April 2, 2015                                                                                              Vol. 18, No. 7
In This Issue

Engineering News  


CIS and Engineering held a successful BOOM 2015!

MIT Technology Review on Ian Lenz's and Ashutosh Saxena's grasping work.










Donnelly receives NSF CAREER Award

Eve Donnelly, assistant professor and Dale R. Corson Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellow in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, has recently received the prestigious NSF CAREER Award for her proposal, "Role of Variations in Tissue Material Properties in Bone Fracture Behavior." The grant will support Donnelly's research into how changes in bone tissue that result from osteoporosis affect bone fracture behavior.

Anderson receives NSF CAREER Award

C. Lindsay Anderson, assistant professor and Norman R. Scott Sesquicentennial Faculty Fellow in the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, has recently received the prestigious NSF CAREER Award for her proposal, "Maximizing Renewable Energy Integration: Optimal Management of Uncertainty with Responsive Demand." The grant will support Anderson's research addressing the challenge of the increase in dimensionality and complexity of the existing optimization models used for system planning and dispatch when adding additional uncertain resources to power systems. 

Grayson and Griffin win national NSBE awards  

Two Cornell Engineering graduate students were awarded the Mike Shinn Distinguished Member of the Year by the National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE).

Malika Grayson, (Ph.D., '16, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) and Darvin J. Griffin, (Ph.D., '15, Biomedical Engineering), were selected for one of the highest honors awarded to graduate students by the NSBE. The Mike Shinn NSBE Distinguished Member of the Year award is given to a female and male NSBE member who exemplifies the NSBE mission and who demonstrate high scholastic performance, dedicated service to the Society and other organizations, and who possess high professional promise. This is one of the few times where the award is given to students from the same college.  

Lohman receives tenure

Rowena Lohman, EAS, she has been granted promotion to Associate Professor with tenure effective April 1, 2015.

Turnbull receives Emeritus status
Bruce Turnbull, Professor in Operations Research and Information Engineering received emeritus status as of January 1, 2015.
Awards and honors
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Mechanicus
spring Issue is here. In it they welcome System Engineering Professor Daniel Selva of MAE. 

Winners of the 3rd Annual MEMPC PriSim Business War Games Competition. The organizers announced that the four-week, online competition fosters strategic Mmnagement skills in future graduates. And, the results are in and the judges determined the winners of the 3rd Annual MEMPC PriSim Business War Games Competition. This year's winners are from Firm C and are John Taggart from Stanford, Yanping Liu from Cornell University, Bo Wang from Dartmouth, Alice Feix from Duke, Amrita Srivastava from MIT and Ajay Mathew from USC.

Correction from last Info Update: Engineering student Thalia Aoki (EnvE), was chosen as a 2015 Merrill Presidential Scholar.  We incorrectly identified his department.
Julian C. Smith Lectures April 13-14

Frances Arnold of Caltech will present the Julian C. Smith lectures series in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering:

This two-day event will be held Monday and Tuesday (April 13-14, 2015)  at 4:00 p.m. in room 155, Olin Hall.

2014-2015 Internationalizing the Cornell Curriculum Grant Recipients 

The Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs has awarded $350,000 to 25 faculty projects designed to internationalize undergraduate teaching, learning and research at Cornell. Successful proposals involve faculty and students across eight colleges and schools who are working on projects worldwide.  


Paulette Clancy, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Julie Nucci, Materials Science and Engineering were awarded for their work on Case Study Experiences in Renewable Energy: A joint Cornell-India initiative.
Celebration@Cornell: April 16-17, 2015

This two-day entrepreneurship conference is conducted annually on the Ithaca campus to bring together more than 700 students, alumni, faculty, staff and community participants.  Multiple colleges, inlcuding Cornell Enginering are collaborating to provide:

  • Symposia on a wide range of topics including family business, social entrepreneurship, health administration, etc.
  • eLab Demo Day
  • New Business & Emerging Technologies Showcase
  • Student Business of the Year Announced
  • Business Idea Competition Finals
  • Networking opportunities...and much more!
  • Mark your calendars and join us for Celebration 2015, April 16-17.
  • For more info: see the website
Volunteer for Charter Day!

Charter Day Weekend is nearly six weeks away and we have more than 500 volunteer positions to fill in support of this once-in-a-lifetime event. Visit the website to explore all of the available opportunities from ushering at one of our "Cornell celebrity" panels to hosting entertainers at the Big Red Birthday Bash. You will receive a commemorative Charter Day Weekend shirt for volunteering. Plus, you'll get a Regal Cinemas movie ticket for every event in which you volunteer.


Thank you for considering to volunteer for this weekend; this historic event could not take place without help from volunteers!

Submit your idea to the ECE Innovation Award Competition! 

Have you designed or developed an entrepreneurial idea related to electrical and computer engineering? Does it address a practical business or social challenge?  

Cornell ECE will award $10K seed funding to two teams to develop a detailed design or prototype. Top teams may also receive additional award funds. Multidisciplinary teams and diversity in approach and experience are encouraged. Submit a two-page proposal and a 60-second elevator pitch to by Monday, April 6th to innovation@ece.cornell.edu or via Cornell Dropbox to al274@cornell.edu.

For more information, visit the website. Email questions.