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Weekly Email
April 11, 2014
The Bird Bash Fun
Continues with Dinner at Market at Main!
If you couldn't make it to the fabulous SuperHero Bird Bash, you can still support James River. Come enjoy a tasty, southern comfort meal at Market at Main, on Sunday, April 27, with James River Day School faculty as your servers!  Our fun-loving and hard-working waiter/waitresses will be Kristin Cook, Sarah Glass, Margaret Daniel, Lindsay Eckert, Pam Reams, Jason Ruiz and Anne Taylor. Market at Main is donating the profits from this evening directly to the school, and our wonderful teacher/waitresses will be donating ALL their tips! What a fun night out and a "Super" way to support James River Day School.

We will have seatings available from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. A few seatings have filled, so please call Sally Horner at 384-7385 or email Sally to make your reservations.

Head Lines by Mary Riser 
The 2014 Bird Bash was an unqualified success, for many reasons: extraordinary leadership from Natalie Langley and Maryanna Stands, co-chairs of the auction, and from their wonderful volunteers, including: Kasey Forehand, Crystal Irby, Kristen Cook, Margaret Keller, Kristin Dabney, Jennifer Plunkett, Catherine Varner, Anne Taylor, Tina and Skip Kughn, Candace Caprise, Anne Flippin, Gray Fontana, Allegra Helms, Wynn Herbers, Melanie Jaeger, Holly Perrow, Sarah Petty, Jane Sorenson, Jen Brestel, Betsy Brogan, Jill Cole, Sarah Davidson, Katie Diminick, Linda Duerson, Ellen Edmunds, Dana Garrard, Jenny Haga, Sarah Hellewell, Annmarie Hutchison, Nickie Lang, Page Langley, Arione Lawson, Ashley Mays, Lucy Mutch, Elaine Passman, Sarah Ploch, Jane Rennyson, Julie Schietinger, Mary Sloan, Chris Tharp, Natalie Trost, Alex Vaughan, Carla Workman, Noel Yeatts, Monica Prahinski, Joy Pratt, CJ Stands, Stewart Langley, Hellen Carrington, and Alex Wood -- it takes a village! (I'm sure there were others -- these are just the folks I know!) The silent and live auction items were varied, interesting, and desirable; the sponsors were most generous; the decorations were breathtaking; and the food and drink were fabulous! With more than 225 in attendance, the party was awesome, and the fund-raising results were stupendous! The Bird Bash raised more than $95,000 (net) for the school to use to improve our technology. Already, our technology team is engaged in planning acquisition of Chromebooks and implementation of this exciting new resource for our students. Half of the auction proceeds will be dedicated to acquisition of individual computing devices, and the other half will be used for infrastructure upgrades, to allow for smooth, hassle-free internet connections, and other implementation costs, including faculty training. The auction volunteers have used their super powers to fast forward James River Day School into the 21st century!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the hard work and generosity all have shown towards our school!
Lost & Found is GROWING!  All items left in Lost & Found after Friday, April 11, will be donated to charity during spring break.

Art Department Wish List: If you have any old CDs or DVDs you no longer use, please donate them to the art department for a project. Mrs. McCraw thanks you!

Spring Break: School will be closed Monday, April 14, through Monday, April 21, for Spring Break. Classes resume on Tuesday, April 22.

Children's Center Open During Spring Break, April 14-18, 8:30-4:30 p.m. Please email Valerie Daigle if your child will come to the Children's Center over spring break in order for the the staff to plan accordingly.

Lower Schoollowerschool

Kindergarten Weekly Newsletter
First Grade Weekly Newsletter and Science Fair News
Mrs. Daniel's Second Grade Weekly Newsletter
Mrs. Parker's Third Grade Weekly Newsletter

Field Day 2014
is Friday, May 9.  Please return your completed Field Day t-shirt order forms with your payment (checks payable to JRDS) by Wednesday, April 23. Please send in your empty two-liter plastic bottles with the lid to Mrs. Schoew for a Field Day game. (20 bottles with lids are needed)

Second Graders will be sending home invitations to their parents inviting them to return to the Maier Museum at Randolph College for a parent tour and to show their parents the child's favorite pieces of artwork each student selected on their field trip to the museum last week.

Third Grade Read-a-thon, Friday, April 25.
Middle Schoolanchor tag
Missing Backpack:  Has anyone picked up a navy blue, L.L. Bean backpack that is full of books and binders?  If so, please call Laura Murphy Carwile. 

A'Cafellas and the A'Cabellas from EC Glass, under the direction of Dr. Nancy Volk-Stalcup, will present a special showcase for middle school students on Wednesday, April 23, at 12:45 p.m. in the cafeteria.

Middle School Musicians field trip to Kings Dominion, Saturday, April 26.
Practice days/times and game schedules are posted on the athletic website.

Upcoming Games: 
Wednesday, April 23
5/6th Gr. Girls vs. Forest at JRDS, 6:30 p.m.
7/8th Gr. Girls vs. Forest at JRDS, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, April, 24
5/6th Gr. Boys vs. New Covenant at JRDS, 4:30 p.m.
7/8th Gr. Boys vs. New Covenant at JRDS, 5:30 p.m.
Friday, April 25
7/8th Gr. Girls vs. EC Glass JV at JRDS, 4:30 p.m.
The Cardinal Fund has raised over $206,000 toward our goal of $210,000! Currently, parent participation is at 70%. We appreciate the many families who have contributed thus far and hope to achieve 100% parent participation before the end of the school year. If you would like to make a donation, please visit our giving page on the website or email Sally Horner, Director of Development.  James River Day School is a 501(c)(3) organization. All gifts are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Community Events & Opportunitiescommunity
Eat Clean Workshops: Have lunch and learn with health coaches, Tiffany Tatom and Mary Cope. The cost is $25 per session, or attend all three workshops for $65. The workshops will be held in James River Day School's Taylor Media Center. For complete information and to register please visit:
(1) Energizing Breakfasts
... quick, nutritious, easy recipes: Tuesday, April 29, 12 p.m.
(2) Five Simple Steps to Gain Energy: Tuesday, May 6, 12 p.m.
(3) Easy, Delicious, Kid-Friendly Dinners: Tuesday, May 13, 12 p.m.
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