Please watch highlights from the 2015 Church Planters Banquet!


To view Leadership Pathways



May 4
E-Team Meetings
9:30am - Expand Team
Noon     - Equip Team
2pm      - Engage Team

May 7

National Day of Prayer 

event, 12-1pm, in the City Council Chamber at 

Jacksonville City Hall, 

117 Duval St. W.  


May 14

Leadership Team Meeting
@ Noon

May 19
Church Planter
Peer Learning Groups
9:30am & 7pm

May 21


JBA Quarterly Celebration
1:30pm - 3pm @

Click Here for flyer.


May 29, 30, 31

Greater Jacksonville Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham @ Veterans' Memorial Arena

May 04, 2015

My Encounter...


This evening I had an opportunity to talk about Jesus with a couple of nice women while shopping with my family in Walmart. As we wandered down an aisle looking for cooking oil, the two women approached us and asked us a question. One of them said, "Excuse me, did you know that the Bible talks about a mother god?" My wife responded, "No, we have never read that before."


At this point, Darlene moved on with the girls and I talked with the ladies. I asked them, "What kind of Bible are you referring to? What translation?" They used a New International Version and opened up their Bible to Revelation 22:17 and proceeded to make an argument for the existence of a mother god who provides salvation for mankind with Jesus. We spent some time talking about various texts in the Bible. They claimed they read the texts like Revelation 22:17 literally and interpreted them accurately. I disagreed and challenged their conclusions using Ephesians 5 and what I believe to be a contextually appropriate interpretation of Revelation 22. Unfortunately, once our conversation ended I was unable to persuade them to change their beliefs about a mother god. I pray the Lord will continue to place people in their paths who will provide a biblically faithful testimony about Him. The Christian Apologetics and Religious Ministry site offers a quick explanation about the cult whom these ladies represent. It is named the World Mission Society Church of God.


These nice ladies helped me learn 3 things about myself and the way I talk with others about Jesus.


 1) For most of our conversation I felt like they were talking at me instead of having a conversation with me about our theological beliefs. When I talk with people about Jesus, am I truly engaging in a conversation with them about Jesus or am I talking at them about Jesus. Do I respond to their questions and concerns? It seems that I should do more listening and less talking. Jesus asked a lot of questions.


2) I didn't feel like they cared about me as a person but really cared mostly about communicating their beliefs to me. I completely understand the importance of clearly explaining the gospel to those who do not yet have a relationship with Jesus. I must remember, however, that I am talking with people who have feelings. If I truly love people the way Jesus loved people, perhaps I will have more opportunities to tell them about Him.


3) They shared their beliefs with me. I would have walked past them if they had not said anything. This is the hardest lesson I learned tonight. I was in Walmart and there were probably many other Christians in Walmart too. Yet, these two women who worship a false god were the ones sharing their faith. As followers of Jesus we must be about fulfilling the Great Commission. In short, our purpose is to share our faith with others. Lifeway Christian Resources published a study about the frequency with which Protestant believers go about fulfilling the Great Commission. See below for some of the general conclusions of this study.

I thank the Lord for my time with the two ladies in Walmart. While the enemy surely desires to use them to lead others away from true faith in Jesus, perhaps God used our conversation to draw them to Himself.


Josh Dryer

Missional Strategist

Jacksonville Baptist Association




Church Announcements & Celebrations  


The Gospel Project Chronological Free Event - Workshop Preview, May 18th, 6:30-8pm at First Baptist Orange Park.

Click Here for details.


House Parent Opening - At the Florida Baptist Children's Home Jacksonville location. We are currently seeking one or two married couples to fill the position of house parents at our Jacksonville campus. The position of House Parent is a live-in residential cottage position for married couples only and marriage for at least two years is a bona-fide occupational qualification for the position.

Click Here for details.

Click Here for description statement.


National Day of Prayer - May 7, noon to 1pm @ the City of Council Chamber at Jacksonville City Hall, 117 Duval St. W. Pastors and ministry leaders from across Jacksonville will be leading prayers for Jacksonville, the State of Florida and our National leaders.


CWJC classes May 5-June 5 - @ Great Harvest Missionary Baptist Church, 5054-21 Soutel Dr, 32208.

To register, email Janet Kimmel,


Bilingual Pastor needed - Hibernia Baptist Church in Fleming Island Florida is currently seeking a bilingual Pastor (Spanish/English) to be over our Spanish group. For more information, please contact Paul Sweat at or 904-529-8944.

Opportunity - Local teens are in need of locations to complete court-ordered community service. If you are interested in allowing youth to complete community service at your church and maybe creating a mentor relationship, please contact Keith Money of the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice at 904-391-3806.


Executive Assistant position - Child Development Education Alliance is looking for an employee with long term goals. If you are interested in applying, please contact Ellen McKinley 904-573-8831 or 8833 or email

Click Here for details.


2015 Spring Revival - Fort Caroline Baptist, May 4th thru May 6th, 10am. Dr. John Sullivan will be the speaker.

Click Here for the details.

Back Up Pianist Needed - Orange Avenue Baptist Church is in need of a backup pianist for times their regular pianist is out. Please contact Curtis Phillips at 904-495-8414 or email


Needed used and or new Sound System - (etc... Microphones, Projectors, projector screen)- If you have any of this equipment and would like to pass this on to a new church plant, please contact Darriel Hagans at 904-528-0753 or email Joseph Lee at Or you can contact office number at 904-361-3820.


Chairs needed - Please contact Pastor David Mathis at (cell#) 904-415-5315 or (home) 904-879-0255. He also has a need for a PA system and other electronics for the church.


Music Organ needed - Union Progressive Baptist Church is in need of an organ. Pastor C. R. Morgan can be reached by email at


Parkwood Counseling Center - is a new resource in the Arlington community and greater Jacksonville area providing clinical counseling for all people. Using innovative, proven and creative strategies the clinicians will provide excellent care and compassion to help you and your family grow in health and stability. 

Click Here for details and cost.


Disaster Relief Training 2015 - Several areas in Florida for your opportunity in receiving training as a volunteer with the Disaster Relief Team.

Click Here for the details.


Special Announcement from Florida Baptist Convention 

At the February 2015 State Board of Missions meeting, legal counsel for the Convention was asked to provide a form bylaw provision that could be used by Baptist churches around Florida to clarify how their facilities, assets, and resources might be used. The following statement is provided for consideration by Florida Baptist churches.  If it meets the approval of these autonomous congregations, they may choose to insert this provision into their constitution or bylaws. The statement is attached for your review and also available on our website at:


Attention Pastors - If you are a young pastor of an established church and would be interested in gathering quarterly for fellowship and edification, please email John Green at


Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers Needed -

Abused, neglected, and abandoned children need YOUR voice in court. Please visit


Interim Music Leader needed - Springhill Baptist in Fernandina Beach is looking to secure an Part Time Music Man. If interested contact Pastor Bud Long (904) 553-7649.


Festival of




The Billy Graham Association is in Jacksonville! Franklin Graham will be here May 29-31, 2015 at the Veterans Memorial Arena.



Part-Time position for Teacher/Leader - in the Young Adult Dept. Hours: SUN 9am-12 & 6-7pm; WED 7-9pm, $100 per week. Please contact Pastor Steve Whitcomb at 904-910-3699 or send resume to


Part Time Choir Director needed - Good News Baptist Church (near Sandalwood High School)  is looking for a part-time choir director for Sunday 11:00 am worship service and Wednesday night rehearsal.  Please contact Pastor Steve Bailey at


Position Part Time - Dinsmore Baptist Church is looking for a part-time Worship Leader.

Please send your resume to and alternate reply address


Part-Time Music Director - Palm Valley Baptist Church in Ponte Vedra Beach is searching for a part-time Director of Music. Please send resume to:


If your JBA Church has an upcoming event or something to celebrate, let us know!

JBA Team

Rick Wheeler

Lead Missional Strategist

Josh Dryer
Missional Strategist 

Walter Bennett

Church Planting Coach/Strategist


Jeff Litton 

Missions Engagement Coordinator/

Financial Bookkeeper


Tim Driscoll

Digital storyteller


Tommy Minton

Ministry Assistant


Lynn Stone

Administrative Assistant