News & Notes
A publication of the MWRA Advisory Board 
April 2014
Recognizing 57 Years of Service to
MWRA Communities and Ratepayers
Retiring MWRA employees Dan O'Brien and Jae Kim receive plaques on behalf of the Advisory Board from Chair Katherine Dunphy.
At our April meeting, Chairman Katherine Dunphy recognized the contributions of two retiring MWRA employees:  Dan O'Brien, whose career included EPA, to MDC, to the MWRA. His most recent assignment at the MWRA was Director of the Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. (David Duest will take over as Director of the treatment plant.)
Jae Kim has been designing, engineering and managing MWRA water-related facilities since 1987.  Jae's current assignment is Chief Engineer in the Operations Division. (Anandan Navanandan will replace Jae when he leaves on May 2, 2014.)
On behalf of the MWRA Advisory Board, thank you for your service to our communities!
Did You Know...

That the origins of the regional approach to providing the Greater Boston area's water supply began in 1895 when the state legislature enacted Chapter 488 of the Acts of 1895 creating the Metropolitan Water District.


Since 1949, 21 communities have paid entrance/connection fees in order to become customers.


In addition, 28 communities also had to pay for construction and connection costs in order to be tied into the system.  


The Advisory Board is finalizing a full report, which will be developed into a "green sheet" video for May.


Election of an Advisory Board Representative to the

MWRA Board of Directors  


The current term of John Carroll as an Advisory Board representative on the MWRA Board of Directors expires on June 30, 2014. He has informed the Advisory Board that he will seek re-election.


The term of this seat will be from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017.


The Executive Committee will serve as the Nominating Committee, as it has in the past.


May 6, 2014 is the deadline for candidates to submit a letter of intent to seek election to the MWRA Board of Directors.


On May 9, 2014, the Executive Committee will interview all candidates and nominate a candidate to the full Advisory Board.


On May 15, 2014, at the Advisory Board meeting in Lexington, nominations will be accepted and an election will be held.  All candidates will be allowed an opportunity to address the full Advisory Board.  An election will follow.  Please note that election for the Board of Directors is one vote for each community.  It is not a weighted vote.  A quorum of 33 voting members is necessary to validate the election.


All interested candidates are requested to send a letter of intent by May 6, 2014, as well as a resume, to the MWRA Advisory Board, 100 First Avenue, Building 39-4, Boston, MA 02129.


House Version of the 

FY15 State Budget Includes 

$1.1 Million for Debt Service Assistance


The Advisory Board thanks House Speaker Robert DeLeo and House Majority Leader/MWRA Caucus Chairman Ron Mariano, House Ways and Means Chairman Brian Dempsey and the entire MWRA Legislative Caucus for their efforts on behalf of MWRA ratepayers for once again including Debt Service Assistance (DSA) as part of their version of the budget.  The $1.1 million represents a 10% increase over FY14.


Staff has already begun to work with our Senate Co-Chair, Senator Anthony Petruccelli, to have $1.1 million included in the Senate version.

Upcoming Events


May 9th - Executive Committee meeting - Charlestown

at 8:30 am


May 14th - MWRA Board of Directors meeting - Charlestown

 at 10:00 am 


May 15th - Advisory Board meeting - Lexington   

at 11:30 am


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In addition, if you are interested in receiving the monthly News & Notes, along with any other important updates regarding the Advisory Board, please subscribe to our mailing list.  Thank you!
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