Summer in the City Continues: Downtown Azusa Tour
Thank you to the professionals and students who joined APA Los Angeles and the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals June 4 in downtown Azusa! It was great to learn more about new Gold Line Station and future development in the downtown area. Also, a big thanks to the staff at Congregation Alehouse for a quick lesson in planning for brewery traffic.
Tonight! Celebrate Award-Winning Planning with Keynote Gail Goldberg
Join us tonight for APA Los Angeles' 2016 Awards Gala at the Colburn School in Downtown Los Angeles! Gail Goldberg, FAICP and Executive Director of the Urban Land Institute Los Angeles, is our keynote speaker.
5 PM - NOW AT CAPACITY - Experience the Broad Museum's contemporary art collection
Event Program:
6-7 PM - Hors d'Ouevres and Hosted Bar
7-8:30 PM - Ceremony with Keynote Speaker Gail Goldberg
8:30-9:30 PM - Coffee and Dessert Reception
10 PM - Young and Emerging Planning Professionals' After-Party at Casey's Irish Pub - RSVP requested; award ticket not required
APA Los Angeles looks forward to seeing you there!
Convention Re-Invention. How Will LA Create a Convention Center Superstar?
Wednesday, June 29
6:30-8:30 PM
Taix French Restaurant 1911 W. Sunset Boulevard, 90026
$25 students / $30 SCPC members / $30 non-members
1.5 CM Credits Available
Long striving for competitiveness in the international convention and tourism marketplace, the Los Angeles Convention Center/Farmer's Field partnership held promise. Though the sports venue has gone elsewhere, billions of dollars continue to be invested in Downtown Los Angeles, and the development of eleven new and planned area hotels represent a critical link. A promising strategy for the Los Angeles Convention Center may finally, and permanently, cement the facility's prominence as a convention and tourism superstar in an increasingly bustling downtown.
- Robert "Bud" Ovrom, Executive Director, Department of Convention and Tourism Development
On-site registration (checks only) is an additional $10 and not guaranteed. For further information, contact Bob Fazio at (626) 765-4036 or at
APA Los Angeles Presents: 
Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank Tour
Saturday, July 16
8 AM - 1 PM
Petersen Ranch Conference Center 13213 Johnson Road, Lake Hughes CA
$20 members / $25 non-members / $15 students
CM Credits Requested
Remember when you learned about mitigation banking in your environmental planning course? Well, now you can see what a mitigation bank actually looks like! Join APA Los Angeles for a tour of Petersen Ranch. The Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank consists of two sites in unincorporated Los Angeles County: the approximately 4,000 acre Petersen Ranch near Leona Valley and the 300+ acre Elizabeth Lake site located within the Angeles National Forest, on the shores of Elizabeth Lake.
Petersen Ranch is the largest mitigation bank in California and the first mitigation bank in Los Angeles County. Target resources include: wetland and riparian habitats; desert wash; alluvial floodplain; oak & juniper woodlands; native grasslands; mixed chaparral; and scrub communities. The Bank also contains foraging habitat for Swainsons Hawk, and potential habitat for Burrowing Owl, Coast Horned Lizard, Golden & Bald Eagle and other sensitive species.
Speakers include:
- Tracey Brownfield, Land Veritas
- Julie Vandermost Beeman, VCS Environmental
This event is limited to 20 attendees. We will be using four wheel drive vehicles to tour the site and the schedule includes drive time. As we get closer to the tour date, we will firm up travel and logistics information with attendees. Lunch will be provided.
Institute of Transportation Engineers & Young Professionals in Transportation Present:
TransportationCamp Anaheim
Sunday, August 14
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
$35 Registration
Join hundreds of innovative thinkers and doers to talk about the future of transportation at TransportationCamp in Anaheim brought to you by the Institute of Transportation Professionals and Young Professionals in Transportation. This unconference is about connecting all types of transportation professionals and giving each of you an opportunity to voice your outlook, ideas and opinions on how we all can work together to create better communities and positively affect the quality of life for millions of people.This is not a traditional conference. The session topics and activities are suggested by the attendees. TransportationCamp provides an opportunity for every attendee to be a participant in shaping and leading the event. Be prepared to get involved and meet people. Major themes reflect the backgrounds and interests of the participants. Questions? Contact Colleen Agan at or visit
State Conference Registration Now Open!
Don't miss this year's APA California conference at the Pasadena Convention Center, October 22-25! For more details and registration, visit the conference site.
State Conference Volunteers Needed
The conference is quickly approaching, and we need your help to make sure the Los Angeles Section shines and delivers an amazing event. Wherever your interests lie, there is a place for you to volunteer. Anyone interested should email Bryan Eck at
Pro Bono Community Planning Assistance Now Available from APA California
APA's California Chapter has launched a program to provide volunteer professional planning assistance to financially constrained municipalities and community groups throughout the state. By pairing expert planning professionals with residents and other stakeholders from communities with limited resources, the Community Planning Assistance Team (CPAT) program seeks to foster community education, engagement, and empowerment. Team members are selected for their expertise and will engage community representatives in a short but intensive planning process that can develop visions, strategies, plans, or processes.
APA members that wish to volunteer their services and cities or organizations that need pro bono professional planning assistance may visit APA California for more information and to register.
Youth Scholarships - Women in Green Forum
The Women in Green Forum (WIGF) is the premier conference series highlighting women's impact on the environmental industry. The 7th Annual WIGF will convene leaders in the environmental movement, drawing an international audience of sustainability experts including academic researchers, CSR executives, energy analysts, and technology developers. The WIGF also appeals to regulatory agencies involved in developing policies and legislation surrounding green technologies for the private and public sectors. This is an opportunity for sustainability professionals from all sectors to share ideas and create lasting partnerships.
The Youth Leadership Program sponsored by American Honda Motor Co. includes a scholarship program to recruit students (high school and college) to attend the Women In Green Forum, a mentorship program that connects later stage professionals with students for career counseling sessions and the presentation of the 2016 Youth Trailblazer Award during the luncheon at the Forum. If you are a full-time student and interested in attending the Women In Green Forum, please complete a Youth Leadership Program Scholarship Application and submit your completed application by July 1, 2016.