Dear Environmental Center Supporter,

As many of you know, we've been hard at work bringing the Kansas Avenue Learning Garden to life over the last four years. From a weedy, vacant lot to a thriving outdoor classroom and neighborhood park, it's been a fun adventure for us and the kids at Amity Creek Elementary School and the downtown Boys and Girls Club.

This spring and summer, with input from the kids and the community, we've designed and planned the final build out of the garden. Our goals are to improve educational opportunities for kids, increase the amount of food we grow, and beautify this vibrant community space.

How will we do that? With your support, we will:
  • Build portable, stadium-style benches for our outdoor classroom.
  • Plant fruit trees and fruiting shrubs-the kids love fruit!
  • Build 17 more raised beds for growing food, for the kids and for nearby food pantries.
  • Build arbors at each entrance.
  • And lots more! Click here to learn more about what we have planned.

Now, we need your help to raise $5,185 for the wood, plants, and other materials we need to make our plan a reality.



We are raising the funds with our first-ever online fundraising campaign at IOBY--which stands for "In Our Back Yard"--is like KickStarter but for small, grassroots, neighborhood projects making a difference in our own back yards. IOBY is a perfect fit for us and this project, and a secure, easy way for you to learn about and support the final build out of the garden.

Every donation helps us meet our goal of $5,185! Help us teach more kids, grow more food, and sustain the garden as a beautiful neighborhood park. Donate now.

Thank you for your support! We couldn't do it without you.




Denise Rowcroft
Garden Coordinator

Mike Riley
Executive Director

Diane Dedrick
Board President


P.S. With your pledge of $75 or more today, your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar during the final campaign week!