In Memorium
 | Senator Robert Havern III
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Last week, Senator Robert Havern passed away. Bob, as he preferred to be called, served on all levels of state government, from selectman in Arlington to State Representative, and as State Senator representing Arlington, Billerica, Burlington, Lexington and Woburn.
In reality, Bob represented all of the ratepayers in all of the 60 MWRA communities. He was a strong advocate for ratepayer relief legislation, serving as the Senate Chair of the MWRA Legislative Caucus.
He authored the bill that allows communities to utilize a debt service exclusion, transferring debt off the water and sewer bill and onto the property tax, allowing homeowners to receive a tax deduction. He was instrumental in the passage of the Commonwealth Sewer Relief Fund.
Bob was a friend of all ratepayers and an ardent protector of our environment. He will be missed, but always remembered.
Save the Date - October 16, 2014
Water/Sewer Retail Rate Workshop
As an offshoot of our Annual Water and Sewer Retail Rate Survey, staff wanted to provide a workshop to share recent developments and concepts regarding retail rates.
Specifically, with all of the discussion surrounding Enterprise Funds, added state emphasis on establishing inclining block rate structures, and significant regulatory compliance around stormwater issues, Advisory Board staff has scheduled a workshop for Thursday, October 16, 2014 at the Wellesley Free Library at 10:00 a.m.
We have invited Chris Woodcock, of Woodcock Associates, to participate in a discussion of retail water and sewer rates. For instance, are communities compelled by law to develop ascending block rate structures? What can be included in an Enterprise Fund? How can stormwater costs be recovered? These are but some of the topics that will be discussed.
Staff suggests that you may want to extend an invitation to your CFO, Treasurer and Business Managers within your communities.
We will be sending out formal invitations after Labor Day, but for now, spread the word and save the date.
August Field Trip Coming Up
Don't forget to reserve your space! As you know, on August 21, we will be participating in our annual field trip. This year we will be visiting the Spot Pond Covered Storage Tank, Gillis Pump Station and the Fresh Pond Stormwater Retention Basin. Please click here to access the full itinerary. See you on the 21st!
Ask The Candidates
Advisory Board staff contacted the campaigns of all candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor and invited them to respond to a questionnaire outlining their position on water and wastewater infrastructure needs in the Commonwealth. Please click here to see the responses to date.