Oct. 2, 2015
Once again, a Currituck Extension staff member is in the news for outstanding accomplishments!  Sheila Gregory, Family and Consumer Science Program Assistant, was recently presented the statewide Excellence in Teamwork Award. Sheila does outstanding work with a variety of partners in Currituck County. We are so proud of this recognition. Read more.
October 8th is the deadline to register for the upcoming 4-H field trip to the Roanoke Rapids Hydro Power Station. The trip will take place on Monday, October 12 (a teacher workday). This is an excellent opportunity to have some fun while learning about electricity.
A jam and jelly canning class will be held on Thursday, October 8 from 1-3 at the Extension Center in Barco. Be sure to register and come out to learn how to preserve some of that fruity, summer goodness for the coming winter months! 
Living on the coast, hurricanes and flooding are a normal part of life. Equine owners should be prepared well in advance of an event to ensure the safety of their horses. Extension in Currituck has compiled some resources to help you get ready. Read more.
NC Cooperative Extension - Currituck County Center
120 Community Way
Barco, NC 27917
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