World at Fingertips

"Whatever You Look for You Will Find It, or It Will Find you.  There is always a Way, Sometimes You Just Can't See It. You need to remove the things that are in your way blocking you from seeing the way to finding what you seek."

Month, Day 20XX 
In This Issue
Another Day, another one tomorrow, each day a new chance in life ,

May this find you in a good place.

I sincerely wanted to let you know something that is very crucial to your happiness and fulfillment in this world. It is something that I have learned, as you have seen in my past motivational and personal guidance emails, or if you are new you will see, but the message remains the same: you are already rich.

Here is why, richness, abundance, fulfillment, happiness is a state of mind. Yes there are certain unalienable facts such as the basic essentials : being able to own your house out right or pay rent or mortgage, having a vehicle that runs and putting gas in it, insurances, health benefits, enough food on the table, an occasional break or vacation from work of some type, but hey, let's face it, why are we after all the rest of it?


Wealth and Happiness.  


We are after all of it because of movies, shows, tv, magazines, books, seeing other people, our peers, wanting to be cool, accepted, looked up to, wanting to be needed, fighting for significance, wanting freedome or power or control, trying to out do someone or keeping up with the Jones's, elitism and wanting to be the best, fame, fortune, exclusiveness, wanting to belong somewhere, security or safety, wanting to impress others, self-fulfillment, and so and so forth, the list goes on and on.

When we love things, we are loving something that can never love us back and thus will live an unfulfilled life no matter how much we have, whether we live in a $2Billion SkyScraper like that crazy rich guy in India, or whether we are the best looking person on the planet.


Again, this is not meant to be religious, you know I have said I am a Non Denominational Christian, but if you don't care for religion or are of another religion, I think we call can admit at some level the bible can be viewed as at least a very good book on how to live a good honest life. So let's look at one passage really quickly.


 Solving Inner Conflicts


"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle(small security gate to enter Jerusalem in old times) than it is for a wealthy man to enter through the gates of heaven"

What this means is when we are doing well, figuring things out, have money, attention, etc. we tend to lean on our own capacity and give credit to ourselves and think we are great and fulfilled, and we don't need anything else, so it is very difficult for us to open our eyes enough to see past all the "stuff" "status" etc. and realize that is not "heaven" or "happiness" as it has no real foundation of fulfillment possibility. But when things are going wrong and we have very little we usually tend to blame God, the world, others, society etc instead of look inwards if we are wasting our talents and gifts and not paying attention to our values at all. Now when we have balance in our lives and are living by our values and keeping in check lives necessities such as food, water, money, health, material needs, etc. then the rest of the riches and wealth are what can truly enrich that life because it is built on a foundation. You can't have the rest without the foundation first.



You Cannot Build Without a Foundation.
"Don't put the wagon in front of the horse"

 ....., It doesn't work that way. Rich people who don't realize this tend to try and roof a house that has not yet had a proper foundation or frame put up, and when they stack on the roofing tiles to heavy (the riches, fancy stuff, fillers) the whole thing comes crashing down, such as their relatioships end, health suffers, mental well being is out of balance, lost spirituality etc.



Happy Fam in Park
Changing Your World View
Where Fulfillment Comes From, How to Get There.

We all already know from my past teachings, that fulfillment only comes to those who live by their values. To do this, you first have to identify your values and then know them in an out to full comprehend what they signify to you and why they are so valuable to you, and then you need to learn how to live by them while maintaining a balanced life in other areas that are required although may counteract or tend to throw your values off balance.

Less is truly more in so many aspects of life. As you know I have had many successes financially and personally, I was married had 2 kids, then was divorced, owned a Bentley and Lamborghini, BMW, Range Rover all at once with a huge house on the water with boats, jet skis, etc and so on and blah blah blah, now I live way below my means and have a mere fraction of that and am actually much happier and much more fulfilled.


You see when you place your happiness in things, you are loving things and looking for fulfillment in things that can never love you back and cannot and will not ever fulfill you.

He who dies with the most toys, still dies!! And it all stays right here on earth, whether you believe in God, reincarnation, are atheist or agnostic, we all agree, you die, your stuff does not travel or go with you, someone else gets it! So what if it is your kids, you think that your old stuff is going to fulfill them either? No, again, it will provide for them so they have more time to live a fulfilling live perhaps, but no amount of money will ever fulfill you.


Let's get down to the very basic core of this whole lesson of life here.

Why we want the "things" we want!! The toys, the house, the cars, the boat, jet ski, vacation condo, relocation to a nicer environment, fancy clothes or jewelry or for a guy maybe a prestigious time piece on their wrist......... Ok, ready, it's because of how you think that will make you feel.

Now if you get there, and you get it, and you don't feel good like you thought you would, what then? Usually we make the same mistake, and then think more, and bigger, and better will make us feel good..... only to get there and still not what we expected.



What Happens When you Get "There" & what & where is "There" Anyways?

Sometimes when we get something or get to where we wanted, we had to fight so hard, sacrifice so much, and it took so long we wonder if it was really even worth it. True, something earned is far more rewarding than the temporary sweetness of something you win or just received because of what hard work to earn something signifies, but at the same time if you say to yourself you need this house, car, watch, number in the bank to be fulfilled and content and this type of family etc. and you take 35 years to get there, does that mean that you had to live for 35 years in misery and agony dying to get to that goal of abundance and wealth.


Here is what we need to learn. We want successes because of of how it make us feel. Admiration, sense of achievement, a fast car for the adrenaline junky, a fancy house for the socialite, etc. but what we have to realize is would if we never get to that point all the way, are we going to live unfulfilled lives in discontent.





The answer is no. You are already wealthy right now. It is a state of mind. Those of us who have conquered this can actually achieve so much more abundance in our lives because it's not do or die, and we don't need it to make us happy, content, or fulfilled. We have already balanced our lives the whole way through and we can experience the feeling that these things can't really give us each and every day. Imagine how that $1 Mil in the investment portfolio would make you feel. Now would if you could feel that good and confident right now. That would be pretty amazing right. The fact is you can. The law of attraction teaches us this. If we feel that way, and we focus on that thing while we are in balance with the universe around us and ourselves, we can then achieve it and attract what we want in abundance into our lives. When we do this we invite all those good things in with a magnetism. People are attracted to you, people respect and look up to you and wonder how you do it and why you are always so high on life. They want it, they want to be you, and be like you and this attracts even more abundance and you continue to ride this upward wave until you move on. It doesn't have to end, you are in a perpetual state of fulfillment and bliss each step of the way in your life as you are achieving the things you set out to do, even when you are having downs or set backs, you maintain this state of mind and focus and feel what you want to feel. You see the positive in each negative, and you release the things you cannot control or change and you use it fuel you in other areas of your life to make up for those.

Don't spend your whole life chasing something that may never come true just to be secure, happy, fulfilled, content, because would if you get there and it still doesn't fulfill you then. What seems important now and fulfills you now may change significantly as you move through life. Time brings about changes, and time is constant, therefore the only constant is change. Embrace it and love each part of your life. This is not going to be easy, and nothing truly great is ever really easy, however if you can convince yourself it is you will achieve fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams.


Let's be realistic, you still have to have a plan, follow it, get educated, research, realize what you don't know, seek guidance, help others and let them help you and seek guidance when you need it, and execute what you need to do to accomplish things, but if you can achieve the state of mind and use the secret law of attraction each step of the way then what you want will manifest in your life.


Life Will Pay Whatever Price You Ask 


Have a great and inspired day!!



All the Very Best,

Jay A.

Carpe Diem Sand

MAI | (480)-382-6645 | |
382 NE 191st St #44449
Miami, FL 33179-3899

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