Warmest Wishes for a wonderful holiday.
1 (630) 262-1234

  Ahhh once again another year is coming to an end. We here at Designers Desk just wanted to take a quick moment to thank each and everyone for your continued support as it means the world to us! 

 As we finish up 2014 and get ready for 2015 we wish you the very best of holiday seasons. May you all be safe and enjoy time with family and friends. We wish to offer our thanks with 2 specials for you that will let you say good bye to 2014 while ringing in 2015 with some great new projects. Below are 2 very special discount offerings from us to you that will continue through January 5th 2015 . Make sure between all your big holiday meals you stop on by the store and take advantage of these limited offerings.

30% off all Christmas themed items in the entire store

Our discount basement will be 75% off instead of the usual 50% off

These offers are good through January 5th 2015 only so don't miss out!!!

  Thank you all again so very much and we hope to see you all real soon here at DESIGNERS DESK !!

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