News & Notes
A publication of the MWRA Advisory Board 
October 2013

Clinton Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit Comment Period Extended 


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has officially notified the MWRA that the comment period for the Clinton Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES permit has been extended to November 27th from October 17th.     


With the uncertainty of the extension due to the government shutdown, both the Authority and the Advisory Board submitted written comments to meet the October 17 deadline.  The Advisory Board will take the opportunity to revisit and tweak its comments and, if needed, resubmit.


In the written comments, the Advisory Board raised concerns with the inclusion of the Town of Clinton and the Lancaster Sewer District as co-permittees, as well as numerous revisions to the operation and maintenance of local sewer systems.  


The Advisory Board believes that EPA's game plan to use the MWRA permit to gain access to communities will ultimately lead to EPA pushing the MWRA into the active management of local systems, which the Authority has neither the legal responsibility nor the financial resources to accomplish.  


To view the Advisory Board's comment letter, click here.  

Back On the "Front Burner"
Senate Bill 1880, 
An Act Improving Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure 


Funding for the "forgotten infrastructure" is back on the "front burner."  MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey and MWRA Advisory Board Executive Director Joseph Favaloro testified before the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture on SB1880.  


The bill includes the following provisions:

  • Increases contract assistance (SRF) up to $50 million to $138 million per fiscal year
  • Re-introduces two critical phrases for communities - 0% loans and principal forgiveness
  • Provides MWRA up to $13.8 million in reimbursements for community I/I reduction programs
  • Provides 50/50 match for the entrance fee for communities wishing to join the MWRA water system
  • Provides funds for connection costs to enter the MWRA system   


The one area not addressed, which is critical for the MWRA, is Debt Service Assistance (DSA).


This bill is moving fast and could be enacted by the end of the year.  The Authority and the Advisory Board will be working to get DSA included in the final version.


Click to access the Advisory Board's entire comments or view an overview by the Massachusetts Water Works Association (MWWA).


Operations Committee


The next Operations Committee meeting has been tentatively scheduled for December 3, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. at Newton City Hall.  Included on the Agenda will be:

  • Status of Water Rate Methodology Discussion
  • Expansion of the I/I Grant/Loan Program
  • Rags and Wipes - Impacts on Wastewater Collection Systems


A full packet of materials will be going out to cities and towns in mid-November.  

Upcoming Events






Nov 13th-MWRA Board of Directors Mtg. in Charlestown
at 10:00 am


Nov 15th -

Executive Committee Meeting - Charlestown at 

8:30 am 

Nov 21st - MWRA Advisory Board meeting - Chelsea 11:30 am
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