News & Notes
A publication of the MWRA Advisory Board 
August 2013

Advisory Board Recognizes 

Two Boston Harbor Heroes


On August 15th, more than 150 community, advocacy group and state leaders joined the MWRA Advisory Board (AB) on a tour highlighting the local, regional and state economic benefits realized through the Boston Harbor cleanup.  


As part of the day's activities, AB Chairwoman Katherine Dunphy recognized two individuals, former Governor Michael Dukakis and the Honorable Richard Stearns, Federal District Court Judge, for their roles in revitalizing the harbor.  See our video thanking the Governor and Judge Stearns for their efforts:

Honoring Former Governor Michael Dukakis and Federal Judge Richard G. Stearns
Honoring Former Governor Michael Dukakis and Federal Judge Richard G. Stearns



Gov. Dukakis, Judge Stearns and Advisory Board Chair Dunphy.

Gov. Dukakis, Judge Stearns, AB Chair Dunphy

Funding the "Forgotten Infrastructure"


FY14 is a critical year for creating dedicated funding sources for water and wastewater infrastructures.  Senator James Eldridge and Representative Carolyn Dykema, Co-Chairs of the Water Infrastructure Finance Committee, also joined the AB on its tour of Boston Harbor, where they talked about new legislation that would create a dedicated long-term funding stream.  See their presentation below.


Funding the Forgotten Infrastructure
Funding the Forgotten Infrastructure

In addition, the Advisory Board has been working with the Collins Center at UMass Boston to develop a report on the importance/significance of a working water/wastewater infrastructure on the local economy.  Our report will be released in early fall.


September will be a key month for infrastructure financing. The Environmental Bond Bill hearing is tentatively scheduled for September 18 and the Joint Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources has tentatively scheduled September 26 to hear infrastructure related bills.  


NN813Gov. Dukakis, Rep. Dykema, Sen. Eldridge, Judge Stearns, MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey.


Annual Water & Sewer Retail Rate Survey


Since 1988, the Water and Sewer Retail Rate Survey has provided a comparative perspective on local and national water and sewer rates.  Your continued feedback allows the AB to share your community's rate information with a broad group of interested parties who contact our office or visit our website to obtain this report.


The 2013 Water and Sewer Retail Rate Survey Questionnaire will provide important information to help make the AB's document a success.  Please email your completed survey to by September 30, 2013.


FY14 Executive Committee


If you are a member of the Advisory Board and would like to be considered to serve as a member of the Executive Committee, please contact Joseph Favaloro, Executive Director of the AB, at or by phone at 617-788-2051 by September 12, 2013.


Nominations and election will occur at the September 20th AB meeting in Wellesley, where we will be joined by the Water Supply Citizens Advisory Committee (WSCAC) and the Wastewater Advisory Committee (WAC) as we lay out our goals and objectives for FY14.    

Upcoming Events


Sept 13th -

Executive Committee Meeting - Charlestown at 

8:30 am 

Sept 18th-MWRA Board of Directors Mtg. in Charlestown
at 10:00 am

Sept 19th - MWRA Advisory Board meeting - Wellesley 11:30 am
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In addition, if you are interested in receiving the monthly News & Notes, along with any other important updates regarding the Advisory Board, please subscribe to our mailing list.  Thank you!
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