Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church 
Weekly News For
Sunday, August 9, 2015
REMINDER - We will NOT be worshiping 
in the Sanctuary this Sunday 

We will worship at Camp Zehnder at the start of the Church Picnic. More details are in the article below. 

Camp Zehnder, 

Herbertsville Road, Brick Sunday, August 9, 2015 

10:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m.  


Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. followed by Food, Swimming, Fishing and Games (including a well-equipped playground).  


At our informal worship service, you'll have a chance - if you wish - to share something of how you experience God at work in your life, your church and your community. 


This year's theme is: GOD SIGHTINGS.  In VBS this past week, the children have been sharing God Sightings as part of their lesson each night. It's a great thing for everyone to do! Following the service everyone can then pursue their favorite activities.  


The weather for Sunday is forecasted to be wonderful with clear skies and temperatures in the mid 70s going up to the low 80s.  Just perfect  for a picnic! There is a large roofed pavilion that will provide plenty of shade.  


Items to bring include:

  • A dish to share (appetizer or dessert)
  • Folding Chairs
  • Bathing suits with a towel
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses and hats
  • Towels 

We also need Volunteers for cooking and a few people to come early for setup (between 9 and 9:30).


Everyone's welcome, members and friends of the church alike! If you did not get a chance to RSVP just come.  We will be happy to see you!

This Sunday

Sunday, August 9, 2015

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Luke 24:13-31


The Rev. Linda Chase (and the congregation) preaching:  "GOD SIGHTINGS"


10:00 a.m. - Worship at Camp Zehnder  

Prayerfully Consider
"Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."  Philippians 4:6
The Prayer Person for the week of August 9 is Charlotte Rath. Let us be prayerfully aware of Charlotte, as well as all our members and friends.
Prayer concerns: The family of Jane Stryker; David Allen; Charles Badami; Fred Bierach; Jules Bierach, Jr; Nick Cox; Vincent DeMartino; Lois Francello; Jacob Mendelsohn;   Maureen Oakley; Barbara Reid; Courtney Norton Rzeplinski, Mary Steinert

Long term concerns: David Allen; Bill Blauvelt (Jacque Thornton's brother in law); Andre Bucsek; Kathryn Feldman (Bill Shoppell's sister); Elise Cason; George Griffiths (Cousin of Heidi Steinert); Nicholas Hudnut; Robbie Mangan (Uncle of Kerry Jones); Margie McGhee; Jane Millar; Maureen Oakley (Aunt of Heidi Steinert); Cherisse Petruzzi; Gemma Roberts; Ralph and Nancy Smith; Gail Ward; those struggling with addictions and mental illness.

Military: Michael Limpantsis; Matthew Warren; all those in the military.  
         PPPC NEWS


OPEN HOUSE Rich Bavier and Arlene Wacha are having an open house for our church family.  You are invited...........
DATE: August 15, Saturday
Time: Starting 2 pm
BRING: Lawn chair and bathing suit
Phone: (732) 458-9598
CALL for directions and let Rich and Arlene know if you're coming
so they will prepare enough food!
Bring blessings with you and enjoy a day together to appreciate the moment. 


ANOTHER FUN NIGHT AT THE BLUE CLAWS - We are once again having a family fun night at the Blue Claws.  The game will be on August 28 and starts at 7:05 p.m. at Energy Park in Lakewood. Admission is $10 per adult and $8 for children 5-12 years old.  That evening there will be a Post-Game Fireworks Spectacular - the biggest, brightest, most colorful fireworks show at the Shore! We have a few people already signed up up but there is still room for plenty more. For signup, see the sheet outside the church office or speak with Dee D'Amore (732-552-98732-552-9861)who is organizing the event for the Caring Committee.    


PW COOKBOOK UPDATE..... Fish do swim" and we are floating along so if you have a few more recipes out there, please remember to get them in by the August 24th deadline. We are a little light on soups, salads, drinks, and side dishes. Our book is riding a wave to completion. Which way is the Beach?? - Nancy Jalowski and Karen Norby


ST. GREGORY'S PANTRY NEEDS - St. Gregory's Pantry gives temporary aid (a 4 day supply of food and personal items) to approximately 1200 individuals annually.  Pantry stocks run low in the Summer. Items to be donated to the Pantry can be dropped off in the baskets in the Narthex.  A lot of the Pantry's clients have microwave cooking only, so items that can be microwaved or eaten out of a can are always needed.  Can openers are always needed.  Do you have a surplus of produce from your garden this Summer?  Consider dropping it off at the Pantry M-F from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. Clients especially love receiving fresh produce. Thank you for continually supporting this great need in our own community. 

Vacation Bible School

Each night of VBS was a lesson about Jesus.  He was a kid with a family going to church and living a full life of serving others. 

Night one: Jesus had a family...we do too.  We decorated our banks we used to raise money for Bibles to send to children in Thailand.  For every $4 raised we can send 1 Bible.  We tie-died our shirts that we will wear to the Church Picnic this Sunday.

Night two:  Jesus had a name...we do too.  We talked about how the Angel Gabriel came to Mary to tell her the news that she would give birth to God's son and his name would be Jesus.  We learned the meaning of Jesus name and looked up the meanings of our own names.  We then decorated our names in bubble letters.

Night three:  Jesus served others, we do too.  We talked about what it means to serve others, and how we can always be faithful servants.  We made placemats and blessing bags full of toiletries to bring across the street to Mary's Table and the Pantry.  We also made some new decorative stones for outside the Annex.

Night four:  Jesus had a home...we do too.  "There is always room in my Father's house".  We drew pictures of our own homes.  Mrs. Norby taught us how to make oragami animals and we talked about each one's home.  We focused on how God always provides us with the shelter we need. We finished up painting our stones.
Friday's lesson will be Jesus went to church...we do too.  We will talk about what it means to be a part of a church.  Each person is appreciated for their service within their church.  Then we will end with fun and games and a pizza party!

Reminder all VBS kids are invited to join us this Sunday, August 9 at the Church Picnic to celebrate our week of Vacation Bible School.  We will be wearing our tye-died shirts.
A big thank you to Christina Parrott, Kelly Iadarola, Karen Norby, and Marion Blackford who made this year's Vacation Bible School a success.  

Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) Arriving Later this Month
IHN Trailer


Once again we have the privilege of hosting the IHN families August 23-29.  As a reminder, we need church members and friends to provide meals each night, host(s) to welcome the families upon their arrival and get acquainted with them and 2 members to stay overnight each night.  In the past we have had no trouble getting members to provide meals and to be hosts. 


Our biggest need is for people to stay overnight. If you know how to sleep, you can do this! Just a reminder of what that entails:  

  • Being in the annex by 9 p.m. when the doors are locked for the night. 
  • Sleeping on a bed which is set up downstairs in one of the Sunday school rooms.  
  • Being available in case of any emergency.  
  • Leave shortly after 7 am when the families leave for the day.  

Why not find a BUDDY ( a spouse would be just fine) and spend a night in the Education  Annex?


The sign- up sheet is in the church Narthex; or, just call or email Kim in the Church Office. 


Groups for the remainder of the year include:

Sunday, August 16 - Lend A Hand, Carlisle, PA
Sunday, Oct 4 - Helping Hands of Lehigh Presbytery, PA and First Presbyterian Church, Warren, PA
Sunday, Oct 11- Lend A Hand, Carlisle, PA
Sunday, Oct 18 - Scioto Valley Presbytery, Columbus, OH
We Need YOUR Help To....


No, the work's not over yet - not by a long shot. Restoring the Jersey Shore after Sandy is a multi-year process, involving many people deploying many talents. But it's some of the most rewarding volunteer work you could possibly do. 


Our "Restore the Shore" mission here at PPPC is running a 36-bed Volunteer Village for work teams from all over the country, who give up a week of their time to travel here and help people rebuild their primary homes. Our local volunteers don't often pick up a hammer, but we do pick up a casserole dish or a computer mouse or a clipboard and help make the Volunteer Village experience a rewarding one for all who come to lend a hand.


Our work is in partnership with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, who provide us with resources and support and who manage group bookings from their central office. 


We're about to mark the three-year anniversary of the opening of the PPPC Volunteer Village - the largest and busiest PDA facility in the State.  Some volunteers who have been giving their all since the project began are ready to have others step up and take their places. They've done wonderful work, but after 3 years they're more than ready to share the joy of local mission work with others who haven't yet had the experience.


So, what positions are we trying to fill?  Currently, there are five, all of which are vital to the Volunteer Village. They are (with a brief description):


1. Cooking Team Member

Cooking teams are groups of about 6 people who - once every 6 or 8 weeks - work together to cook a welcome meal for each team on their first night. There are open slots on several Cooking Teams. All food expenses are covered by Volunteer Village funds contributed by the visiting work teams. 


2.  Host Site Coordinator

This liaison person communicates with the PDA booking office each week and with leaders of incoming volunteer teams. He or she makes sure the proper paperwork is completed, communicates with the cooking and shopping teams, makes a final check to be sure the Village is ready for the arrival of the next group, and attends monthly Sandy Team meetings.


3.  Construction / Work Coordinator(s) - THIS TASK CAN BE SHARED AMONG SEVERAL PEOPLE 

This person works with partner relief organizations to match the talents of each work team with pre-approved projects that have been identified by the relief organization, and to make sure the proper equipment is on hand. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A CONSTRUCTION MANAGER yourself in order to do this - actual construction management is handled by our partner agencies. (Of course, being "handy" certainly helps.)


4.   Volunteer Village Statistician

This person maintains records of volunteer numbers, locations where volunteers have worked, and the hours worked. Other duties may include being a back-up Orientation Leader and being the primary contact person for building emergencies.  (These additional duties may be split off and be done by other volunteers.)


5. Orientation Leader


This person greets groups upon their arrival, has dinner with them and gives a half-hour orientation talk. This talk (for which we have a detailed outline) involves telling the story of Superstorm Sandy and how it has affected the local area, as well as explaining policies related to their use of the Volunteer Village. In the past, the Sandy Team has provided a modest stipend for the Orientation Leader, and that continues to be a possibility.  


THERE IS MONEY AVAILABLE from Volunteer Village funds to cover expenses related to these positions.  


If you would like to serve your church and help this wonderful and important mission continue - or if you want to find out more - please contact one of the pastors, or Nancy Stout at nlstout@optonline.net.


Imprisoned Pastors in Sudan Have Been Freed

Many of us have been praying for Presbyterian pastors the Rev. Yat Michael and the Rev. Peter Yen Reith, who have been imprisoned for 8 months by the government of the Republic of Sudan on trumped-up charges. The PC(USA) announced the good news this past week that both pastors have been freed.

A range of charges had been filed against the pair, some of which could have resulted in life in prison or the death penalty had they been convicted.

Sudan, a Muslim nation, is one of the most difficult places in the world for Christians to practice their faith. The bitter civil war between the Muslim north and the Christian south that resulted in the establishment of South Sudan as an independent nation has left hard feelings.

"We thank God for their release and for all the PC(USA) congregations that prayed for them," said the Rev. Philip Akway Obang, general secretary of the South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church. Good news indeed! 

Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church
701 Forman Avenue

Pt. Pleasant, NJ 08742

Will be hosting


A Sandy Survivor Support Group

Leaders: Pat Greeley (Mental Health Association of NJ)

and Lynn Hahm


Every Wednesday, beginning September 16th from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Contact Pat Greeley 908-872-5096


This support group "workshop" approaches grieving as a unique process in that every individual responds differently to losses - of a loved one, a way of life, possessions, peace of mind, etc. - but all must come to that place of radical acceptance. This is the place where we understand we may not have chosen to come to, but where "life" has taken us. Therefore, we embrace it and choose to live a full life in it.

What to Expect in Grief
Coping With Grief
Healthy Ways to Grieve
Feeling Alone
Adjusting to New Realities
How Thinking Shapes How You Grieve
Anger With God
Grieving With Hope and Joy


                     PPPC IMAGE OF THE WEEK

Vacation Bible School 



CHURCH CALENDAR - The latest edition of the church calendar is available online, on the church's website. 


Sunday, August 9  
10:00 a.m. - Worship at CAMP ZEHNDER - CHURCH PICNIC 


Monday, August 10


Tuesday, August 11
 10:00 a.m. - Eye Openers, Chittick Lounge


Wednesday, August 12
9:00 a.m. - Women's Breakfast at the Rainbow Diner

7:00 p.m. - Sandy Team Meeting, CE Annex

Thursday, August 13
7:30 a.m. - Men's Breakfast at US Subs  


Friday, August 14  

Saturday, August 15  


Sunday, August 16  
10:00 a.m. - Worship/Baptism

Birthday Blessings 

Aug 9 Peggy Martin

Aug 10 Dorothy Giddes
Aug 11 Glenn Bongiovi, Peter Crawley, Elizabeth Ploskonka
Aug 12 Betsy Jinks
Aug 13 Maryanne Leach, Jeannette Peterson
Aug 14 Sandra Grebel, Bill Hoey
Aug 15 Joseph Friedrich
Aug 16 Virginia Aiello, Brielle Shekon
Aug 17 Emily Culos, Stephen Reid, Kenneth Winter
Aug 18 Christina Parrott
Aug 19 Lindsay Bucsek,Theresa Williams, Dawson Wittmann
Aug 20 Heather Jensen, Lois Thieleman
Aug 21 Samuel Nelson, Kaitlyn Ridge
Aug 22 Patrick Cox, Joseph DeRosa, Julie Nase, Lynn O'Hara,
Shayne Shekon
Aug 23 Jessica Nagan  
Aug 24 Zachary Leek-Clayton
Aug 25 Sean McCrossan
Aug 26 Joan Borduin
Aug 27 Danielle Allgor
Aug 28 Courtney Bixby
Aug 29
Aug 30 Lynn Hahm
Aug 31 Elaine Flannelly, Lisa Van Winkle



Start Up Dates in the Fall

August 24 - PW Coordinating Team Meeting
August 31 - Deacons Meeting 7:00 p.m.
September 9 - Dove Choir Rehearsals Begin
September 10 - Chancel Choir Rehearsals Begin
September 11 - Point Beach Prep Orientation
September 13 - Rally Day
September 14 - Choral Bell Rehearsals Begin
September 15 - Session Meeting
September 20 - Youth Connection Begins
September 20 - Sunday School Begins 




The Rev. Carl Wilton, Ph.D., Pastor

The Rev. Linda Chase, Associate Pastor


Office Staff 

Kim Gaydos, Church Secretary 

Donna Ferry, Financial Secretary

Dee D'Amore, Volunteer Village Bookkeeper 


Music Staff

Sara Hoey, Organist

William Shoppell, Chancel Choir and Choral Bells Director

Rebecca Muraglia, Acting Dove Choir Director


Christian Education Staff

 Courtney Rzeplinski, Youth Connection Coordinator

Tricia Stoffers, Sunday School Coordinator 

Devlin House, Point Beach Prep Preschool Director

Quick Links 

Full Calendar of Events

Make a Safe, Online Contribution

Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church

 701 Forman Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742

(Corner of Bay and Forman Avenues) 


Church Office: 732-899-0587 Fax: 732-899-2946

Visit us at http://www.pointpresbyterian.org

Church Office: mail@pointpresbyterian.org