News & Notes
A publication of the MWRA Advisory Board 
February 2014

Advisory Board and Authority Testify on Water/Wastewater Infrastructure Bill


Holbrook Town Administrator William Phelan, MWRA Advisory Board Executive Director Joseph Favaloro, MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey, and MWRA Director of Administration and Finance Rachel Madden testify before the Senate Bonding Committee.


MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey and MWRA Advisory Board Executive Director Joe Favaloro, along with Holbrook Town Administrator William Phelan and MWRA Director of Administration and Finance Rachel Madden, testified earlier this month before Senator Brian Joyce and the Senate Bonding Committee on the need for water/wastewater infrastructure financing.


Mr. Laskey emphasized, with the MWRA's abundance of water, that sections of the bill that would cover the cost of infrastructure required for connecting into the MWRA system and 50% of the entrance fees are very important to the Authority and its ratepayers.  


Mr. Favaloro noted that investing in water/wastewater infrastructure is like hitting a trifecta.  It is good for the environment by protecting our waterways and ensuring safe drinking water.  It is good for the communities/ratepayers by providing much needed financial support.  Last, but by no means least, it is great for our economy by providing jobs, increasing state and local revenues and spurring private investment.   


On February 27, the Senate approved an infrastructure bill (S2016), which included additional committed contract assistance, a 50/50 match for entrance fees, connection fees and I/I reimbursements.  To access SB2016, please click here.

The bill now moves on to the House.


It is hoped that an Infrastructure Bill will pass in this Legislative Session.  

Thank You Rick Trubiano

At the February 20, 2014 Advisory Board meeting, the Advisory Board recognized Deputy Chief Operating Officer Richard Trubiano's 29 years of service with the MWRA.  


Advisory Board Chair Katherine Dunphy, while presenting him with a plaque, stated "Rick Trubiano's career at the MWRA started in 1985.  He has grown from a Project Engineer for residuals treatment to the Superintendent of the Clinton Wastewater Treatment Plant, to his current title of Deputy Chief Operating Officer.  Through all of his 29 years with the Authority, and all of the many increased responsibilities, Rick has served with honor and distinction.  On behalf of our 60 communities and all of our ratepayers, thank you for a job well done!"


Chairman Katherine Dunphy presents plaque to Rick Trubiano.


MWRA Announces 

Organizational Changes  


With the departures of Director of Operations Support and Emergency Preparedness Marcis Kempe and Deputy Chief Operating Officer Richard Trubiano, and the fast approaching retirements of Deer Island Water Treatment Plant Director Daniel O'Brien and Chief Engineer Jae Kim, Fred Laskey has recently announced changes to the MWRA's Senior Management Organization.


Changes announced include Carolyn Fiore being named Deputy Chief Operating Officer to replace Rick Trubiano.  


David Duest will replace Dan O'Brien as Director of the Deer Island Treatment Plant.  


John Colbert becomes the incumbent of the newly created position of Deputy Director of the Deer Island Treatment Plant.  

David Coppes will become the Director of Waterworks.  


John Riccio will replace Ms. Fiore as the Director of Toxic Reduction and Control.  


Valerie Moran becomes the Manager of Operations Engineering.  


Andrew Hildick-Smith becomes the Director of Emergency Planning and Preparedness.


Mr. Laskey concluded, "although there have been a number of recent retirements, some in important positions, has required that the MWRA accelerate components of its ongoing succession plan.  Because each of these individuals has played a critical role in MWRA's success, their leaving represents a collective major loss for the MWRA; however, such departures bring the opportunity for change and new enthusiasm.  Fortunately, the MWRA has developed a very strong staff 'bench' from which to field competent, knowledgeable, and experienced replacements.  The impending departures also provide an opportunity to reassess the current organizational structure within the Operations Division, and make some further refinements as MWRA moves forward."  


Have you seen the Advisory Board's New Finance Video?  Green Sheet 2.0 


Historically, the Green Sheet was a brief update on the MWRA's financials in newsletter format (similar to News and Notes) but printed on green paper to be clearly distinguished from the Advisory Board's other publications. However, this was before websites, emails, and PDFs. Because so much has changed since the Green Sheet was first created, we've been working hard to update it for today's audience using today's tools.


Introducing: Green Sheet 2.0!  What's the same?  It still provides a snapshot of the MWRA's financials, including updates on the Current Expense Budget and Capital Improvement Programs, plus any additional important financial topics of interest.  What's new?  We traded in green paper and black and white print for videos and color visuals.


Because this is our first time trying out the new format, your feedback is greatly appreciated.


We recommend watching the video in full screen mode (the button in the bottom right of the window below) to see all of the visuals and print clearly.


Please note, the link below is supported by YouTube; if you don't have access, you can view it on the Advisory Board's website by clicking this link


Green Sheet 2.0 - February 2014
Green Sheet 2.0 - February 2014

Upcoming Events


Mar 12th - MWRA Board of Directors meeting - Charlestown
at 10:00 am


Mar 14th - Executive Committee meeting - Charlestown

 at 8:30 am 


Mar 20th - Advisory Board Public Hearing on Proposed FY15 CEB - Wellesley   

at 11:30 am


Mar 20th - MWRA Advisory Board meeting - Wellesley

Following Public Hearing


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