FEBRUARY  2016                                                                                               Volume 9 - Number 2
Monthly Messenger
President's Notes
Fellow Inspectors,

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."  Indeed, I planned to attend inspection world and did not, thanks to our lovely winter storm disrupting my flight.

I was however comforted by the many woes of suffering by our members that did attend. The woes were in the form of Facebook posts of the miserably sunny days, annoying light breezes, oppressively mild temperatures and pesky palm trees swaying in the breeze. Let's not forget the sorrow of whale watching while we're at it. I know those who attended were not disappointed.

If you attended and qualify for the Nova Ashi, Inspection World stipend, make sure you present your proof of attendance to our treasurer David Wingenbach to receive said stipend.

I am looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting and to hear about Inspection World. This is a good time to start planning for next year in Vegas.

It is a great start to a new year!

Your President,
Fernando Barrientos
Sign-up for the Spring Seminar!
I am pleased to announce the NOVA ASHI Spring Seminar, Saturday, March 26th. Glenn Mathewson, ICC Master Code Professional, will be speaking on "The Existing Structure" and "Furnaces and Water Heaters". The seminar is being offered at a very low price ($65!) as a benefit to NOVA ASHI members. Why? Because we like you! Also because Glenn Mathewson is a superb speaker and absolute expert on building codes.

The link below will take you to the seminar flyer for detailed information on the schedule and registration information.    

Saturday, March 26, 2016
8:00am - 4:45pm    
Hope to see you there!
Dave Rushton
NOVA ASHI Education Chairperson

Inspection World San Diego Attendees

photo care of Terry Strange

Thank You
I want to thank the NOVA ASHI Officers, Directors and Members for nominating me for the 2016 John E. Cox Member of the Year Award.  Being part of this amazing chapter has been a blessing to me both professionally and personally. I can't adequately explain to you how special we are as a chapter and how much you all mean to me. The best way I can thank you is to try to make ASHI better for all of its members and try to export our special brand of comradery to the rest of ASHI.

With heartfelt thanks,

James Funkhouser, NOVA ASHI Member

February Quiz
By Pete Jung

1. A home inspection report MUST include
     a. The general life expectancy of the roofing material
     b. Information on flammability of the roof material
     c. The type of roof material and the method of observation
     d. The age of the roof

2. Water hammer can occur as a result of
     a. A lack of air chambers
     b. Faulty shutoff valves
     c. Loose piping
     d. Low static water pressure
3. If a system designed for use with natural gas is supplied with propane gas
     a. No changes are needed for the equipment to function properly
     b. The flame will be too high unless a smaller orifice is installed
     c. The flame will be too low unless a larger orifice is installed
     d. The gas regulator and valve must be replaced

4. Low pressure boiler pipe do NOT carry steam pressure above
     a. 15 psi
     b. 12 psi
     c. 9   psi
     d. 6 psi
5. When an asphalt shingle roof is installed over existing shingles, leakage
        commonly occurs at the
     a. Eaves
     b. Penetrations
     c. Ridge
     d. Hip

January Quiz Answers 
By Pete Jung

1. Which has the LEAST effect on the deflection of a dimensional lumber
           floor system?
     a. Joist width
     b. Joist grade
     c. Joist species
     d. Joist spacing

2. The normal MAXIMUM rise of residential stair treads is
     a. 5 � inches
     b. 7 � inches
     c. 8 � inches
     d. 9 � inches
3. An ungrounded receptacle may be replaced by a ground fault circuit  
           interrupter installed
     a. On the same phase as the receptacle
     b. Upstream from the receptacle
     c. Downstream from the receptacle
     d. Anywhere in the receptacle branch circuit 
4. Circuit breakers
     a. Protect inhabitants by limiting shock duration
     b. Regulate power to the attached equipment
     c. Protect the wire from an electrical overload
     d. Measure the current in a circuit
5. In a forced air heating system containing a split system air conditioner and  
          a humidifier, humidity is reduced by
     a. Running a humidifier in reverse
     b. Condensation at the condenser coil
     c. Condensation at the evaporator coil
     d. Condensation within the compressor

Licensing Coming to Virginia
Licensing is in the works for all home inspectors who conduct inspections for compensation in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The bill was prefiled and ordered printed January 12th, and will be offered January 13th. Please see the VAREI website for more information and updates as changes occur. The New Construction bill and other relevant information is also available at varei.org.
NOVA ASHI Library 
One of the many member benefits of the chapter is access to the materials in the Library.  Each of the Carson Dunlop Technical Subject Module binders comes with a CD-ROM playable on a computer which will present a slideshow of many examples of things to look for, and things to be aware of.  If you learn visually, the CD-ROM's are a great way to expand your knowledge.  There are many other learning tools available. Additionally, please suggest any materials, documents, etc. that you know of that will help our member's learn, use as a reference, or assist in passing the National Exam. Talk to Andy Ling or Jim Kasterko at the monthly meeting to see what materials may benefit you!    
Drone Registration Required by FAA
Registration is free until January 21, 2016.  You do need to pay $5 by credit card, but will be refunded within 10 days.  After that it is $5 every three years.
If you owned your drone before December 21, 2015, it must be registered by February 19, 2016.  Registration is required for drones weighing more than .55lbs (250 gms), and less than 55lbs.  Click here for the full drone registration FAQ.  Click here to start the registration process.

Failure to register an aircraft may result in regulatory and criminal sanctions. The FAA may assess civil penalties up to $27,500. Criminal penalties include fines of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment for up to three years.

2015-2016  Officers, Directors,
Committee Chairs and Representatives
President:   Fernando Barrientos
Vice President:   Tony Toth
Secretary:   Bobby Mayberry
Treasurer:   Dave Wingenbach
Immediate Past President:   David Rushton
Director:   Isaac Kieffer (2014-2016)
Director:   Peter Anspach (2014-2016)
Director:   Dennis Pelczynski (2013-2015)
Director:   David Boulter (2013-2015)
Warden:    Isaac Kieffer
Website Chair:   Jim Vaughn
Newsletter Chair:   Scott Robertson
Library:   Jim Kasterko - Chair, Andy Ling
Membership Committee:   Pete Jung - Chair,
Jim Funkhouser, Jim Kasterko
Education Committee Chair:  David Rushton
By-Laws Committee Chair:   Pete Jung
Standards and Certification Chair: Jim Funkhouser
Mentoring Chair: 
Jerry Schwartz
Nominating Chair:  Pete Jung
Peer Review:  Pete Jung
Legislative Chair:   Fred Heppner
CoR Speaker:   Jim Funkhouser
CoR Representatives:
   Jim Funkhouser, Tony Toth
CoR Mid-Atlantic Group Leader (MAC ASHI):  Hollis Brown
ASHI Director:   Mark Londner
ASHI Education Committee:   Pete Jung, Jim Funkhouser
Public Relations Chair:   Matthew Drifmeyer 
Next Meeting
Tue - Feb 23, 2016
6:00pm - Associates Hour
6:00pm - Grey Group
6:00pm - Board of Directors
7:00pm - Chapter Business
8:00pm - Education Hour

Meeting Location
NVRC Offices
3951 Pender Drive, Suite 130
Fairfax, VA  22030

Associates Hour
Attic Mold - David Myrick
Valor Mold Removal

Education Hour
Glenn Dickey - "Home Energy Score Program" developed for the US Department of Energy
Collect Your Member Benefits
Don't forget to pick up your Member Benefits: The latest Code Check book and the User Friendly Home thumbdrive. See Andy Ling or Jim Kasterko in the library at the meeting.
Grey Group

Every chapter meeting from 6:00 to 7:00 PM we hold an open forum where you can ask whatever question you can come up with or just listen to veteran inspectors discuss what's on their minds.


Some recent discussions include:
- How to report specific
- "Condo" concerns outside of
       HI scope
- Incomplete (new)
       construction, how to report
- How to protect fees for "legal"



Call or Write us Any Time if you have a Question...don't wait until meeting night.


Jim Funkhouser 571-214-4039
Mark Londner 703-409-9762
Hall of Shame Pix?
Do you have pictures for us to use in the HoS slideshow?
Here's where to send them...

Odd months -  Jim Vaughn
Even months - Isaac Kieffer

Pictures submitted less than a week before the meeting may be used in the following months HoS slideshow.
2016 Calendar
Feb 23 - MM
Mar 22 - MM
Apr 26 - MM
May 24 - MM
Jun 28 - MM
Jul/Aug - No Meetings
Sep 27 - MM
Oct 25 - MM
Nov 22 - MM
Dec 20 - MM (3rd Tue)
Jan 17 - MM (3rd Tue)
Jan 22-25, 2017 - Inspection World - Bally's Las Vegas

Radio Show
Reggie Marston's
"The House P. I."

Northern Virginia:
Wed's  2-3 PM
TV Ch 37 Cox/Verizon digital
TV Ch 27 Comcast digital
On the internet at:

Salem Radio Network
Saturday 9-10 am

WTSB Raleigh, NC 1010 AM
Saturday Mornings 7-8 am

WKQA Norfolk, VA 1100 AM
Sundays 1-2 pm

Sponsor spots available,
contact Reggie Marston
O) 703-923-9769
M) 703-850-8990
NOVA ASHI - Scott Robertson | scottsoffice@gmail.com | www.novaashi.org