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News and Notes
A Publication of the
Advisory Board for MWRA Communities
March 2016
"Get the Lead Out"
On the heels of the Advisory Board and MWRA announcement of the creation of a $100 million 0% interest loan program to remove lead service lines (also, check out the story in the Boston Globe!), the rescheduled Lead in Drinking Water Forum was held earlier this week. Over 80 attendees from 30 communities, plus EPA, DEP, and Mass DPH, and Boston Public Health were in attendance. 

Topics discussed included:
  1. What Happened in Flint, and How MWRA Is Different
  2. Public Health Implications of Lead
  3. Requirements of the Lead and Copper Rule
  4. Lead Service Line Replacement Programs
  5. School Strategies

To access a PDF version of the full PowerPoint presentation, click here.


The MWRA and Advisory Board are committed to partnering with our communities to assist them in "getting the lead out."

Massachusetts Clean Water Trust Announces Proposed Changes for the
State Revolving Fund
The Clean Water Trust has proposed changes to the SRF. Included in these proposed changes are:
  • Increased term for drinking water projects from 20 years to 30 years
  • Draft Best Management Practices
  • Revised criteria for principal forgiveness distribution
If you would like to provide any testimony, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) will be holding a public hearing on April 14 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at MassDEP headquarters:
1 Winter Street
2nd floor Conference Room
Boston, MA 02108

Written comments will be accepted until 5:00 PM on April 25, 2016 and may be submitted electronically via email at dep.talks@state.ma.us.

The proposed amendments are available on the MassDEP website: www.mass.gov/eea/agencies/massdep/news/comment
Thank You for Your Service!
At our Advisory Board meeting in Norwood, the Advisory Board recognized Andrew DeSantis for his 30+ years of service to the ratepayers as a member of the Advisory Board representing Revere (1986 - 1994) and Chelsea (1994 - present).

Advisory Board Chairman Lou Taverna thanked Andy for his 30+ years of service to his communities, and his leadership on the Executive Committee of the Advisory Board. 

Mr. DeSantis praised the MWRA and the Advisory Board for all of the environmental accomplishments that have occurred.

Andy will be retiring at the end of this month, but will continue to represent Chelsea on the Advisory Board.

Surpassed Our Goal
Thanks to the generosity of MWRA staff and the extended family of  Advisory Board members and friends, we have surpassed our goal of $1,500 to purchase and install a lasting memorial at Nut Island for Mary Ann McClellan.

As of today, we have raised over $1,700! Any leftover funds will be donated to MSPCA - an organization that was important to Mary Ann. Working with MWRA staff, our plan is to install the bench and hold a dedication ceremony in August as part of our annual field trip.

Thank you for your generosity!
Upcoming Events
MWRA Public Hearing
on the Proposed FY17 CEB
April 6, 2016 - 6:00 pm
Boston City Hall, Piemonte Room

Board of Directors
Advisory Board
Executive Committee
Advisory Board
April 13, 2016
Charlestown - 10:00 am
April 15, 2016
Charlestown - 8:30 am
April 21, 2016
BWSC - 11:30 am
MWRA Advisory Board | 617-788-2050 |  mwra.ab@mwraadvisoryboard.com