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Nov. 27, 2013                                                                                                Vol. 16, No. 8
In This Issue

Engineering news

Think (scientific) soup to (commercial) nuts: To provide a corporate leg up to technology opportunities and startup companies emerging from research here, the new Cornell Technology Acceleration and Maturation (C-TAM) program is designed to propel promising ideas toward commercial viability.


A method for bioengineering living human ears garnered a first-place award at the World Technology Summit in New York City, Nov. 15. 

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Faculty Meeting & Holiday Reception set


Dear Cornell Engineering faculty members,

I invite you to attend the College of Engineering Faculty Meeting and Holiday Reception on: Thursday, Dec. 5, 3:30-5:00 p.m. in room G10 of the Biotechnology Building. A reception will follow the formal meeting. The agenda will include an update on the college and a discussion and vote on the biomedical engineering undergraduate program proposal.


Best regards,

Lance Collins

Researcher invited to use Cornell MRI facility


This year a state-of-the-art shared facility for conducting magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) research was installed in Martha Van Rensselaer Hall. The heart of the imaging facility is a GE Discovery MR750 3T MRI system enabling in vivo noninvasive anatomic and functional imaging of humans, rodents, plants, and biomaterials with high signal-to-noise ratio, imaging speed, and spatial and spectral resolution. The facility will not only use MRI technology to benefit scientific investigations in multiple fields, but will also develop innovative MRI technology for fundamental morphologic and physiologic studies. Researchers are invited to apply to use the facility; facility usage will be charged on an hourly basis based on type of research and funding.  Contact for more information.

Committee to weigh M.Eng. changes 

Last spring Barb Knuth, vice provost and dean of the Cornell University Graduate School, announced that professional masters degrees housed in the graduate school, including the college's M.Eng. degree, are eligible to be moved to the offering college. A preliminary analysis by the college identified a number of advantages to this change. The college is creating an ad hoc committee, the Master of Engineering Planning Committee, to develop strategic goals for the M.Eng. degree and to explore its migration into the college. Kathryn Caggiano will chair this committee. The committee will work closely with the departments and schools, as well as offices within the college, to review the strengths of the programs and to develop opportunities to enhance their value to faculty and students. Kathryn will continue to serve as associate director for the Master of Engineering program in the School of Operations Research and Information Engineering.

Awards and honors

Computer Science Professor Lillian Lee was one of four invited speakers on "Big Data" at the 2013 EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, co-organized by the National Academy of Engineering and European agencies. The invitation-only event brought together 60 engineers under the age of 45 (30 engineers from the United States, 30 from Europe) for plenary sessions on The Future of Transportation, Nanosensors, Big Data, and Wireless Broadband.


Computer Science Profesor John Hopcroft gave a key note address at the WI-IAT 2013 conference and was recognized with the 2013 Outstanding Research Award of the Web Intelligence Consortium.


Lynden A. Archer, director and professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, is the recipient of the 2013 National Science Foundation Special Creativity Award from the Division of Materials Research.The award is designed to recognize its most creative investigators who are attacking research problems at the forefront of their fields. Recipients of the award receive an automatic two-year extension of their NSF grant in which the award-winning research was performed and freedom to work on research topics of their choosing during the period of the extension.


Computer Science Professor Andrew Myers was named an ACM Fellow. The Fellows induction ceremony will take place at the ACM Awards Banquet in San Jose, Calif.


Computer Science Professor David Gries was appointed as Consulting Professor at Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, China.

Information Update dates, deadlines, and subscription info
Information Update is published biweekly during the academic year and monthly over the summer and winter break. If you have information to be distributed to the college community, send it to Info Update. Announcements should be limited to about 100 words, perhaps by referencing a website for more information, and can be repeated in one subsequent issue on request.

The next issue will be distributed on Dec. 11; the deadline for submissions is Friday, Dec. 6, at 5 p.m. Information received after the deadline will be published in a future issue if appropriate.
Info Update's current issue, archives, and publishing schedule are online.
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