safe routes logoSafe Routes to Schools

E-Newsletter       February 2014
In This Issue
Polar Bear Sitings
Bike Racks Still Available
February Blog: Tiburon Bike Train
Fact Sheet on Helmet's Benefit
Federal Law Protects Volunteers
Federal Update
Family Biking Workshops
Learn to ride with the whole family.  Saturday workshops:
April 5
May 17
June 7
July 19
February Blog     
Women onWheels      

Women's Classes starting in April

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Polar Bear Siting Around the County


    Polar Bear

Safe Routes to Schools has a new family member covered in white fur from head to toe:  A POLAR BEAR!  A new 10-minute assembly is now being offered to all elementary schools as a way to motivate students to use their feet to get to school. The skit was successfully launched this month at Sun Valley Elementary where the Polar Bear elicited laughter and applause as he biked and danced on stage.  The short skit narrated by Safe Routes' Laura Kelly highlighted the core benefits of walking and biking with help from student volunteers. The skit ended with the announcement that the Polar Bear would return to Sun Valley School the following week to meet at a local market with the Principal, as a way to bring families together and have fun walking to school.  Look out for the Safe Routes' polar bear at a school near you,  or contact Safe Routes to schedule an appearance!  


Bike Racks Still Available


 Voucher Project Extends to June 30th
bike racks


The Bay Area Air Quality District's Bike Rack Voucher program provides local public agencies with access to discounted or no-cost bicycle racks. Funding for the BRVP comes from the Air District's Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) Regional Fund Program. All public agencies (e.g., cities, counties, public school districts, libraries, transit agencies, etc.) are eligible to participate. Awards are made in the form of vouchers for up to $60 per bicycle parking spot created, limited to a maximum of $12,000 in total voucher awards per applicant.

For more information go to the BAAQD web site

February Blog: The Tiburon Bike Train Spawns More Biking



It was a cold day but everyone was dressed warmly. The children, with their adult leaders kept moving and stayed together in a group the whole way.  They arrived at school exhilarated from their ride and fully awake and ready to learn.


It's a typical Wednesday in Tiburon as children gather at various stops and join the Tiburon Bike Train. Last October, The Town of Tiburon launched a pilot program to run bike trains along the old Rail Trail from downtown Belvedere/Tiburon to Bel Aire School. Adult Cycling "Conductors" from Wheel Escape and Volunteers escort and support the students to school every Wednesday.


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Safety Tip of the Month:

Fact Sheet: Learn how helmets reduce brain injuries


helmet fitting



The CDPH's Crash Medical Outcomes Data (CMOD) Project has published a fact sheet entitled "Helmet Use Reduces Traumatic Brain Injury Among Young Bicyclists" that explains how linked police and medical data demonstrate bicycle helmet use is protective against Traumatic Brain Injury among young children injured while bicycling. 



Federal Law Protects Volunteers


walk and roll wednesdays  
Are your parent volunteers concerned about liability?   People sometimes worry that they could be at risk of liability if an injury occurs while they are volunteering, but fortunately, a federal law-the Volunteer Protection Act-provides volunteers with significant protections from liability associated with volunteer activity. They really don't have a lot to worry about as long as they fit within the boundaries by avoiding criminal acts or acts of great recklessness and aren't driving cars (those in carpools have their own automobile insurance).  You can get all the details by downloading this fact sheet from Change Lab Solutions

 Federal Update


National Partnership logo

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee held its first two hearings on the transportation reauthorization, signaling they will be moving to reauthorize the MAP-21 transportation law this year. We've got more details on these topics, plus on staffing changes at USDOT in the Safe Routes to School National Partnership federal policy blog.
Also, join us in supporting H.R. 3978, the New Opportunities for Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure Financing Act, which would let communities access low-cost loans to build networks of sidewalks, bikes lanes and paths now, and repay the loan over many years.  And, 25% of the loan proceeds must be used in low-income communities-so neighborhoods will benefit, as well as downtowns!  More information is available on our blog, or you can go right to our Congressional action center to contact your Representative now.