May 14, 2015                                                                                              Vol. 18, No. 10
In This Issue

Engineering News  



Soft robot to swim through Europa's oceans

New NASA grant for Prof. Peck and Shepherd



ECE Innovation Award Highlights

See the highlights from the ECE Innovation awards, as written by
the Cornell Chronical.





















Engineering Faculty Meeting and Reception

Dear Engineering Faculty, 

I invite you to attend the College of Engineering Faculty Meeting and Reception on:


Tuesday, May 19th

3:30 - 5:00 p.m.

G10 Biotechnology Building

A reception will follow the formal meeting. The agenda will include an update on the College.  

Best regards,


New Endowed Chairs Announced

The Cornell University Board of Trustees elected the following to endowed chairs as of April 1, 2015:


Amit Lal, was elected the first Robert M. Scharf 1977 Professor.


Jery Stedinger, was elected the Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering, succeeding Anthony Ingraffea, who recently retired.


Mark Campbell, was elected the first John A. Mellowes '60 Professor in Mechanical Engineering.


Jim Dai, was elected the Leon C. Welch Professor of Engineering, succeeding Michael Todd, who recently retired.


Lynden Archer, was elected the James A. Friend Family Distinguished Professor in Engineering, succeeding Michael Kelley, who recently retired.


Michael King, was elected the first Daljit S. and Elaine Sarkaria Professor in Biomedical Engineering.

Delay moving to Tech Campus position 

After 13 years in the College of Engineering and over 5 years with Computing and Information Science, Julie Delay will be moving to a new role with the Cornell Tech campus as Senior Director of Human Resources and Campus-Wide Initiatives. Julie brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this role.  Although she is just now becoming a permanent member of the Tech team, Julie has been involved in the Tech campus initiative since its inception and is deeply committed to the success of this key Cornell achievement.

Julie and the HRSC team within COE/CIS have been supporting Cornell Tech since 2012 and this new role aligns with the continued development of the campus.  Julie will move to her new position (and home) in late June/early July 2015, with exact date to be determined.   We wish Julie the very best in her new role. Although we will miss her as our HR Director, Julie will continue working with most of us and we will still see her in Ithaca.  We are planning a celebration and will communicate details soon so you can join us in a toast to this great opportunity.  A search will begin as soon as possible.

Symposium in Honor of CBE Prof. Claude Cohen

Please join as we celebrate the career of Prof. Claude Cohen

Event Details

Thursday, May 21, 2015
8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Olin Hall, 165 

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Phone: 607-255-6631
RSVP or more information: 

Professor of Practice title approved

Following an overwhelmingly positive vote by the COE faculty and other academics in January, the title of Professor of Practice was approved for use within the College of Engineering at the April 8th Faculty Senate Meeting. Thank you to the many individuals who provided thoughtful input and voted. Departments may follow the guidelines and procedures established to search for and/or appoint individuals to these titles. 

Awards and honors
Jason Flahie ends his successful year as president of ASME. He has served as president of the Cornell Chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in the Fall 2014 and Spring 2015.

Prof. Thorsten Joachims, CS, gave a keynote talk on building interactive machine learning systems at the Amazon Machine Learning conference. More than 800 Amazon employees participated in this two-day conference, sharing research in and practice of machine learning at Amazon.

Congratulations to ASME and AIAA Executive Board Members from the MAE Community
On May 4, 2015, The Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) held a recognition ceremony honoring students who served on the executive boards of the Cornell Chapters of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and on the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
Shell GameChanger Innovation Challenge

Prospecting & Funding Game Changing Technologies

On behalf of Shell GameChanger, TechConnect invites you to submit your innovative technology ideas and/or proposals to address the challenges defined below for consideration for funding and partnership through the GameChanger program. Shell will be meeting with prospective innovators at the TechConnect World Innovation Conference, June 14-17, 2015 in Washington, D.C.


Shell GameChanger is soliciting early-stage innovative technology solutions and proposals in the following categories for potential funding and partnership opportunities. One-page concept papers are due July 17th. Applicants will be notified by August 3rd and then invited to submit full proposals by September 8th.

  • Waste heat recovery
  • Natural gas densification at low cost and high energy efficiency
  • Marine seismic source
  • Improve hydrocarbon recovery from porous systems
  • Open call for energy-related innovations
  • Shell GameChanger applies the following criteria for consideration:
  • Novelty - Is the idea fundamentally different and unproven?
  • Valuable - Could the idea create substantial new value if it works?
  • Doable - Is there a plan to prove the concept quickly and affordably?
  • Relevant (Why Shell?) - Is the idea relevant to the future of energy?

For more details and to submit your technology                   For more information: