August 13, 2013

Lolisa Gibson-Hunte
Coming Out: Lolisa Gibson-Hunte... 
The first in a series exploring the lives of people who have chosen to be out about their positive HIV status.|more 
kathleen-sebellius  bs-40015708    daniel-werfel    123rf-6592300   
Kathleen Sebelius     
Who to believe? 
Daniel Werfel
Getting high  
The Affordable Care Act and HIV...
Watch U.S. Secretary of Health, Kathleen Sebelius discuss the Affordable Care Act and how it benefits those at risk for or living with HIV.|more 

Five Things To Know About Obamacare...
Premiums will skyrocket next year! Premiums will be lower than expected! Premiums will be about the same!
Consumers are understandably confused after weeks of conflicting
pronouncements about the

Officials Face Obamacare 'Data Hub'...

Mary Agnes Carey speaks with Politico Pro's Jennifer Haberkorn about two House committee meetings on Capitol Hill Thursday where IRS and CMS officials faced questions about

HIV and Illicit Drugs Interact to Affect...

HIV infection and illicit drug use-usually smoking crack cocaine-appeared to have a compound negative impact on verbal learning and memory in a study of almost 1,400 women with |more 




A cross-section of articles we've read this week about HIV/AIDS, STIs and a wide cross-section of structural and systemic factors impacting HIV/AIDS in Black communities.




The Alarm Has (Really) Sounded 


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is sounding the alarm even louder. The national public health institute warns that HIV rates -- which remain at epidemic proportions -- are continuing to rise steadily among men who have sex with men (MSM).


Gay Blood Drive Puts Pressure on U.S. FDA Over Rules 


The first national Gay Blood Drive, held on July 12, aimed to pressure the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) into lifting a ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men. Ryan James Yezak organized the national blood drive. Yezak is a 26-year-old gay man from Houston who is filming a documentary about discrimination based on sexual orientation. The FDA bans blood and bone marrow donations from any man who has had sex with another man at any time since 1977. According to the FDA, men who have sex with men (MSM) made up 61 percent of new HIV infections in 2010, and although the overall HIV rate was stable from 2008 to 2010, the rate of infection increased 12 percent among MSM while the rate in other populations decreased.


Rectal STIs More Than Double HIV Risk Among Gay Men, Study Suggests 


HIV-negative gay men with rectal STIs (sexually transmitted infections) may be more than twice as likely to contract HIV, according to a study conducted by the New York City Department of Health and the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC).




Community Pharmacies are Effective Locations for Rapid HIV Testing 


Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have found that community-based pharmacies can be effective locations for offering rapid HIV testing, diagnosing HIV, and connecting those who test positive with medical care quickly. The study is in the August edition of the journal AIDS Patient Care and STDs.


Experts Say the Approval of Truvada for HIV Prevention Raises New Ethical Issues That Must Be Addressed 


The Food and Drug Administration's approval last year of the drug Truvada for prevention of HIV infection was a milestone in the fight against HIV/AIDS, but experts are cautioning that it is only the beginning of new ethical concerns for health care professionals, policy makers, researchers and those taking Truvada to prevent HIV infection.


Public Health Activists Concerned Over Lack of AIDS Prophylaxis 


Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), regarded by scientists as one of the safest and most effective means of preventing HIV infection and the development of AIDS after exposure to HIV, is largely considered an essential public health and emergency medicine protocol in preventing HIV/AIDS.




Trials Challenging HIV Drug Doses Could Usher in Huge Cost Cuts 


When researchers say they are trying to do more with less in the fight against HIV, they mean it. At last month's International AIDS Society (IAS) conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, researchers presented preliminary results from a clinical trial that showed a lower dose of the commonly used antiretroviral drug efavirenz was just as effective as the approved higher dose and seemed to cause fewer side effects in study participants.


Trial Finds More Support for Universal HIV Screening in Emergency Departments 


Screening everyone for HIV in the emergency department may be superior to testing only those with apparent risk, when trying to identify patients with undiagnosed HIV infection, according to a new results by researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC).




Gay Couples Rush to Wed as Minnesota, Rhode Island Legalize Same-Sex Marriage 


MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. - Dozens of gay couples began tying the knot early Thursday morning at Minneapolis City Hall as Minnesota - along with Rhode Island - became the latest state to legalize same-sex marriage.


With Open Enrollment on Horizon, Young People Key to Obamacare's Success 

Aside from House Republicans' 40th attempt last week to repeal or revise the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as "Obamacare," and their threat to shut down the government on Oct. 1 if the program is not defunded, the Obama administration's implementation of the health care reform law faces another roadblock -- getting young people to enroll. Open enrollment for health insurance exchanges kicks off Oct. 1 and in order for the program to be a success, young adults need to sign up.



































Raniyah Copeland
Raniyah M. Copeland
To help lay the foundation for ending the AIDS epidemic, the Black AIDS Institute believes that people living with HIV need to come out of the closet and live opening and proudly with HIV. Here activist Lolisa Gibson shares the story of her positive diagnosis and her decision to be open about her status.| more


African American HIV University
Science and Treatment College
Training One: Science Academy
August 5th-30th
University of California Los Angeles
BTAN DC Science and Advocacy Training

August 6-8, 2013
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Silver Spring Civic Building  

Friday August 9-11th, 2013: Fire Island Black Out, Fire Island, NY

Monday August 26, 2013:  Microbicides Training/Presentation, Atlanta, GA

Wednesday, August 28 - Monday, September 7th: Atlanta Pride, Atlanta, GA

National Black Treatment Advocates Network
"Reaching Viral Suppression in the Black South"
2013 USCA Preconference
New Orleans, LA
September 7, 2013
12:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.

September 8 - 11US Conference on AIDS (USCA), New Orleans, LA

Sunday, September 8US Conference on AIDS, New Orleans, LA, 2:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Session 1: BAI Partner Workshop - Evaluating Knowledge and Attitudes of the HIV/AIDS Workforce: Survey Results from the 2012 United States Conference on AIDS and 12 Major Cities Across the US

Tuesday, September 10US Conference on AIDS, New Orleans, LA, 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Tuesday Seminar Slot: BAI Partner Seminar - Retooling Bootcamp: Getting Ready for an Affordable Care Act and Biomedical Intervention World

Friday, September 27, 2013 - Sunday, September 29, 2013Unity of Greater New Orleans NOLA UNITY: A Multicultural LGBT Celebration  presented by the Movement at No AIDS Task Force, New Orleans, LA. For more information: 

Submit your event here









Copy Editor



Media and Public Relations Consultant

Founded in May of 1999, the Black AIDS Institute is the only national HIV/AIDS think tank focused exclusively on Black people. The Institute's Mission is to stop the AIDS pandemic in Black communities by engaging and mobilizing Black institutions and individuals in efforts to confront HIV. The Institute interprets public and private sector HIV policies, conducts trainings, offers technical assistance, disseminates information and provides advocacy mobilization from a uniquely and unapologetically Black point of view.

Support the Black aids institute through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC# 12320). The institute holds the independent Charities seal of excellence for meeting the highest standards of public accountability.