August 17, 2015

Julian Bond (January 14, 1940 - August 15, 2015), an American social activist and leader in the Civil Rights Movement, politician, professor, and writer
Remembering Julian Bond's HIV/AIDS Activisim
In 2008, the Black AIDS Institute recognized Julian Bond at the Heroes in the Struggle Award Ceremony-the annual fundraising gala held to|more


Darriane Hall

Douglas Brooks

HIV cells

Website collaboration
Darriane Hall: Closing the Gap of...
Darriane Hall will never forget the frank talks she used to have with her parents about the birds, bees and STDs. In fact, she attributes her desire as a teenager to dive headfirst into sexual-health work to the no-holds-barred conversations.|more 


What They're Saying: Release of Updated... 
On July 30, the President released the National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Updated to 2020 which will guide our efforts-at the national, state, and community levels-through the end of the decade. The updated Strategy retains the original|more 









HIV Cells Keep Duplicating Even When...
HIV can continue to multiply in patients who are responding well to antiretroviral therapy, U.K. researchers say.
Treatment advances over the last 30 years mean that HIV -- the virus that causes AIDS -- is suppressed to almost undetectable levels in|more 




Three Tips for Redesigning a Website...
Earlier this year, the National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) launched a new website to enhance our communication with state health department staff who implement HIV and hepatitis programs in the United|more









A cross-section of articles we've read this week about HIV/AIDS, STIs and a wide cross-section of structural and systemic factors impacting HIV/AIDS in Black communities.

Obamacare is really good at getting health insurance to people -- if their states' leaders let it.
Alicia Garza, who created the era-defining term 'Black Lives Matter,' says police are not the enemy of queer people.
A "sleeper" provision when Congress created Medicare in 1965 to cover health care for seniors, Medicaid now provides coverage to nearly 1 in 4 Americans, at an annual cost of more than $500 billion. Today, it is the workhorse of the U.S. health system, covering nearly half of all births, one-third of children and two-thirds of people in nursing homes.
Gains seen in how many adults have medical coverage, a doctor and say they are in better health
For people with a genetic subtype of the liver infection
Recent local elections laws have made it more difficult for Americans of color to vote.
N.W.A changed the music world with Straight Outta Compton, but they also made a different impact through a tragedy.
More than one-quarter of people with chronic hepatitis C at Kaiser-Permanente developed liver cirrhosis over 12 years and 40% of these experienced decompensation - higher rates than expected, according to a presentation at the recent Digestive Disease Week 2015 meeting in Washington, DC. The study also found that cirrhosis and decompensation were associated with comorbid conditions, supporting the idea of hepatitis C as a systemic disease.
Hormonal contraceptive methods are highly effective in reducing the risk of pregnancy in women living with HIV whether on antiretroviral therapy (ART) or not, according to an evaluation involving over 5000 women, according to a report at the 8th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Vancouver last month.

In This Issue
Phill Wilson
The world lost a hero on Sunday, with the passing of civil rights icon Julian Bond.
He was a huge hero in the fight against HIV and AIDS. He was always there. I never had to explain why it was important for him to show up on any of the|more 

September 8
BTAN National Meeting at USCA
Register here

September 9
BTAN Black PrEP Summit at USCA
Register here

September 10 - 13 
U.S. Conference on AIDS
Washington, DC 
For more information on events 
contact Gerald Garth at
or visit 









Copy Editor



Media and Public Relations Consultant

Founded in May of 1999, the Black AIDS Institute is the only national HIV/AIDS think tank focused exclusively on Black people. The Institute's Mission is to stop the AIDS pandemic in Black communities by engaging and mobilizing Black institutions and individuals in efforts to confront HIV. The Institute interprets public and private sector HIV policies, conducts trainings, offers technical assistance, disseminates information and provides advocacy mobilization from a uniquely and unapologetically Black point of view.

Support the Black Aids Institute through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC# 12320). The Institute holds the Independent Charities Seal of Excellence for meeting the highest standards of public accountability.