News & Notes
  A publication of the MWRA Advisory Board 
  June 2015
MWRA Board of Directors 
Approves 3.4% Combined Assessment Increase for FY16 CEB

In line with the Advisory Board's recommendation of an overall rate revenue increase of 3.36%, the Board approved a rate revenue increase of 3.4% for FY16.

Last March, MWRA submitted a Proposed FY16 CEB reflecting an increase of 4.1%.  The Advisory Board would like to thank Authority staff for their collaborative work with the Advisory Board.   

(Click to access community water and sewer assessments.)
30-Year Celebration

(Click here to access photos of the event on MWRA's Flickr account.)

More than 200 individuals attended an MWRA Reunion celebrating the 30-year anniversary of the MWRA and the MWRA Advisory Board at the Waterworks Museum on June 18th.  

Former MWRA Executive Directors Phil Shapiro, Paul Levy and Doug MacDonald joined MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey, Governor Michael Dukakis and Advisory Board Executive Director Joseph Favaloro, who shared their thoughts on the significance of this anniversary.

In his comments, Joe Favaloro recognized the efforts of those assembled in the room, from the individuals who designed the facilities, engineered the CSO plan, built the waterworks system, upgraded the infrastructure, borrowed the necessary capital and managed the rates, which took its harbor from worst to best and has the best drinking water in the country. Congratulations to all of you.  

In addition, Mr. Favaloro offered a tribute to the unsung heroes, stating "I do not want to lose sight of the truly unspoken heroes - our 60 cities and towns. From all of our mayors, selectmen, aldermen and councilors who took and take the tough votes to raise rates, and to all of the ratepayers who have and will continue to 'pony up' a lot of money - you are the reason the MWRA has succeeded."  

Thank you from all of us. 

(Click if you would like to watch the Advisory Board's 30-year video.)

Meet the Newest Member of the MWRA 
Board of Directors -  Brian 

New Board Member Brian Peņa is sworn in by Governor Charles Baker, with Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera and MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey looking on.

Brian Peņa was sworn in by the Governor this week to serve on the MWRA Board of Directors as a gubernatorial appointee representing the Merrimack River Basin.

Mr. Peņa is the Commissioner of the Lawrence Water and Sewer Department.  He has a Masters and Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering from UMass-Lowell.  

Prior to joining the public sector, Mr. Peņa was an engineer at Woodard and Curran.  

The Advisory Board welcomes and looks forward to working with Mr. Peņa.    

Thank You Rachel Madden
Rachel Madden served the ratepayers of the MWRA with distinction over her 9+ years in various roles, most recently as Director of Administration and Finance for the MWRA.  

Rachel joined Governor Baker's Administration in January and currently serves as Undersecretary in Administration and Finance for the Commonwealth.  

We wish you well!

Advisory Board Chair Katherine Dunphy and Executive Director Joseph Favaloro present a plaque to former MWRA Administration and Finance Director Rachel Madden in recognition of her service to ratepayers.

Save the Date
Thursday, August 20, 2015
"Wa Wa Wachusett Tour"
The Advisory Board's Annual Field Trip will center on activities around the Wachusett Reservoir.

The trip will include:
  • Demonstration of an emergency preparedness drill to contain a spill at the reservoir
  • Tour of the Clinton Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Lunch at the base of the Clinton Dam
Remember - save the date!  Share with your friends and colleagues!  

Details to follow.

Upcoming Events


July 4th -

Have a safe 

and happy Independence Day!




July 15th -

Board of Directors

Deer Island

at 10:00 a.m.


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