Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church 
Weekly News For
Sunday, July 12, 2015
prodigal son
The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt


Carl and I are preaching from the parables of Jesus this summer.  We both are being challenged to hear and think differently about the parables because we are reading the book Short Stories by Jesus written by Amy-Jill Levine. 


She is a New Testament scholar who teaches New Testament studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School.  Dr. Levine describes herself as a "Yankee Jewish feminist who teachers in a predominantly Christian divinity school in the buckle of the Bible belt." By using her book in the preparing of our sermons we are discovering new insights into the parables as we see and hear them through Jewish eyes and ears.


Listen to the words of Dr. Levine herself as taken from her book:


"Religion has been defined as designed to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.  We do well to think of the parables of Jesus as doing the afflicting.  Therefore, if we hear a parable and think, 'I really like that' or worse, fail to take any challenge, we are not listening well enough.


Such listening is not only a challenge; it is also an art, and this art has become lost. Down through the centuries, starting with the Gospel writers themselves, the parables have been allegorized, moralized, christologized, and otherwise tamed into either platitudes such as 'God loves us' or  'Be nice' or, worse, assurances that all is right with the world as long as we believe in Jesus.  Too often we settle for easy interpretations:  we should be nice like the good Samaritan; we will be forgiven, as was the prodigal son; we should pray and not lose heart like the importuning widow.  When we seek universal morals from a genre that is designed to surprise, challenge, shake up, or incite and look for a single meaning in a form that opens to multiple interpretations, we are necessarily limiting the parables and, so ourselves.


If we stop with the easy lessons, good though they may be, we lose the way Jesus's first followers would have heard the parables, and we lose the genius of Jesus's teachings. Those followers, like Jesus himself, were Jews, and Jesus knew that parables were more than children's stories or restatements of common knowledge. They knew that parables and the tellers of parables were there to prompt them to see the world in a different way, to challenge, and at times to indict.


 We might be better off thinking, less about what they 'mean' and more about what they can 'do':  remind, provoke, refine, confront, disturb..."


Come this Sunday as we hopefully learn something new about the parable of the Prodigal Son.



Pastor Linda
This Sunday

Sunday, July 12, 2015

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 


 Luke 15: 13-22

The Rev. Linda Chase preaching: "AN OPEN ENDED STORY"


10:00 a.m. - Worship/Special Music/Healing Prayers 


This Sunday, you are welcomed to come forward for prayers of Healing, Wholeness and Thanksgiving during the final hymns.  
Prayerfully Consider
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  Philippians 4:6

The Prayer Person for the week of July 12 is Phyllis King. Let us be prayerfully aware of Phyllis, as well as all our members and friends.

Prayer concerns: Fred Bierach; Jules Bierach, Jr; Vincent DeMartino; Jeffrey Mathews; Jane Millar; Edith Pula; Courtney Norton Rzeplinski; Dawson Whittmann.

Long term concerns: Bill Blauvelt (Jacque Thornton's brother in law); Andre Bucsek;Kathryn Feldman (Bill Shoppell's sister); George Griffiths (Cousin of Heidi Steinert); Nicholas Hudnut; Chris Loeffler (father of Andrea Purtell); Robbie Mangan (Uncle of Kerry Jones); Margie McGhee; Gemma Roberts; Ralph Smith; Gail Ward; those struggling with addictions and mental illness.

Military: Michael Limpantsis; Matthew Warren; all those in the military. 

         PPPC NEWS

News and Notes

COFFEE HOUR - Please join us for coffee hour this Sunday  in the Chittick Lounge.   

THE CHURCH PICNIC - Signup for the picnic are going very well.  We only need 25 more people to reach our goal of 100 people.  The picnic will be at Camp Zehnder, Herbertsville Road, Brick Township on August 9, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m.  Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. followed by Food, Swimming Fishing and Games (including a playground).  We ask that you sign up to bring either an Appetizer, Salad or Dessert. You can email Kerry at kljones70@comcast.net and let her know how many and what you will bring or look for her this Sunday with the signup sheet.  


MISSION TRIPPERS HAVE RETURNED -  It was a wonderful trip for those that went on the week-long NYC-YSOP (Youth Service Opportunities Project) Mission Trip.  We will be hearing about their trip and the effect it had on them as they lead worship on July 26.  Thank you for your support of their trip through prayers and donations.  


SECOND QUARTER GIVING STATEMENTS - have been emailed to those who have requested electronic statements. Paper statements are now available in the Narthex. If you would like your statement emailed or if you have any questions, please contact Donna Ferry in the church office.


PW COOKBOOK - Did you have a fabulous 4th of July at the Jersey Shore?  Did you eat some very yummy salads, how about that marinate you used for your favorite meat?  I am "shore" you created some wonderful dishes!  How about sharing some of those "shore to please" recipes with us for the PW Cookbook.  The proceeds from the sale of the cookbook with be used to staff the nursery. We currently have 13 recipes, it will take a lot more than that to recreate a cookbook..  Please help us out by dropping off your favorite recipe at the church office, in the collection plate or e-mail it to ptpresbypwcookbook@gmail.com.  Karen and Nancy

Something New: A Facebook Discussion on the "Stories Told by Jesus" Series

Join us in a new adventure in Bible study, via Facebook! We've started a Facebook group for members and friends of PPPC to connect with one another and discuss Jesus' parables. It's called "Stories Told By Jesus Discussion."

It's a closed group - for the sake of avoiding inappropriate posts by advertisers and internet trolls - but we'll very happily add anyone who asks to join. Let's talk about Jesus' parables, especially those passages that form the basis of the sermon series that Carl and Linda are preaching this summer. Send a Facebook message to "Carlos Wilton" if you're interested in checking it out - we'll send you an invite!

Vacation Bible School August 3-7, 2015

Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church is happy to provide a Vacation Bible School in the air-conditioned Education Annex this Summer. Preparations for this fun-filled week are now being made. This program is for all children who have finished grades Pre-K through 5 and is open to kids from the entire community.

We will be exploring Nazareth and hear stories about Jesus' childhood from the best source of all...his mom, Mary! Everyone knows what it's like to hear your mom tell stories from your childhood. Can you imagine the kinds of stories Mary could tell? Take your kids back to Hometown Nazareth, where they'll stand up for their faith among people who doubt that the carpenter's son is really God's son.

Bring your friends as we explore ancient Nazareth from 5:30-8 pm. Our adventure will begin and finish downstairs in the CE Annex classrooms. Registration Forms can be downloaded or picked up in the Narthex and returned to the church office.

We could use help in the planning and during the week. Please email Christina Parrott (christinaparrott57@yahoo.com) and let her know you can help. Teen helpers are especially welcome!


Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)
IHN Smiling Girl

IHN is a national organization that provides housing and support programs for homeless families. While searching for permanent housing, families stay in participating churches for a week at a time. 


PPPC hosts families from IHN four times a year.  Host churches have opportunities to minister to the families in a variety of ways and often times those doing the serving (us) find themselves being blessed in return.


There are several ways in which to become involved with IHN. If many people would step up and do one part, the ministry would not seem overwhelming and more people would take ownership of this ministry. Here are some of the responsibilities needing to be done each time:


COOKS:  An evening meal needs to be cooked each night the families are with us. Each cook is notified ahead of time as to the number of families staying that week and if there are any dietary restrictions.


HOSTS:  Hosts are those who come and spend time with the families in the evening to make them feel welcome. Some hosts may help kids with homework and play with the children to give the parent(s) a break.


OVERNIGHTERS:  Each night two people from PPPC are needed to stay overnight. This is for safely as well as hospitality reasons. This is not a hard job. Overnighters may sleep on the bunks upstairs in the fellowship area of the annex or on cots in one of the Sunday school rooms downstairs. Why not find a "bunk buddy" and give this a try?  Those who stay overnight come around 9 pm and leave early the next morning.


SHOPPERS:  This person or persons shop for lunch and breakfast items for the guest. There is money for this.


ADDITIONAL NEEDS:  In addition to these ministries, we need people to do laundry once the families have left. That involves taking a pillow case full of dirty sheets home to wash; returning them clean and folded.


Do you have a trailer hitch?  We need one or more persons with a trailer hitch on a truck/van to move the IHN trailer to the next host church. Sometimes it is just across the street to St. Mary's.


Our next week to host is August 23-30, 2015.  Look for the sign- up sheet in the narthex soon and PLEASE sign up. If you have any questions see Linda Chase or Dorothy Tolley.


This week's PDA volunteer work group consists of ten members of the St. Giles Presbyterian Church who will be driving up from Orange Park, Florida. 

2015 Scheduled Groups
Sunday, July 12 - St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Orange Park, FL
Sunday, July 19 - First Presbyterian Church Yorktown, Yorktown, NY
Sunday, July 26 - Pine Run Presbyterian Church, Apollo, PA
Sunday, August 16 - Lend A Hand, Carlisle, PA
Sunday, Sept 20 - Lend A Hand, Carlisle, PA
Sunday, Oct 4 - Helping Hands of Lehigh Presbytery, PA and First Presbyterian Church, Warren, PA
Sunday, Oct 11- Lend A Hand, Carlisle, PA
Sunday, Oct 18 - Scioto Valley Presbytery, Columbus, OH
It takes a Village

Thank you to all our members who continually serve our Volunteer Village in so many different capacities.  The Sandy Team continues to meet and plan over these Summer months.  The next Sandy Team meeting is scheduled for August 12 at 7:00 p.m.

The following is a note from the Volunteer Village Guest Book:  

June 27, 2015 - Thank you so much for giving us the wonderful opportunity to do our part to help the people of Point Pleasant and the surrounding areas.  Your facility and warm hospitality, welcoming dinner and members of your Church certainly make for an enjoyable week.  God Bless you all in your mission as you continue to serve your community and the volunteers who come to assist.  Langhorne Presbyterian Church - Langhorne, PA.
                     PPPC IMAGE OF THE WEEK

Christie with daughters Rylie and Reece.

Congratulations to Church member Christie Rampone and the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team for beating Japan 5-2 to win the World Cup in Vancouver, Canada. This was Christie's fifth FIFA Women's World Cup.  



The latest edition of the church calendar is available online, on the church's website. 


Sunday, July 12

10:00 a.m. - Worship

Monday, July 13
9:00 a.m. - Princeton Review SAT Class, Chittick Lounge 

Tuesday, July 14
9:00 a.m. - Princeton Review SAT Class, Chittick Lounge
10:00 a.m. - Busy Hands, Fellowship Room

Wednesday, July 15
9:00 a.m. - Women's Breakfast at the Rainbow Diner
9:00 a.m. - Princeton Review SAT Class, Chittick Lounge

Thursday, July 16
7:30 a.m. - Men's Breakfast at US Subs
9:00 a.m. - Princeton Review SAT Class, Chittick Lounge

Friday, July 17
Saturday, July 18
Sunday, July 19
10:00 a.m. - Worship 

Birthday Blessings 

July 12 Christine Conway, Tisha Cox
July 13 Laura Landre, Marjorie Watson
July 14 Claire Pula
July 15 Kathryn Barbieri, Kerri Lee Hank, Doris Pennypacker,
Lauren Rauffer
July 16 Lindsey Knehr, Thomas Reinhold
July 17 Isabella DeRosa, Savannah Guerry, Kelly Hughes,
Lauren Hughes
July 18 JoAnna Liotta
July 19 Eileen Jinks, Ruthanne Paulus
July 20 Emily Dunston, Ryan Milancewich, Isabella Reid, Scott Smith
July 21 Robert Conway Jr.
July 22 Erin McGuire, Sandra Pasola, Sarah Sarbello
July 23 J. Louis Couche, Deborah McCrossan
July 24 Perry Collins, Allison Cox, Rebecca Crate,
Steven McDermitt, Marion Search
July 25 Christopher D'Ambrosio, Billy Findlay, Vivian Reid,
Virginia Waldie
July 26 Janice Carter, Shae Simpson
July 27 Nicholas Bamburak, Dana Ferguson, Felicia Nelson
July 28 Lauren Fix, Nancy Pazienza
July 29 Elizabeth Weber
July 30 Carol Bonebrake, George Koch, Jonathan Yount
July 31



Monday, August 3 through Friday, August 7
5:30-8:30 pm - Vacation Bible School

Sunday, August 9, 2015 
10:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. - Church Picnic, YMCA Camp Zehnder, Brick (includes Sunday worship; handicapped accessible)

Monday, August 24, 2015
PW Cookbook Recipes Deadline

Sunday, August 28, 2015
PPPC Night at the Blue Claws Game




The Rev. Carl Wilton, Ph.D., Pastor

The Rev. Linda Chase, Associate Pastor


Office Staff 

Kim Gaydos, Church Secretary 

Donna Ferry, Financial Secretary

Dee D'Amore, Volunteer Village Bookkeeper 


Music Staff

Sara Hoey, Organist

William Shoppell, Chancel Choir and Choral Bells Director

Rebecca Muraglia, Acting Dove Choir Director


Christian Education Staff

 Courtney Rzeplinski, Youth Connection Coordinator

Tricia Stoffers, Sunday School Coordinator 

Devlin House, Point Beach Prep Preschool Director

Quick Links 

Full Calendar of Events

Make a Safe, Online Contribution

Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church

 701 Forman Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742

(Corner of Bay and Forman Avenues) 


Church Office: 732-899-0587 Fax: 732-899-2946

Visit us at http://www.pointpresbyterian.org

Church Office: mail@pointpresbyterian.org