About Santa Barbara Infrared, Inc.
SBIR's focus is on providing well engineered, cost effective hardware and software solutions to the E-O community. Our extensive design capabilities cover the spectrum of infrared, laser, visible and dynamic scene projection applications. SBIR's proven systems engineering expertise combined with a practical, design-for-manufacturing approach results in production and custom instrumentation for the most discerning customers. Our goal is to design, produce and deliver the highest quality products that meet or exceed your expectations. Contact us today to see how we can help! Contact Information
Phone: (805) 965-3669
Fax: (805) 963-3858
30 S. Calle Cesar Chavez,
Suite D Santa Barbara, California 93103
SPIE 2011 Overview
Dear ,
Another successful SPIE tradeshow has come and gone leaving the military and defense community with plenty of exciting new technologies to look forward to in the years to come. Thanks to all that visited the SBIR booth. It was good to see everyone again. We hope to see you next year at the new location for the SPIE Defense, Security + Sensing Conference in Baltimore, MD on April 23rd-27th, 2012.
SBIR displayed video loops of our standard/commercial/military and MIRAGE product lines at the show. Our primary demonstration was our automated sensor testing software- IRWindows™4. IRWindows™4 was displayed with two separate test systems. One station was set up with a Model 13383 commercial target projector system for performing IR and Visible camera characterization. The second station was configured with our latest military IR/Vis/Laser handheld sensor tester- Common E-O. Our primary objective for displaying these turnkey systems was to demonstrate how easy it is in IRWindows™4 to create step by step instructions (with embedded video,audio and written instructions) for a lab technician (with no previous EO testing experience) to perform a set of tests on a device and have the system automatically determine if the system satisfies its' pass/fail criteria.
Information about these products is available by contacting us at sales@sbir.com or by visiting our website at www.sbir.com .
SBIR presented papers in two separate conferences and co-chaired the Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeliing, and Testing XXII conference. Paper presentations from the two conferences focused on the following three topics:
- A Common Architecture for TPS Development
- Enhanced LWIR NUC Using an Uncooled Microbolometer Camera
- Calibration of a High Dynamic Range, Low Light Level Visible Source
The 2011 publications will be available on our website in the very near future. For previous publications please click on the following link: http://www.sbir.com/publications.asp
44th Annual IR Detector & System Applications 5-day Short Course at UCSB
For the past 44 years, the University of California at Santa Barbara has offered the Infrared Detector and System Applications Course. This is a one week short course in their post graduate extension program. The dates for the course are June 13th thru June 17th, 2011. This has been a very successful short course program, each year attracting a large number of participants from the military, aerospace, scientific and commercial IR communities.
Santa Barbara Infrared has participated in this program for many years, providing an exhibit of test equipment during their Thursday lab session on testing. Later in the evening SBIR hosts an off-site demonstration of live testing of infrared cameras where guests are welcomed to an open discussion on test theory and applications.
Visit: http://www.extension.ucsb.edu/infrared for course details and logistics. If you do plan on attending the course, please leave Thursday evening open for a visit to our facility for food, drinks and a demonstration of camera testing.