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It's been awhile!
You haven't seen an update from us in awhile, but we have been working on some renovation projects that we would love to share with you.
In the coming months, we will be featuring different Building Vision projects and design ideas for your homeStay tuned for the following newsletters!
March - Kitchen Cabinets
April - Tile and Stone
May - Exterior Areas
We recently finished this bathroom featuring a curbless shower and tub area.   See more
The Case for a Curbless Shower
Curbless showers are a growing trend in modern bathroom design.  Not only do they make the area feel more spacious, they are also accessible, which makes them a great fit for homeowners who plan on aging in their current homes.  (Click to read article)

Bath Projects by Building Vision
A remodeled bathroom can provide years of comfort now and help sell your house later.  Click here to see some of our bath remodeling projects on our website.
Looking for a way to bring together your design interests?  Make a free account with to easily collect pictures you like from the internet by pinning them onto virtual boards.  Then share them with your friends!  Our account can be found here. 
What does your home need?
Whether it's a bathroom or a kitchen, a full addition or small upgrades and repairs, our experienced team has what it takes to get the job done to your satisfaction and on your budget. Tell us more about your ideas for your home by visiting our website or calling us at 847-556-3474.  We look forward to hearing from you!
Stay warm, and watch for next month's newsletter on kitchens!
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