Enjoy a matinee on us! 
If Sunday's Academy Awards put you in the mood for a good movie, you can find one here at the library! What's more, you don't have to spend $20 to see it.
Available now are hits that include Truth, starring Cate Blanchett as a 60 Minutes producer fighting for her career (alongside Dan Rather, played by sound-alike Robert Redford) after doing a 2004 story on George W. Bush's military service; and Trumbo, which stars Bryan Cranston as the 1947 Hollywood screenwriter blacklisted for his beliefs.
Coming soon to our shelves are such blockbusters as Steve Jobs, Carol, Spotlight, Spectre, Brooklyn, and more!
So avoid those long lines, expensive tickets, and more expensive snack counters - stop by the library, and then stay home this weekend and enjoy the show!
Another reason to join in on adult gaming
February's Board-not-Bored meetup was so successful, the library is going to offer a simultaneous program for children in March!
The Board-not-Bored program is for adults of all ages. They'll be meeting every third Wednesday to play games that include Banagrams, Cards Against Humanity, Balderdash, and more. Attendees are invited to bring their own favorites, as well.
If you'd like to attend, you don't necessarily have to leave the kids at home! Ages 6 and up can go down to the children's room for the Kids' Game Club, which will feature popular children's games like UNO, Jenga, Scrabble, Apples to Apples, and more!
The next sessions of Board-not-Bored and the Kids' Game Club will be held from 6:30-8 p.m. March 16.
Get techy with Hour of Code and memes 
A special Minecraft edition of Hour of Code will be offered from 4-5 p.m. Thursday. Ages 8 and up will be able to use blocks of code to make their characters move through a Minecraft world. Register soon online or at the library - space is limited.
Older kids can celebrate Teen Tech Week by learning how to create their own memes on either March 8 (from 3-4 p.m.) or March 12 (from noon to 1 p.m.). Participants will use either an online meme generator or computer graphic tools to come up with new and creative ways of expressing themselves on social media. Registration is open now. 
For more information on these and other programs, call the library at 895-3707 or visit our website.
Tell us your programming preferences
Wallkill Public Library staff work hard to offer you quality programming for every age.
Some of our more popular ongoing adult programs include the Knit and Crochet Club, Fiction Club, Quilters' Circle, and Textile Tuesday.
Among the programs we're currently planning are different types of Intros to Social Media; Resume Help; Recipe Swaps, and more.
But we want to know what interests you. What type of programs would you like us to offer? Would you come out for a workshop on retirement planning? A nonfiction book club? Meditation?
If you have an idea you'd like to share, please contact Lisa Palmer at 895-3707, or lpalmer@rcls.org.   
Friends and volunteers, you can help here!
It's now easier than ever to join the Friends of the Library. The fund-raising arm of the library now meets every third Tuesday of the month to discuss ways in which various programming, raffles, and events can benefit the library. Currently the meetings are taking place in the community room of Town Hall. The next meeting will be at 6:30 March 15. Check the library's website for future dates.
Teens looking for community service hours to fulfill requirements for the National Honor Society or other achievements are also invited to come in to the library and fill out a volunteer application. We can always use help running programs or working on special projects, in addition to shelf-reading and tidying up.
For more information, call us at 895-3707.