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News and Notes
A Publication of the
Advisory Board for MWRA Communities
April 2016
"Get The Lead Out" Loans Move Forward
MWRA Advisory Board Approves
Guidelines for $100 Million
Lead Service Line Replacement Loan Program

At the April 21st meeting of the Advisory Board, members voted to accept the recommendations of the Operations Committee and formally adopted guidelines for communities to begin borrowing interest-free loans from the MWRA to replace lead service lines (to access guidelines click here).


The Advisory Board recommendation will be taken up for final approval by the MWRA Board of Directors at their May 11th meeting.


Upon approval, funds will be available to communities on July 1, 2016.

"In Another Lead Announcement"
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Unveils $2 Million School Testing Program
The Massachusetts Clean Water Trust Board of Trustees voted on April 26th to provide $2 million dollars from its administrative expense fund for a new MassDEP initiative aimed at helping school districts. The water testing program will ensure that school districts can sample the water taps and fountains in their schools.
This funding will enable as many as 1,750 schools to participate in this program, which is expected to commence this spring.  MWRA communities are eligible for these funds.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, exposure to lead in drinking water can cause behavior problems and learning disabilities in young children.  MWRA has been below the lead action level since 2004 due to water supply protection efforts and a corrosion control program launched in 1996, but some communities have exceeded the level and many homes still have lead lines.
MWRA estimates indicate that as many as 28,000 (5.6% of the 500,000 service lines) contain lead.
Advisory Board staff will keep you up to date as the program details emerge.
Nomination and Election
of Advisory Board Representative
to the MWRA Board of Directors
The current (3) three-year term of Joseph Foti as an Advisory Board Representative on the MWRA Board of Directors expires on June 30, 2016.  Mr. Foti has informed the Advisory Board that he will seek re-election.

At its April 15th meeting the Executive Committee voted on a process and timeline for the election of an Advisory Board representative for the (3) three-year period July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019.  As in the past the Executive Committee will serve as the Nominating Committee. 
  • May 9, 2016 is the deadline for the candidate to submit a letter of intent to seek election to the MWRA Board of Directors.
  • On May 13, 2016 the Executive Committee will interview all candidates and nominate a candidate to the full Advisory Board.
  • On May 19, 2016  at the Advisory Board meeting held at the Canton Public Library nominations will be accepted and an election will be held.  All candidates will be allowed an opportunity to address the full Advisory Board.  An election will follow.  Please note that election for the Board of Directors is one vote for each community.  It is not a weighted vote.  A quorum of 33 voting members is necessary to validate the election.
All interested candidates are requested to send a letter by May 9, 2016 as well as a resume, to the MWRA Advisory Board, 100 First Avenue Building 39-4, Boston, MA 02129.

"They Are Here"
New MS4 Permits Issued
Effective July 1, 2017
MS4 permits will become effective on July 1, 2017.  The final permit, appendices and response to comment documents are available on EPA's website.
EPA and DEP have scheduled a series of informational meetings about the permit:
  • Western Massachusetts (Co-sponsored by the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission)
Date: May 9, 2016
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 am
Location: Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, 60 Congress Street, Springfield, MA
  • Southeastern/Cape Cod Massachusetts (Co-sponsored by the Cape Cod Commission)
Date: May 18, 2016
Time: 12:30 - 2 pm
Location: Lecture Hall A, Science Building: Cape Cod Community College, 2240 Route 132, West Barnstable, MA 02668
  • Northeastern Massachusetts (Co-sponsored by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission)
Date: May 19, 2016
Time: 8 - 10 am
Location: Northern Essex Community College, 100 Elliott St, Haverhill, MA 01830
  • Central Massachusetts (Co-sponsored by the 495/Metro West Partnership)
Date: May 24, 2016
Time: 8:30 - 10:30 am
Location: 200 Friberg Parkway, Westborough, MA
  • Boston Area
Date: June 6, 2016
Time: 9am - 12pm
Location: Boston Area - June 6, 2016 (EPA Region 1, Boston, MA)
For more information you can contact EPA's Newton Tedder (tedder.newton@epa.gov; 617-918-1038) Suzanne Warner (warner.suzanne@epa.gov617-918-1383 or Frederick Civian (Frederick.civian@state.ma.us; 617-292-5821).

Free MS4 Webinar
Webinars on Pathogens in Urban Stormwater Systems
A Practical Guide for MS4s
The American Society of Civil Engineers is putting a on a four-part webinar series on Pathogens in Urban Stormwater Systems. MWRA has signed up to participate and at no cost is offering to member community Engineers/DPW staff members the opportunity to view the webinar (saves each community $800.00) in the Chelsea Operating Center Muster room (click here to view flyer). 

If you are interested please email maret.smolow@mwra.com to reserve your space.
What's Happening in May
May 4
WSCAC Meeting Presentation on Water Smart Software
May 11
MWRA Board of Directors vote on Lead Service Line Replacement Loan Program Guidelines
May 11
Massachusetts Coalition for Water Resources Stewardships holds their 7th Annual Resources Strategy Symposiium
Keynote Address: Lt. Governo Karyn Polito
May 13
Executive Committee interviews/nominates candidate to serve on MWRA Board of Directors
May 19
Canton Public Library
MWRA Advisory Board regular meeting
  • Advisory Board elects member to serve on MWRA Board of Directors
  • Approves Advisory Board Operating Budget
  • Approves Advisory Board Comments and Recommendations on MWRA's Proposed FY17 CIP/CEB
May 26
Water Supply Protection Trust meeting approval of FY17 Work Plan and Budget

Upcoming Events

Board of Directors
Advisory Board
Executive Committee
Advisory Board
May 11, 2016
Charlestown - 10:00 am
May 13, 2016
Charlestown - 8:30 am
May 19, 2016
Canton Public Library - 11:30 am
MWRA Advisory Board | 617-788-2050 |  mwra.ab@mwraadvisoryboard.com