Community Resources

Character Trait for April: Perseverance

If, at first, you don't succeed....Try, try again!

Student News
Thank You, Partners!
Servant's Heart Center

Each week, volunteers from Servant's Heart Center deliver bags of food for our families in need. If you are able to support this wonderful organization, please click here:

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Patriots, as we approach the second half of the fourth quarter, I would like to remind everyone to FINISH STRONG! The final five weeks of the school year are just as important as the first five.

We will soon send invitations to the last awards ceremonies of the year, and I want to give out more awards than ever before. Volunteers and Partners in Education will be invited to celebrate their achievements and contributions to Winegard at our annual appreciation breakfast in May.

We will also host our MAGIC Graduation, final AR parties, and final math fact masters sundae celebrations. There are many important events coming up, and I encourage you to PERSEVERE (April character trait) in order to take advantage of all that Winegard offers.


Dr. Julie Helton, Principal
Winegard Elementary School
Upcoming Dates

April 6-April 30: 5th grade discount card fundraiser
April 28: (Tuesday) FSA Math for grade 5

April 30: (Thursday) FSA Math for grade 5
May 1: (Friday) FSA Math for grade 5
May 1: (Friday) Progress Reports Go Home
May 1: (Friday) College Colors Day
May 4: (Monday) AR Party for 5th Graders who met their goal in the third nine weeks
May 4-May 8: (Mon.-Fri.) Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
May 5: (Tuesday) SAC Meeting, 5:30 PM

May 27: (Wednesday) 5th grade MAGIC Graduation

Please click the OCPS Calendar from the left navigation column for more calendar information.

FSA Testing Schedule
The remainder of the testing schedule is below, along with a link to the Florida Department of Education. Florida Department of Education Testing Schedule:
Florida Department of Education Testing Schedule

Grade 5: FSA Math Testing* window will run Friday, April 24 - Monday, May 4. *Due to Grade 5 testing on the computer, the window of time is longer so that all students may rotate through the computer lab.
Sunshine State Book Voting
What's Your Favorite
Sunshine State Book?

Students who read at least three Sunshine State Books visited the Winegard voting precinct to cast their ballot for the best book. 

Results are being tabulated, and they will be announced soon. Thanks to all our students for voting.
i-Ready Student Results & Research
Last week, approximately 33% of Winegard students met the weekly goal of using i-Ready Reading and Math for one hour each.

Please see the research regarding learning gains for students using this program. It can be powerful for students WHO USE IT! i-Ready Learning Gains Research
Math Fact Masters
One hundred nine (109) students in grades K-5 were rewarded with ice cream sundaes for mastering all of the math facts relevant to their grade level standards.

Way to go! Congratulations to ALL our students!

Bricks 4 Kidz
This new after school program is coming to Winegard! The hands-on activities, performed with LEGO bricks, reinforce STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). To enroll, go to Winegard Bricks For Kids. The cost is $10 per class. 
 Earth Day Celebration

Thank you to Ms. Burton and the kindergarten team for helping our students learn about being kind to our Earth. Kindergarten and first graders who signed up were able to participate in an after-school campus clean-up. Our school looks great, thanks to them!
Teacher and Staff Appreciation
May 4-8 (Monday - Friday)
Please take time to reflect on the ways various employees at Winegard have impacted your life. The week of May 4-8 is the time to shower those special people with kindness! In order to help you prepare, here are the themes for each day:

Monday, 5/4 - NOTE SHOWER - have your child write a note to their teacher and those staff members who work with them, letting them know how much they appreciate them. Parents can send a note as well.

Tuesday, 5/5 - FLOWER POWER - have your child bring in one flower or a bunch of flowers for their teacher and those staff members who work with them.

Wednesday, 5/6 - SHORT AND SWEET - Wednesday is the short day during the week and we want the teachers and staff to know how sweet they are. Send in a sweet treat for the teacher and staff members, which could be candy, cupcakes, or CHOCOLATE!

Thursday, 5/7 - BREAKFAST - Teachers and staff will be treated to breakfast goodies. If you would like to donate to the breakfast (or lunch for Friday) please send cash or check made payable to Winegard PTA with "Appreciation Breakfast" in the Memo.

Friday, 5/8 - YOUR CHOICE! This is the final day of Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week, so do something extra special for those who help you!
Fifth Grade Field Trip & MAGIC Graduation
Fifth graders will travel to Walker Middle School on Wednesday, May 13. They will have the opportunity to learn about the curriculum and programs in middle school and get a bit more familiar with the campus. Permission slips will be sent home soon.
And, mark your calendars for the 5th grade MAGIC Graduation on Wednesday, May 27 at 9:00 AM.
Multicultural Night: Read and Roam Around the World: May 21, 2015
Mark your calendars: May 21 from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM. Each grade level, plus PTA, will represent a country!   
  • VPK-KD: Brazil
  • 1st grade: Costa Rica
  • 2nd grade: Italy
  • 3rd grade: Greece
  • 4th grade: Jamaica
  • 5th grade: Great Britain 
  • PTA: Ireland  

This year, our community and family members are invited to reserve a table in the cafeteria and share their culture!  You may want to bring food, d�cor, scrapbooks, or wear traditional clothing and display your love for your heritage.


Please email Diane Rosario at to participate and reserve your table. There are 24 tables available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students have begun learning about artists and artwork from their grade level's country. Artwork will be on display at Multicultural Night! We look forward to seeing you there!

Be a Part of History at Inaugural OCPS Hall of Fame
Orange County Public Schools is celebrating its first 145 years, with a gala celebration, and you can be a part of it. As part of the festivities, the district will recognize distinguished alumni, educators, and community champions, by inducting six people into the inaugural OCPS Hall of Fame.

On May 15, 2015, the community will gather at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort to celebrate the contributions the following people have made to our district:
  • Astronaut John Young, Orlando High Class of 1948
  • Former lawmaker Dick Batchelor, Evans High Class of 1966*
  • Baseball great Johnny Damon, Dr. Phillips High Class of 1992*
  • 2004 Miss America Ericka Dunlap, Boone High Class of 2000*
  • Philanthropist and hotelier Harris Rosen*
  • Long-time Jones High School band director James "Chief" Wilson*

*Confirmed to Attend


Tickets are on sale now at Don't miss the opportunity to meet these OCPS greats and learn about the rich history that has shaped the first 145 years of OCPS and what the future holds for our great district.