2014-2015 Framework for Effective Teaching Revisions
Thank you to our teacher advisory panel, teachers, school leaders, and home office directors that engaged in the revision process. Using face to face meetings with the advisory panel, online feedback via google doc, and blended discussions with school leaders, we listened, discussed, and made revisions to our FET. Our goal was to re-examine framework language and reflect new standards and expectations (ex. Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards). Alliance feedback was combined with feedback from Partnership to Uplift Communities (PUC), Aspire, and Green Dot to inform the final version 2014-2015 ALLI Framework for Effective Teaching w SPED
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Teacher Advisory Panel Meeting Dates
December-January:Teacher Performance Metrics
Feb-June: Framework for Effective Teaching rubric revisions
Upcoming Alliance-Wide Events
New Teacher Human Resources On-boarding 07/19
New Teacher Orientation 07/21-07/23
Summer Conference 07/28-07/30
Instruction Contacts:
Director of Math Instruction
Phillip Gedeon
Director of History and Social Studies Instruction
Gennay Crawford
Director of Science Instruction
Cassia Sonderleiter
Director of ELA Instruction
Director of Educator Effectiveness
Now Hiring
Coordinator of Educator Effectiveness
Now Hiring
Counseling Contacts:
Director of College Counseling
Jorge Torres
Alumni Tracking Coordinator
Jesus Prado
AMP Coordinator
Simon Linsley
AMP Coordinator
Erika Miguel
AMP Coordinator
Michelle Vaughn
Welcome to the Alliance Educator Effectiveness Newsletter. Formerly known as the TCRP Newsletter, the goal of this newsletter is to keep all members of the Alliance family informed regarding the work that teachers, counselors, school leaders, and home office are engaged in as it relates to teaching and learning. With the goal of optimizing communication, we look forward to your input and welcome your feedback.
Harris Luu, Vice President of Educator Effectiveness
Coaching and Mentoring New Teachers
Most educators will agree that new teachers need more knowledge, skills, practice and support in their first two years. In order to truly master one's craft it takes ten thousand hours of deliberate practice. Alliance College-Ready Public Schools is committed to making sure new teachers are fully supported within their first two years by providing 1:1 coaching and mentoring support on an average of 6 hours per month. The support includes, but is not limited to, lesson planning, lesson providing resources, completing observation, analyzing student work, modeling lessons. At Alliance, we believe that coaching is an essential component of our professional development program.
Our goal is that each ALLI coach will create a relationship in which the teacher feels sustained and supported. ALLI Coaches work towards fostering an environment in which deep reflections and learning take place. We want teachers to feel that they can take risks to change his or her practice through powerful conversations with their coach. We want our new teachers to see their ALLI Coach as a place of refuge during frustrating and challenging times during the year.
This is the first year of our ALLI Coaching Initiative and we are very excited to see the progress and development of our new teachers. Our coaches have made great progress in this new role. In order for coaches to be effective in their craft, we have provided them with twelve days of training from the New Teacher Center. All ALLI Coaches are classified as a highly effective or master teacher. During the Coach Academy, they engage in role-play, partner discussions, and whole group activities that prepare them for real-world application back at their respective school sites. Most coaches will agree that this has been a great year of learning for both teacher and coach. Coaches can be heard referring to their new teachers as "superstars". New teachers echo gratitude for the support that they have received this year from their coach. It has definitely been a win-win in so may aspects.
A best practice shared by one of the coaches was how she reviews the lesson plan for her new teachers before it is submitted to the principal. This has tremendously increased how well the new teachers at her school site perform on Domain 1 of their TCRP. Another best practice is how the mentor and coach design and co-teach lessons together. We believe that these practices will help to move teacher practice in a positive direction.
Dr. Marguerite Williams
Director of Administrator Residency and New Teacher Support
ECET: Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teaching
What does ECET2 mean to me? If you would have asked me to define this a few months ago, I would have no answer. I did not know what this acronym meant, was it some sort of a math term? I received an invitation in December from ECET2 and amongst many things it read, "In recognition of your excellence and leadership in teaching, you have been nominated by your peers, and are cordially invited by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation." What a monumental moment in my profession! Who would think to nominate a World Language teacher for their work to be recognized by an organization so important as the Gates Foundation? After emailing my principal, Kirsten Woo, to confirm this wasn't a hoax, I enthusiastically accepted the invitation to participate in this teacher conference, convening in beautiful Snowbird, Utah!
I am eternally grateful to Anita Ravi for nominating me and allowing me to participate in such a career changing experience with ECET2 this past February. This convening gathered over 300 teacher leaders from across the country to celebrate and further our collaboration in the education field. It was incredible to meet so many talented colleagues from all over the U.S., who taught different contents at different educational institutions. ECET2 allowed me to learn so much about my profession ranging from effectively collaborating to meet the new Common Core State Standards, using social networks to share best practices with colleagues, and how to communicate effectively to advocate for myself and for my students. I was captivated by all of this information I acquired and have come back to share it with my colleagues at the Alliance. I introduced my Alliance World Languages collea gues to Common Core and our department at Stern MASS is currently working with the National Center for Literacy Education (NCLE) to develop a literacy program for world language students. Thank you ECET2 for helping me grow as an educator and giving me the tools to build strong students!
Lilliana Gallo, World Languages
Teacher at Mark and Eva Stern Math and Science High School
Assistant Principal and Counselor Frameworks
Alliance Assistant Principal Framework
The ALLI team has been working with lead principals and lead assistant principals on building out a performance rubric to help support and measure assistant principal effectiveness. In 2012-2013, principals and assistant principals examined the leader rubric to determine potential indicators of performance. In the Fall of 2013-2014, a committee of principals and assistant principals continued the work, refining indicator language and discussing a pilot. This past Spring, the assistant principal administrator residents reviewed the process, engaged in reflection, and shared their feedback. We are excited to say that the Assistant Principal rubric will now go before the senior leadership team and principal's cabinet for the next stages of vetting. The next phases of this work include building out the evidence for each indicator, and coming to consensus for student performance/ school performance metrics. Click here to take a look at the proposed timeline.
Alliance Counselor FrameworkOver this past year a committee of 11 members including counselors and administrators worked on creating a performance rubric that will measure Counselor effectiveness. The team met several times during the fall of 2013 to establish the domains and standards. To inform the rubric, the committee used a variety of documents and tools to inform its development. These documents included other Charter Management Organization's Counseling rubrics, National and State Counseling standards, along with other researched based proven practices in the various domains. The goal is to pilot the performance rubric in the 2014-2015 school year to further refine and inform practice. Ultimately, full implementation is slated for the 2015-2016 school year. Please view the Counseling Rubric Implementation Plan here.