
This is a quick mailshot to say that the UK paperback edition of "The Lost Empire of Atlantis" has just been published!


As with the US paperback, it contains a "P.S. Section" with some 30 pages of new evidence which we have gathered since the book first came out in 2011. The additional content reveals new information pertaining to the Great Lakes Copper Culture. Furthermore, it explores the radical theory that Plato's descriptions not only concern the great catastrophe which overtook Crete and Santorini, but also the underlying cosmic events - a worldwide phenomenon.  "The Lost Empire of Atlantis" deduces in the P.S. Section that this cosmic event did actually happen, and what it could signify for the future of the solar system - the sun has a twin and is not the centre of the universe.  The twin is vastly bigger than the sun and vastly hotter and brighter with all that this implies.


Plato's description is true - both in respect of Atlantis and the celestial event which ended that civilisation.  


The book will be published later on this year in foreign language editions in Brazil, Bulgaria, Serbia and Turkey. In the meantime, it is available for purchase from the following link in the UK, and should be available in most English-speaking countries via the usual online outlets:


All the best for 2013,

Gavin, Ian and the team


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