throughout the state. By pairing expert planning professionals with residents and other stakeholders from communities with limited resources, the Community Planning Assistance Team (CPAT) program seeks to foster community education, engagement, and empowerment. Team members are selected for their expertise and will engage community representatives in a short but intensive planning process that can develop visions, strategies, plans, or processes.

APA members that wish to volunteer their services and cities or organizations that need pro bono professional planning assistance may visit APA California for more information and to register. 
Our Sponsors
Planning Manager
City of San Gabriel

Associate Planner
City of El Monte

Group Leader, Planning + Programs
Alta Planning + Design

Senior Planner
RRM Design Group

Supervising Planner
County of Monterey

Housing Director
Hollywood Community Housing Corp.

Associate/Senior Planner
Benton County, Oregon

Senior Planner
City of Ventura

Principal Planner
City of Concord

Air Quality/Noise Specialist
EcoTierra Consulting, Inc.

Associate/Assistant Planner
City of Riverside

Professional Planning Intern
Lisa Wise Consulting, Inc.

Associate Land Use Planner
Land Use Developers Corp.

Assistant Planner
City of Brea

Planning Technician
City of Brea

Land Development/City Planning Internship
California Home Builders

Administrative Intern

Associate Planner
City of Bell

Planning Intern
City of La Verne

Assistant Planner
City of Vista

Senior, Associate and Assistant Planners
Civic Solutions, Inc.

Senior Planning Manager
WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff

APA Los Angeles | 950 South Flower Street | Suite 120 | Los Angeles | CA | 90015