Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church 
Weekly News For
Sunday, Aug 21 2016
Dear Friends,

It's the place in the drugstore where customers often linger the longest: the greeting-card display. You'll see them standing before the card rack in deep concentration, just before holidays like Mother's Day, Father's Day or Valentine's Day. They're looking for the perfect card: the one that expresses just what they want to say to that special someone.

Some cards are dripping with sentimentality. Others are plain and simple: just the facts, ma'am. For those who shrink from expressing affection in a direct way,  the humorous cards are always an option.

Love and language are closely tied together in our minds. Finding just the right words seems very important to us.

This Sunday, we'll continue our sermon series on 1 Corinthians 13 by examining that chapter's first verse: "If I speak in the tongues of mortals or of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal." Speaking in tongues - a very particular sort of religious language - was a point of controversy in the Corinthian church.

Paul's not so interested in the details of the controversy as he is in identifying a fundamental problem at the root of the dispute: a lack of love. We'd do well to pay closer attention to that, in all our human interactions.

Let's talk about love! 
Pastor Carl
This Sunday
Sunday, August 21, 2016


10:00 a.m. - Worship/Special Music
11:00 a.m. -  Coffee Hour

Prayerfully Consider
"Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."  Philippians 4:6

The Prayer Person for the week of August 21 is Donna Wittmann. Let us be prayerfully aware of Donna, as well as all our members and friends.

Prayer Concerns: The family of Maria Rosa De Trizio (Rosanna Maimone's mother) Louis Coppolino; Dianne Weber; Doug Chase, Sr.; Leigh Millar; Sue Williams.

Long term concerns: Jacob Basilotto; Cliff Brendler; Elsie Cason; Trey Childers; Gayle Ferry; George Griffiths (Cousin of Heidi Steinert); KC Lanagan; Maryanne Leach; Ethel Lemke (mother-in-law of Scott Smith); Margie McGhee; Jim Millar; Gerda Mooney; Edith Pula; Craig Recca (family of Heidi Steinert); Bob Ryan (Nancy Cook's brother); Nancy Smith; Mary Steinert; Les Thornton; Stan Thornton; Gwen Whitworth; Bill Williams; Karen Winter; Lillian Winters; those struggling with addictions and mental illness.

Military: Morgan Daniels; Michael Fahey III; Matthew Warren; all those in our nation's service.

         PPPC NEWS

BAPTISMS - Baptisms will take place on Sunday, September 18 at the 10:00 am worship service. Ordinarily, at least one parent must be a member of PPPC. For more information, please call the Church Office.  

NOW IS THE TIME - To stock up on items to be used in the Church World Service School Kits and Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.  It is the ideal time to get your "back to school" supplies on sale.  These kits and boxes will be assembled and collected later in the year. 

WAYS TO BE INVOLVED - We have a great team of people who care and participate in our church family. There are many activities to be a part of beginning this Fall.  The following list is just some of opportunities we would love to have you participate in our church.
□ Boy Scouts of America
□ Bread Hospitality Team
□ Chancel Choir
□ Choral Bells
□ Church School Program
□ Claremont Care Center Sunday Worship
□ Coffee Hour Hosts
□ Dove Choir
□ Greeters on Sundays
□ Interfaith Hospitality Network
□ Kitchen Committee
□ Prayer Chain
□ Presbyterian Women
□ Ushering
□ Worship Leade
□ Youth Connection Volunteers
If you would like further information on any of these or additional opportunities please call the Church office at 732-899-0587 or return the insert in the offering plate. 

Looking for an "Angel" (or "Angels")

It probably sounds very odd to be talking now about Christmas, amidst the summer sunshine, but we have a need for a special financial gift (or gifts) to pay for the string quartet who will accompany the Chancel Choir's presentation of Antonio Vivaldi's Gloria during our morning worship service this December 11.

We need to raise $1,000 to pay for these professional musicians. It could be one single gift, or several. Would you be willing to be the "angel" who makes this happen (or one of several angels)?

Please speak to Bill Shoppell or to one of the pastors to find out more. Blessings!
Hungry Teenagers
Almost everyone knows how hungry teenagers can get.  With Youth Connection starting up in a few weeks, we are looking for donations of snacks and treats that we can serve during our meetings.  From donations of chips and snacks, to baked goods or even gift card donations to stores like Stop N Shop, we are asking for your help. We meet weekly and have about 10 kids on any given night.    Even small donations, will save us money as well as contribute to the needs of others and allow you to be a part of this important ministry in our church.  

Whether you make the treats yourself, or buy snacks at the store, your thoughtfulness and generosity in donating snacks will be greatly appreciated.  Items can be dropped off in the church during the week and/or placed in the church kitchen.    

Does this sound like something you could help us with? Please contact Courtney Rzeplinski at 732-552-6737.  Please mark all donations "Youth Connection!" 

PDA Response to Louisiana Flooding

Massive, unprecedented flooding in the vicinity of Baton Rouge, Louisiana has led to unprecedented devastation. The amount of rain that fell in such a short time has never been seen before. Stormwater-runoff systems that have been adequate in the past were simply not able to handle the sudden demand.

We know, from our own experience after Sandy, what a blessing volunteers from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) can be to survivors engaged in the slow work of recovery. PDA is now receiving donations to support this important work.

If you would like to contribute, you can do so either by making a check payable to Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church, with "Louisiana Floods" in the memo line, or online on the PDA website. Thank you for extending a helping hand!
Stony Point Center Needs a Car

We've received word that Stony Point Center, our denomination's national conference center just north of New York City, is in need of a car to replace one that volunteers and staff members regularly used to pick up Center guests who arrive by train or plane. Here's what the Center's Director, Rick Ufford-Chase, has to say about the need:

Stony Point was already looking for its next "donor vehicle" when our last remaining car was totaled earlier this month. The good news is that no other vehicles were involved in the accident and no one was injured, but our beloved Toyota Avalon is no longer! The bad news is that it is a long walk to the train station and even longer walk to the airport.

We are seeking one or more vehicles to support our guests and the important networking and outreach work of the Community of Living Traditions.

Older models and high mileage are acceptable as long as the vehicle is in good mechanical condition. We are happy to travel significant distances to pick it up. This would be an allowable deduction for charitable giving for tax purposes.

More information on this need is available here.

Please contact Rick at (845) 608-4056 by text or phone or by email at: rickuffordchase@gmail.com

                         VOLUNTEER VILLAGE

Groups Scheduled for our Volunteer Village in 2016

Volunteer Village seating Sunday, August 21 - Lend A Hand 
Thursday October 6 - Lend A Hand 
Sunday,  October 23 - Lend A Hand 
                         IMAGE OF THE WEEK

In the front of the Church Sanctuary is a plaque in memoriam of 
The Rev. William Luke Cunningham

The plaque reads:

The Communion table is in loving memory of his Christlike work.   
Out of his own funds, he purchased the pulpit and the chancel furniture 
we are still using, to this day.   
On September 22, 1889 the Session met and unanimously voted to call The Rev. William Cunningham to serve as its fourth pastor but its first full time minister. 
Due to health reasons, the Rev. Cunningham rendered his resignation to Session on September 19, 1897.  In his letter he wrote: "My earnest prayer is that the Great Head of the Church may abundantly bless and prosper the work and that from the humblest member to the highest officer there may be an enlargement of the spirit of consecration to God and activity for the fuller display of His glory."
May his prayer still be heard today.


CHURCH CALENDAR - The latest edition of the church calendar is available online, on the church's website. 

Sunday, August 21
10:00 a.m. - Worship/Special Music

Monday, August 22
12:00 p.m. - Lunch at the Rainbow Diner, all welcome

Tuesday, August 23
10:00 a.m. - Busy Hands
6:00 p.m. - Eagle Scout Review

Wednesday, August 24
9:00 a.m. - Women's Breakfast at the Rainbow Diner

Thursday, August 25
8:00 a.m. - Men's Breakfast at US Subs
Friday, August 26

Saturday, August 27

Sunday, August 21
10:00 a.m. - Worship/Special Music
birthday blessingBirthday Blessings

Aug 13 Maryanne Leach, Jeannette Peterson
Aug 14 Sandra Grebel
Aug 15 
Aug 16 Virginia Aiello, Brielle Shekon
Aug 17 Stephen Reid, Kenneth Winter
Aug 18 Christina Parrott
Aug 19 Lindsay Bucsek,Theresa Williams, Dawson Wittmann
Aug 20 Heather Jensen
Aug 21 Samuel Nelson, Kaitlyn Ridge
Aug 22  Joseph DeRosa, Julie Nase, Lynn O'Hara, Shayne Shekon
Aug 23 Jessica Nagan
Aug 24 Zachary Leek-Clayton
Aug 25 Sean McCrossan
Aug 26 Joan Borduin
Aug 27 Danielle Allgor
Aug 28 Courtney Bixby
Aug 29
Aug 30 Lynn Hahm
Aug 31 Lisa Van Winkle

Coming Soon
Monday, August 29
9:00 a.m. PW Coordinating Team
7:00 p.m. - Deacon's Meeting

Thursday, September 8
7:30 p.m. - Chancel Choir Rehearsals begin

Sunday, September 11
10:00 a.m. Sunday School Orientation

Monday, September 12 
6:15 p.m. - Choral Bells Begins

Tuesday, September 13
7:00 p.m. - Committee Meetings
8:00 p.m. - Session Meeting

Wednesday, September 14
4:45 p.m. - Dove Choir Begins
6:30 p.m. - Youth Connection grades 6-12th Begins

Sunday, September 18
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School Begins in Worship




The Rev. Carl Wilton, Ph.D., Pastor

The Rev. Linda Chase, Associate Pastor


Office Staff 

Kim Gaydos, Church Secretary 

Donna Ferry, Financial Secretary

Dee D'Amore, Volunteer Village Bookkeeper 


Music Staff

Sara Hoey, Organist

William Shoppell, Chancel Choir and Choral Bells Director

Rebecca Muraglia, Acting Dove Choir Director


Christian Education Staff

 Courtney Rzeplinski, Youth Connection Coordinator

Tricia Stoffers, Sunday School Coordinator 

Devlin House, Point Beach Prep Preschool Director

Quick Links 

Full Calendar of Events

Make a Safe, Online Contribution

Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church

 701 Forman Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742

(Corner of Bay and Forman Avenues) 


Church Office: 732-899-0587 Fax: 732-899-2946

Visit us at http://www.pointpresbyterian.org

Church Office: mail@pointpresbyterian.org