October 13, 2014

Keletso Makofane 
WHO Issues New PrEP Guidelines, but Challenges Remain...

Although gains have been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS, MSM are one of the key groups that continue to be most affected, with Black MSM accounting for|more 

No smoking

Douglas Brooks

Sylvia Burwel

We are the South
Internet-Based Smoke-Ending Program... 
Positively Smoke Free on the Web, an internet-based interactive smoking-cessation program designed for people with HIV, led to a twice greater quitting rate than|more 

USCA 2014: Federal HIV Programs... 
Federal HIV programs were in the spotlight at the 2014 U.S. Conference on AIDS as Mr. Douglas Brooks, Director of the White House Office of |more 

From the Desk of the Secretary... 

Recently, I had the opportunity to talk about the Affordable Care Act at the Brookings Institution.

When it comes to the Affordable Care Act, it's our|more 


'We Are the South' Rises with LGBTQ...
LGBTQ activists at the intersection of race, place, class, sexuality and so much more working toward racial justice in the South? No, you're not dreaming.|more 




A cross-section of articles we've read this week about HIV/AIDS, STIs and a wide cross-section of structural and systemic factors impacting HIV/AIDS in Black communities.




Dynamic Motion of HIV As It Readies an Attack: Seen in Real Time, For the First Time 


Technologies that allow investigators, for the first time, to watch what they call the 'dance' of HIV proteins on the virus' surface, which may contribute to how the virus infects human immune cells, have been developed by scientists. The new technology platform opens new possibilities for devising an approach to prevent HIV infection, note researchers


Researchers Pinpoint Origin of HIV Pandemic 


A group of researchers from Oxford University and the University of Leuven say they have pinpointed the place where HIV was first transmitted between humans, sparking a pandemic that would go on to touch some 75 million people in every corner of the globe. Through statistical analysis, the group determined that HIV is "almost certain" to have begun its spread from Kinshasa, now the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo, sometime around 1920.




Effective Treatments Available for HIV Patients Not Eligible for Efavirenz Regimens 


A new national clinical trial found HIV drug regimens that do not include efavirenz are effective as first-line antiretroviral therapy. The finding is important for patients who are not eligible for treatment with efavirenz, including women considering becoming pregnant and patients with a history of severe psychiatric disorders.




Clinical Trial Evaluates Heterologous Prime/Boost Regimens in Preventative HIV Vaccination 


HIV-1 vaccine development has been challenging but recent clinical trials have been promising.





Computers Turned into Powerful Allies in Fight Against AIDS 


The battle against AIDS cannot be won in the laboratory alone. To fight the potentially deadly virus that 34 million people are suffering from we need help from computers. Now research turns computers into powerful allies in the battle.


Georgia Has a New HIV/AIDS Online Portal 


ATLANTA (AP) - Health officials in Georgia have launched an online clearinghouse for information related to HIV/AIDS in the state.


Heroin Overdose Deaths Increased in Many States Through 2012 


Still twice as many people died from prescription opioid overdoses.


Raven-Symon�: 'I'm an American, I'm Not an African-American' 


In an interview with Oprah Winfrey on "Where Are They Now?" Raven-Symon� made clear that she doesn't "want to be labeled as gay," but rather as a "human who loves humans." Raven-Symon�, the star perhaps best known for her role on "The Cosby Show," who appeared to quietly come out last August, says she's tired of labels, adding, "I'm an American, I'm not an African-American," pointing out that an "American is a colorless person." 


Supreme Court Delivers Tacit Win to Gay Marriage 


WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court on Monday let stand appeals court rulings allowing same-sex marriage in five states, a major surprise that could signal the inevitability of the right of same-sex marriage nationwide.


Walmart to End Health Coverage for 30,000 Part-Time Workers 


Walmart Stores, the world's largest retailer and the nation's largest private employer, said on Tuesday that it would terminate health insurance coverage for about 30,000 part-time workers, joining a string of retailers that have rolled back benefits in response to the Affordable Care Act.

In This Issue
Phill Wilson

With Black gay and bisexual men now comprising three-fourths of new HIV infections in the United States, it's time that we seriously consider the new WHO guidelines recommending that MSM consider|more 




AIDS 2014 HUB Schedule


Thursday 10/16/14

BTAN: Louisiana  



The Field Academy Training


A free four week training program designed to train participants on the core strategies used for consumer outreach, follow-up and enrollment.  Weekly training sessions at 4PM EST on Wednesdays

  • Program runs October 8 - October 31
 Sign up here.



Ujima Men's Collective Conference 2014


October 24-26   

Fort Lauderdale, FL




Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment Key Dates:


11/15/14 - Open Enrollment begins


12/15/14 - Enroll by the 15th for new coverage that begins by Jan. 1, 2015


12/31/14 - Coverage ends for 2014 plans. Coverage for 2015 plans can start as soon as Jan 1, 2015.   


2/15/14 - Last day you can apply for 2015 coverage before the end of Open Enrollment   


Visit healthcare.gov for more infomation 


For more information on these events 

contact Rebekah

Isreal at


or visit 








Copy Editor



Media and Public Relations Consultant

Founded in May of 1999, the Black AIDS Institute is the only national HIV/AIDS think tank focused exclusively on Black people. The Institute's Mission is to stop the AIDS pandemic in Black communities by engaging and mobilizing Black institutions and individuals in efforts to confront HIV. The Institute interprets public and private sector HIV policies, conducts trainings, offers technical assistance, disseminates information and provides advocacy mobilization from a uniquely and unapologetically Black point of view.

Support the Black Aids Institute through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC# 12320). The Institute holds the Independent Charities Seal of Excellence for meeting the highest standards of public accountability.