Last Chance to Submit APA Awards Nominations!
The Call for Nominations for the 2016 APA Los Angeles Awards are closes Wednesday, March 16. We need your help in identifying and nominating outstanding planning projects, activities, and individuals in the Los Angeles region. This is your opportunity to gain recognition for the efforts of your department, firm, or city in contributing to the field of planning. Download the 2016 Nomination Form here.
Apply Now for CPF Student Scholarships
Each year the California Planning Foundation (CPF) invites planning students to compete for a number of scholarships. Awards are based on criteria including academic performance, financial need, increasing diversity in the planning profession, and a commitment to serve the planning profession in California after graduation. All scholarships include a one-year APA student membership. Applications are due April 15 .
APA Los Angeles is proud to have contributed $4,000 toward a $1,000 Section Scholarship for one student at each of our four local universities: Cal Poly Pomona, CSU Northridge, UCLA and USC. These scholarships are designed for continuing students entering their final year of an eligible undergraduate or master's degree program. For an application and a list of eligible programs, visit the CPF web site.
APA Los Angeles Presents:
Vince Bertoni: A Vision for Planning in Los Angeles
Monday, March 21
6-8 PM
Los Angeles City Hall
Tom Bradley Room, 27th Floor
200 N. Spring St. 90012
Free for members / $10 student non-members / $25 non-members
Vince Bertoni, newly appointed director of the Los Angeles Department of City Planning, returns to LA to guide the City and the department through a time of change and opportunity.
Planners are invited to join APA Los Angeles as Vince shares his vision for planning and discusses the work ahead in conversation with Josh Stephens, Contributing Editor to the California Planning & Development Report. Beverages and light refreshments will be served. Vince's 27 years of professional planning experience include service as Director of Planning and Community Development for the City of Pasadena, Deputy Planning Director for the City of Los Angeles and Planning Director for the cities of Beverly Hills, Santa Clarita, and Malibu. Vince is a member of the California Planning Roundtable and the American Institute of Certified Planners.
Transit is available via the Red Line Civic Center/Grand Park Station and Metro bus lines. Public parking is available in the underground garage at 140 N. Judge John Aiso St., $3 flat rate after 5 PM.
APA Los Angeles Presents:
AICP Exam Prep Workshop
8:30 AM - 1 PM
Sol Price School of Public Policy
University of Southern California
$20 members / $10 students / $40 non-members
Prepare for the AICP exam in May or November with APA LA's annual AICP Study Session. Distinguished faculty and planning professionals will give targeted lectures on a variety of exam topics, including: housing, urban design, land use and development regulations, visioning and goal setting, planning law, and planning ethics. This event is intended for people who are already signed up to take the exam, and those considering it in the near future.
- Carol Barrett, FAICP, Assistant Director of Planning and Transportation, City of Burbank
- Matt Glesne, City Planner, City of Los Angeles
- Woodie Tescher, Principal, PlaceWorks
- Geoff Danker, AICP, Senior Environmental Policy Advisor, Southern California Gas Company
- Diana Varat, Lecturer, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, Department of Urban Planning
Continental breakfast is provided.
There is ample bike parking on campus, as well as several transit options, including the Expo Line. Arrivals by car should use Gate 3 on Figueroa and park in structure PS-X. Parking is $10.
LABC's 10th Anniversary Sustainability Summit
7 AM - 2 PM
Getty Center
1200 Getty Center Dr. 90049
$175 government/non-profit / $250 LABC Member / $325 General
APA Los Angeles is proud to join LABC as a cooperating organization for their 10th Anniversary Sustainability Summit on April 29, and VIP Tribute to U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer on March 31. See flyer below for more information and register with LABC.
CA Delegates Needed for Conference Assembly
Are you attending the 2016 APA National Conference in Phoenix? If so, please consider representing the California Chapter at the Delegate Assembly on Sunday, April 3, 1-3 PM. The items for review this year are two draft policy papers on water issues and freight movement. California has the largest number of delegates(17) to this major annual policy discussion, so a full contingent can make a big impact on national policy. Please contact John Terrell, State VP for Policy & Legislation if you can participate or have questions:
Great Places in California Nominations Now Open
The California Chapter of the America Planning Association is pleased to announce the launch of the 2016 Great Places in California Awards. A Great Place in California is one that exemplifies character, quality and excellent planning. It can be anywhere from the beach to the mountains, from a large city to a small community. It can be a vibrant downtown, a suburban gathering place, a historic small town, a public park, or preserved open space. Most important, it must be a place where people want to be! Three awards will be announced in mid-April. Please see the nomination form for additional information on the Great Place in California recognition. Nominations are due Friday, March 18.
Click here to submit. If you have any questions, please contact Tricia Stevens, Great Places Award Coordinator, at
Local AICP Exam Study Groups Forming Now
Are you confirmed to take the the AICP exam in May? Have you been dedicating the necessary time to review the required study materials? Are you thinking that a study group might help you prepare? If so, we want to help. If you are interested in forming a study group, please email Richard Rojas at
Make an Easy Trip to the National Conference!
For planners in Los Angeles, Phoenix is just a one-hour flight or six-hour drive away - an easy trip for all or part of APA's National Conference, April 2-5 at the Phoenix Convention Center. Check out what planning's new landscape has to offer and visit for more information.
SCAG Call for Student Posters on Sustainability
The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) is hosting its 51st Annual Regional Conference & General Assembly on May 5 and 6 at the La Quinta Resort & Club in La Quinta. SCAG will be hosting an exhibit of exceptional student projects in the discipline of urban and regional planning. Selected students will have the opportunity to showcase their projects at the conference exhibit hall on May 6 to an audience of elected officials, planning practitioners and various public, private and non-profit stakeholders from across Southern California. SCAG is requesting abstracts for student-led projects that demonstrate innovative solutions to sustainability-related planning issues on a local or regional scale. To download the poster session guidelines, please visit SCAG's Regional Conference & General Assembly website: Submissions are due by April 4 at 2 p.m.
If you have further questions, contact India Brookover,
New On-Demand Videos from APA California
APA California is offering free previews of its entire on-demand video catalogue -- including six new titles from the 2015 Oakland Conference. Convenient, informative, inexpensive and timely, these videos are the next best thing to attending a live conference session. Let's take care of those CM credit deficits!
UC Berkeley Tech Transfer Winter Courses
UC Berkeley Tech Transfer would like to share with APA members their latest training courses offered online and across the state, which now include multimodal transportation and best practices in California. Visit UC Berkeley Tech Transfer for more information!