BN-EC 2013 Logo

Video Recap: Announcement
Detroit is not my hobby; Detroit is my home


I know the pain of Detroiters. I know what it's like to live next door to an abandoned home. I know the frustration of slow response times for police, fire and EMS. I know about driving and walking on darkened streets. I know that Detroit's children have an unsafe walk to school.

I have walked a lifetime in the shoes of Detroiters.

Benny Napoleon Announces Detroit Mayoral Exploratory Committee
VIDEO Recap: Benny Napoleon Announces Detroit Mayoral Exploratory Committee

Drastic change is inevitable. As Detroiters, we accept the challenges we face with courage and commitment. Let's create a new Detroit. Stand with me in the exploratory phase by connecting through my website.

I want to hear from you during my Listening Tour. I'm not speaking with citizens only in Boston Edison, Indian Village and Rosedale Park. I will be meeting with residents across the city -- neighborhoods such as Alden Park, Brightmoor, Chandler Park, Corktown, Grandmont/Rosedale, Midtown, Springwells and Warrendale. If you want to host a Listening Tour gathering, email us. I want to see you and hear what you have to share!

Let's begin the road to a new Detroit.

Leading Detroit forward,

Benny N. Napoleon, J.D.
Detroit Skyline - Stock Photo
How Can You Get Involved?
Become engaged.

During the exploratory phase we need your support to connect with Detroiters as we capture input during a Listening Tour across our city. There are two ways to support our efforts. Make a contribution or volunteer by clicking here.
Who is Benny Napoleon?
A leader with proven experience.

Benny N. Napoleon has dedicated nearly four decades to public service, much of that time in leadership positions. He was raised and educated in Detroit, having lived here his entire life. Grounded in strong family values, he has served Detroiters and Wayne County residents honorably. Complete bio.

Paid for by the Benny Napoleon for Mayor Exploratory Cmte
PO Box 32763, Detroit, MI 48232
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