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Excel Beyond the Bell Students Go To Capitol Hill: Afterschool Alliance Breakfast of Champions

   Argyle Middle School Students Present on Capitol Hill
In recognition of schools and programs working to provide quality STEM learning opportunities for Maryland youth, the Afterschool Alliance invited two students from our Excel Beyond the Bell program to be their special guests and youth ambassadors at the "Breakfast of Champions" at the Russell Senate Office Building--an annual event celebrating Afterschool Champions from across the country and highlighting the importance of afterschool programs. 
Meet these two students who had the opportunity to present on Capitol Hill last week about the importance of after school:
Hirshel, a sixth grader at Argyle Middle School, a magnet school, and a participant in four Excel Beyond the Bell programs (UMD cooking, heroes and heroines, mad science and remote control cars) presented a powerpoint at the Breakfast of Champions and said, "EBB is one of the main reasons why I selected Argyle. My hope was that EBB would provide students technical skills necessary for a competitive world."
Lydia, an 8th grader at Argyle Middle School and Excel Beyond the Bell participant explained in her presentation at the Breakfast of Champions, "Not having these after school programs could result in students losing interest in subjects like science, English, and math. When these subjects are connected to exciting and entertaining afterschool programs, such as Argyle's Excel Beyond the Bell, the sky is the limit,"
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February 22, 2013
Great News!  County Executive Proposes Phasing In Excel Beyond the Bell Program to all
Middle Schools 



To help close the achievement gap, our County Executive Isiah Leggett proposed at last night's State of the County Address to extend the Excel Beyond the Bell program, part of his Positive Youth Development Initiative, during the summer at the current EBB schools, and to phase in EBB to all middle schools. He said, "This program is critically important to middle school. And, for many kids at that age, after-school means coming home when their parents are still at work and the house is empty."  To learn more about Excel Beyond the Bell, check out one of the videos MCPS TV did showcasing our collaborative work:


EBB Video Part 2:

MCPS Superintendent Joshua Starr talks about Excel Beyond The Bell with Gabriel Albornoz of the Montgomery County Department of Recreation

Special thank you to MCPS TV for producing these videos.

What People Are Saying About Excel Beyond the Bell


"I want to thank you for the support and tutoring my daughter received last year at One Dream Academy. She is now more confident and her grades for third grade improved very much since her enrollment in One Dream Academy...her skills in math and science improved considerably. She also got better in social skills, making it easier for her to make new friends and to stand [up] for her rights when she needs to," proud and grateful parents from Strathmore Elementary School.


"The EBB at Loiderman is going really well - I think we have finally tweaked our approach enough that its really working - we have 17 kids in the class - its so awesome!  Thanks for all of the training that you are doing - its finally sinking in," EBB Provider

Excel Beyond the Bell Data
Fall Session 2012-
Serving 5 Middle Schools

Student Responses Regarding Program Quality: percent agree or strongly agree, n=516

engagement graph 

% Enrolled More than 1 Day

Argyle MS


Clemente MS


Forest Oak MS


Loiederman MS


Neelsville MS



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