News & Notes
A publication of the MWRA Advisory Board 
September 2014
Congratulations to MWRA 
Executive Director Fred Laskey

Next week, MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey will be recognized by "A Better City," with their Norman B. Leventhal 
Excellence in City Building Award for the Environment.  

He joins an illustrious list of honorees that includes the
Distinguished Leadership award for Governor Deval Patrick and the Transportation award for Senate President Therese Murray, Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo, Senator Stephen Brewer, Representative Brian Dempsey, Senator Thomas McGee and Representative William Straus.    

Congratulations to Mr. Laskey on a well-deserved honor.

A Better City is an independent, membership-based, organization that improves economic competitiveness and quality of life of the Boston region by advancing significant transportation, land development, and environmental policies, projects and initiatives.
Presenters at MWRA Advisory Board Community Workshop

As you are aware, the Advisory Board is holding a Community Workshop on water and sewer retail rates and stormwater fees.  Here is a preview of the presenters at this meeting:

1)  Christopher Woodcock, President
      Woodcock & Associates, Inc.

Since 1994, Woodcock & Associates has provided water rate, sewer rate and financial consulting to governmental utilities.

Chris is an acknowledged expert in rate consulting, having completed water, wastewater and stormwater cost of service and rate determination studies throughout North America. Learn more at:

2)  Keith Readling, PE
      Vice President and Director of Stormwater Management
      Consulting for Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc.

Keith has 29 years of experience in municipal stormwater management and civil engineering as the leader of Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. Stormwater Management Consulting Division, he has broad responsibilities to clients across the US, with a particular focus on program and financial planning stormwater utility.  For more info, go to:

3)  Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)

MAPC and project partners developed a stormwater utility/ funding starter kit to assist communities in taking control of local water quality issues.

Julie Conroy, Senior Environmental Planner, MAPC Environmental Division, will be present to discuss the Funding Starter Kit. 

For more information, go to:

Appeal Filed on Charles River Pollution Control District (CRPCD) NPDES Permit

In July, EPA issues a final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit to the CRPCD, which included co-permittee provisions.

The Advisory Board, as the MWRA awaits its NPDES Permit (seven years overdue), has long raised the concern of co-permittee language in the MWRA's NPDES Permit.  

Our concern is, if the provisions in the CRPCD permit went unchallenged, they will be repeated in MWRA's NPDES permits.  

With that in mind, the Executive Committee of the Advisory Board voted to assist financially in the appeal of the CRPCD NPDES Permit.  The Advisory Board joins a growing list of supporters, which includes the Towns of Franklin, Millis, Bellingham, Medway, the Upper Blackstone, Water Pollution Abatement District and the South Essex Sewerage District.

Attorney Robert Cox, Jr. of Bowditch-Dewey is handling the appeal.

In addition, the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) has just voted to participate in the case and intends to file an amicus curiae ("friend of the court") brief.

Upcoming Events


Oct 10th or 14th 

(to be determined) - Water Supply Protection Trust Meeting - Dedication of Senator Stephen Brewer Boat Launch in Hardwick, MA

at noon


October 15th - MWRA Board of Directors - Charlestown at 10:00 a.m.

ber 16th - Advisory Board Community Workshop - Wellesley at 

10:00 a.m. 

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