2012 12/31 appeal 
November 14, 2012  
In This Issue
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Families in Need
Ministry Needs
Disaster Response
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Tim's Pick of the Week
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President Tim Hetzner Launches Appeal for Lutheran Schools in New York at Request of Atlantic District President Reverend Dr. David Benke


Hetzner Benke While visiting areas affected by Superstorm Sandy LCC President Tim Hetzner spent some time with Atlantic District President Reverend Dr. David Benke. Dr. Benke learned about the mission and ministry of Lutheran Church Charities and Tim learned about the precarious position of Lutheran schools in the city of New York following the storm. LCC is launching an appeal to help raise funds that will keep these schools open as families rebuild from the storm and are unable to keep up with tuition. Dr. Benke explains the situation:


"Right now, what we need in terms of resource on the ground is a cash reserve for school tuition gaps in Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island. Our schools reach the working class and working poor, with an enrollment in affected areas of 2000 students. They tend to be "paycheck to paycheck" folks, so when a week or month of work is missed, they can't make tuition payments. I estimate that ten schools will need $15,000-$25,000 each in GAP funds. We're implementing a tracking system to determine the need - I know that from my own local base, we've had demissions and delegation of payment of several thousand dollars already in the first week.


After 9/11, we lost five Lutheran schools within two years due to enrollment drops and tuition non-payment, because the working class was most deeply affected by the incredible mess at that time. I'm not letting that happen again on my watch - and it will be tougher, because our remaining schools are more vulnerable.


Because you and your team brought comfort to several of those schools, I think of you with regard to this compassion project. Congregational outreach is focused through those schools, so the bottom line to me is that the Means of Grace and our parish educational ministry depend on keeping the doors open, and opening them wider!


Beyond that, of course, there are counseling needs for student families (I think you visited one on your trip out) and focused activities including servant events for students in distributing resources where they're needed the most. I don't know the process of application to Lutheran Church Charities, but I would personally oversee any such operation from our end..


Peace and joy in Jesus, and thanks again,

Rev. Dr. David H. Benke, Bishop/President

Atlantic District, LC-MS

Pastor, St. Peter's Lutheran Church

Brooklyn, New York"

"Engaging the World with the Gospel of Hope"


Click here to donate to the New York Lutheran Schools Fund 

Village Lutheran Church in Lanoka Harbor, New Jersey Makes Urgent Call for Chainsaw Volunteers - More Needed Immediately  


Village Lutheran Church, Lanoka Harbor, NJPastor Mark Stillman of Village Lutheran Church in Lanoka Harbor, New Jersey,
and his wife Tracey, are coordinating volunteers for storm clean-up in Southern New Jersey. Pastor Ed Brashier is working for LCMS Disaster Response and Lutheran Church Charities to deploy the chainsaw volunteer teams to properties spread over a five county area. They have been inundated with requests for chainsaw crews with a list of over 300 properties and more being added every day.

They are hoping to add at least eight more volunteers to the list of those scheduled for next week and after that have set a goal of at least 20 chainsaw volunteers each week for at least the next month and possibly through the end of the year. If you are a chainsaw certified LERT volunteer and can free up your schedule to go help in New Jersey, please register with LCC by clicking below. Those with extensive chainsaw experience but not yet certified will be considered but must have all the required safety gear including chaps, gloves, eye protection, ear protection and helmet.

LCC Chainsaw Team Update


Chainsaw Superstorm Sandy The team of LERT trained chainsaw volunteers left at dawn on Sunday, November 11 and drove straight through to New Jersey. They are on the ground this week removing trees downed by Superstorm Sandy across a broad area of the state. Under the direction of LCMS Disaster Response these volunteers are being deployed to various sites by Pastor Ed Brashier. The team is staying at Village Lutheran Church in Lanoka Harbor, New Jersey where Pastor Mark Stillman and his wife Tracey are welcoming volunteers. Ed Boerman of Trinity in Lisle, Illinois and LCC's Chainsaw Certification Trainer is leading this team. He has plans to stay another week beyond this visit to train additional volunteers in chainsaw safety. The rest of the team will be returning home this Sunday, November 18. The team of 13 people represent 11 churches in three states. Please keep this team in your prayers.


Click here and donate to Superstorm Sandy relief  


Click here for the LCMS Reporter story "Churches band together to meet needs after Sandy" 

LCC Hands out Cash to Pastors for Members and Suffering Families in their communities


East CoastNo electricity, no gas, banks closes, stores not able to take credit cards - all lead to the importance to help people financially with cash. LCC hands out (and gets receipt) to pastors to assist those in their church and community in the front end of the disasters to that basic needs can be met.


Pictured (top): LCC President Tim Hetzner with Rev Haron Orutwa of Tumaini Kristo Lutheran Church in Jersey City, New Jersey and Councilwoman Viola Richardson of Jersey City.


Pictured (bottom): LCC President Tim Hetzner with President Benke of the Atlantic District


Click here and donate to Superstorm Sandy relief

LCC Sends Semi of Food to Assist Families in New Jersey


East Coast Superstorm Yesterday afternoon a semi-truck and trailer left to bring non-perishable food items to families in New Jersey through our LCMS Churches. All the food will be distributed to individuals and families in need through our pastors and churches of the LCMS - all with the Mercy and Compassion, Presence and Proclamation of Christ. Click here for updates on our website.

12/31 "Remember Us Last" as We Reflect on 2012 Disaster Response


12-31 appeal

LCC has launched our only annual appeal to fund our administrative expenses. Throughout the year your donations to specific needs are passed through with 100% of your donation going to the needs you specify. We don't reduce those gifts by a single penny - even going so far as to cover all credit card fees, bank charges and other costs related to receiving and distributing your generous donations. At the end of the year we ask you to 'Remember Us Last' to keep us first to serve.


Each week we're highlighting an aspect of our ministry here in the newsletter and this week we look at Disaster Response. Of course the powerful Superstorm Sandy is foremost in people's minds as winter sets in and LCC continues to deploy chainsaw volunteers and K-9 Comfort Dogs to the region. There is so much work to be done and at the most inhospitable time of the year weather-wise. But Sandy relief is just the latest in our efforts that began this year when we sent a chainsaw crew to Alabama in January to help clean-up after early season tornadoes swept the area. Then we responded to tornadoes in Southern Illinois, Southern Indiana and Michigan. Hurricane Isaac got our attention in early September.


Village Lutheran Church, Lanoka Harbor, NJHowever, dealing with disasters and deploying volunteers is only part of what we do. Throughout the year we prepare people for disaster. LCC sponsors basic Lutheran Early Response Team (LERT) trainings through churches around the district. We schedule advanced LERT trainings in Spiritual Care, Chainsaw Safety, Mold Abatement/Muck Out, and Tarp and Patch. We maintain volunteer credentials, monitor every storm that comes through the area and cooperate with LCMS Disaster Response in bringing help to disasters that happen nationally and internationally.


As you might imagine, all this disaster response preparation, training and volunteer deployment work comes with extensive administrative expenses. Money donated for specific disasters goes 100% through our churches to those affected by the disaster. Your 12/31 gift covers all our administrative expenses including those we incur managing disaster response. Thank you for considering a gift that keeps this ministry vibrant in 2013.


Click here to donate to the 12/31 Remember Us Last Appeal 

Pastor Dean Pittelko of Grace English Chicago Alerts LCC to Life-Long Church Worker in Need of a Car 

LCC has received a request from Pastor Dean Pittelko of Grace English Lutheran Church in Chicago about a need for a car. He writes...


Pastor Dean PittelkoThis man has been a faithful worker for the Lord and His people for many years and sacrificed a great deal in doing so. His car broke down and because repair costs are prohibitive, he is truning to LCC and its supporters to consider helping him so he can continue to help others. A graduate of Concordia in River Forest and the St. Louis Seminary, he works with the disabled and in youth ministry and makes very little money. He has been a blessing to many, let's now be a blessing to him.

If you have a serviceable car and would consider donating it through LCC to this dedicated church worker please call us at (866) 455-6466 and we will take you through the donation process. All donors are given credit for full Kelley Blue Book value of the car for charitable deduction purposes.

Henryville Tornado Recovery Effort Desperately Needs Volunteers Between Now and Christmas

LCC has received an urgent request from Tricia Major, coordinating Indiana District response to the Henryville tornado.

They are strivinTim's Pick of the Weekg to get displaced families into their new homes by Christmas. Volunteers are needed to make this happen. Tricia writes...
"We are in dire need of volunteers for the next six weeks so we can get six March 2nd Tornado families in their homes before Christmas.

We need skilled and semi-skilled volunteers to complete the homes
. We need carpet layers, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, and semi-skilled people who can take direction. Free housing is available for volunteers. Contact LCC at (866) 455-6466 if you have any questions.

Click here to register as an individual for Henryville
Click here to register a group for Henryville

Lophane Laurent, LCC Staff Member from Haiti, Visits Chicago  


LophaneLCC staff member from Haiti, Lophane Laurent, is visiting the Chicago area this week. He is visiting congregations and groups sharing the latest news from Haiti and meeting with those supporting the work in Haiti. He is also stopping by the LCC offices and on Monday dropped in on the Word Bible Class taught weekly by Tim Hetzner.

UPDATE - Haiti Tent City Families: Children Attending School ... More in Need of Your Support.


"For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God" - 2 Corinthians 9:12


Haiti Scholarship Student Your gift of just $30 per month or $300 for the school year has provided the opportunity for twenty Haitian children to attend school! All of these children, the poorest of the poor, live in tent cities and would otherwise be without an education this year. Now they attend school and study math and grammar - a dream realized through LCC's Haiti Children's Education Sponsorship Program.


To all who responded in kindness and generously to the needs of these children, THANK YOU! Lophane Laurent, LCC staff member in Haiti writes...


"...when I went to them (the families) to tell them that they will be at school it was a big joy for all of them".  


For all those whose hearts are filled with compassion for these children and desire to help, but have not yet committed, it's not too late. You can still sponsor a child or multiple children in a family.


Click here to sponsor a Haitian Child's Education    

Click here to see pictures of the children.  

K-9 Comfort Dogs Return from Successful Visit to East Coast - Others Invited


K9 Sandy K-9 Comfort Dogs Ladel, Chloe and Barnabas have returned safely home from their visit to the East Coast along with handlers Deb Kinne, Pastor Phil Ressler and Pastor Tim Engel. They visited several locations throughout last week. One of their visits took them to Holy Cross Nursery School in Mahwah, New Jersey. Everyone loved the Comfort Dogs and sent out an announcement to their church community about the visit and the work of LCC.


LCC would like to deploy additional teams of K-9 Comfort Dogs and handlers to New York and New Jersey. If you are a K-9 handler for your church's K-9 Comfort Dog, consider planning a trip and register with us. We are collecting names and available dates at this time.


Click here to volunteer for a K-9 Comfort Dog trip to the East coast
Click here to donate to the K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry
Click here to donate to Superstorm Sandy Recovery 

Comfort Dog Update


K-9 Comfort Dog Calendar from Holy Cross in Portage, Indiana  

K9 Calendar

At the end of this school year K-9 Comfort Dog Prince, serving at Portage High School in Portage, Indiana, is planning to retire. Holy Cross is Prince's home church and they are planning to replace Prince with a new LCC K-9 Comfort Dog.


Holy Cross has produced a 2013 calendar featuring K-9 Comfort Dogs Barnabas and Prince in action. Sales of the calendar will go to raise funds for the new K-9 Comfort Dog that will serve at Portage High School. Pastor Tim Engel asked us to share this announcement:


Spend 2013 with Prince and Barnabas, the Comfort Dogs of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Portage, IN. Each month features photos of the dogs making a difference in the Portage community. The calendars also make great Christmas gifts for the dog lovers in your life. Each calendar costs $12 (including shipping).


K-9's Add Comfort to The Clinic at Trinity Roselle


K9 Trinity LCC K-9 Comfort dogs came together to give comfort to the hundreds of people that showed up for the 6th Annual Clinic at Trinity Roselle. K-9's Olympia, Ruthie, Tara, Wave, JoJo, Adeena, Star, Kye, and Addie with their handlers, provided comfort to young and old alike at this wonderful community outreach event. A warm meal, clothing, medical assistance and spiritual care were just some of the services provided to families in need.


Items Free for the Asking
LCC works THROUGH churches and is not a Direct Service Ministry.  To request an item on our "Free for the Asking" list please contact your Church and ask that they call us (866-455-6466) requesting an item.  Arrangements will then be made to connect the item with you.  If you are not a member of a Christian Church then please call LCC to place you in contact with one of our LCMS churches who can assist you.  
  • 2966 7" Diagonal Digital Color TV, JVC w/remote control, NOT HD but is cable ready
  • 2965 20" Diagonal Digital Color TV, Phillips w/remote control NOT HD but is cable ready
  • 2964 (1) 5 Drawer Dresser (Maple/Brown) (36"Wx49"H)
  • 2963 (1) 5-drawer dresser (Maple/Brown) (30"Wx42"H)
  • 2962 Woman's bedroom furniture, light wood (white) with gold trim-good condition: (1) 4-drawer desk with mounted book shelves (44"W), (1) storage chest (37"Wx21"Hx15"D), (1) 3-drawer dresser (37"Wx43"Hx16"D) w/attachable mirror (23"Wx32"H), (1) 2-drawer night stand (19"Wx32"H)
  • 2961  Queen size mattress, boxspring and 4 pillows
  • 2960  Green fabric ottoman
  • 2959  Grey microfiber recliner

 To OFFER an item for this section, or to get a receipt for an item you have donated,

Families in Need

Help Make A Difference

Former NID Pastor in Transition Needs Assistance as He Resettles in Michigan

Request from Pastor Peter Nickel, Huntington Woods Lutheran Church:


K9 Sandy A Pastor who served in the NID until recently has relocated to Michigan and is in transition. His new home church where he attends as a member, Huntington Woods Lutheran Church in Huntington Woods, Michigan led by Pastor Peter Nickel is asking LCC to collect funds that can be used to support this faithful servant in his time of need. All money donated will be passed through 100% to Huntington Woods Lutheran and they will use it to assist with any financial need.


Click here to donate to help a Pastor in transition 

Pastor Tom Acton Alerts LCC of Family in Need of Good Working Van


Pastor Action Twins The family that adopted the "Christmas Twins" is dealing with a host of issues that have drained their finances. Now their van is failing and they don't have the resource to replace it. If you have a van in good working order and would like to share the mercy of Christ with this family by donating it through LCC, please contact us at (866) 455-6466. We will walk you through the process of donating the van and you'll receive credit for full Kelley Blue Book value as a charitable donation. As the harsh weather approaches it is critical that this family get reliable transportation. Thank you for your consideration.

Pastor and His Family in Need of Financial Support During Transition

Request From District President Dan Gilbert and Pastor David Juhl, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Momence, Illinois


Rev. David Schmidt, a former WELS pastor, began the colloquy process to transition into ministry in the LCMS earlier this year. Pastor Schmidt and his family have been Spirit led to pursue this course even though it has meant sacrificing regular income during the process.

Through your donations, LCC provided assistance for their needs at the beginning of the process and Our Savior Lutheran Church in Momence has continued to provide spiritual care for Pastor Schmidt's family. Several LCMS congregations in Northern Illinois have helped the family with financial resources. However, Pastor Schmidt has now depleted his last financial resources. The family is in need of $1,200.00 a month for living expenses for the next several months.

They ask for your prayerful support and, if the Spirit so leads you, for your financial help with their living expenses until the transition is complete.


Click here to donate 

Pastor Larry Frazier of Resurrection Chicago Seeks Financial Assistance for Member Attending Concordia Ann Arbor in Pre-Seminary Program


Pastor Larry Frazier has alerted LCC to a serious situation for one of his members who is in the pre-seminary program at Concordia Ann Arbor but has had health difficulties that have put him in financial crisis. Pastor Frazier explains...


Westley Westley Cunningham is a member of Resurrection Lutheran Church on the south side of Chicago. He has been in Lutheran schools since Pre-Kindergarten and is currently going into his junior year at Concordia Ann Arbor. Westley plans to enter pastoral studies. He contracted pneumonia in July and is hoping to continue his studies in January. However, Westley's financial aid is now in jeopardy as a result of his illness and absence from class. He has an outstanding bill of $7,365 and would appreciate any help at this time.


Pastor Larry Frazier


Please consider a gift of any size that might help Westley continue his plans to return to Concordia in January and resume his studies. All donations will be passed 100% dollar for dollar to Resurrection Lutheran Church and on to assist Westley.


Click here to donate 

Pastor Hicham Seeks Tuition Support for Salam Member Child

Pastor Hicham Chehab of Salam Fellowship, a Lutheran outreach ministry to the Muslim population of Chicago, has identified a need for tuition support for a grade school student whose family attends Salam. Pastor Hicham explains...
tuition requestTrain up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)

A youth (5th grade) from a Salam family is attending a Lutheran school and his family cannot pay all the tuition fees. The school has reduced the tuition but $1,500 is still needed. Please support the Christian education of this child whose family has converted from Islam, making big sacrifices, and staying the course, irrespective of persecution.

Pastor Squires of Bethel Gurnee Seeks Support for Member Family to Enroll Son in Teen Challenge


Pastor Ben SquiresPastor Ben Squires of Bethel Gurnee has contacted LCC requesting that we spread the word about a member family in need of support for their teen son. They have enrolled him in Teen Challenge as a way to restore him from a series of bad choices. The parents have written this...


We are writing this letter to you to request your consideration for donating to help our son, Seth, to finish his Teen Challenge program. Teen Challenge is a Christian based, military-style program for boys between the ages of 12-18 who are heading down the wrong path in life. They typically help with drug, alcohol, behavior, sexual and addictions of all kinds. This program is 15 months in length and is not covered by insurance. For the boys enrolled there this is not only a life defining time but for some a life-saving moment in their life.  Click here to read the entire letter from Seth's parents. 


Click here to donate to Seth's Teen Challenge Fund 

Thanks to Your Generous Support, We Were Able to Provide Assistance to the following:

  • Concordia Seminary
  • Haiti School Scholarship
  • Haiti Disaster Relief Fund
  • Haiti Teachers and Jeremie Fund
  • St. Lukes, Montgomery, Illinois - Family House Fire Fund
  • Immanuel, Joplin Missouri - Tornado Relief Fund 
Other Stories Still Seeking Support

Ministry Needs

Help Make A Difference  

Items Available to a Ministry
  • 2956 75 hymnals (LW-blue)
  • 2949 Gestetner Copy Printer 5329L with extra ink and supplies
  • 2948 black hutch cabinet
  • 2944 Several boxes of choir music. Some books as well as anthems. Most are SATB. Take as much or as little as you want
  • 2942 Xerox WorkCentre 5050/5030 Supplies: (2 pk) Toner #6R1046, (3) Waste Toner Bottles #8R12896 and a Fuser Module #109R00636
  • 2941 7' Couch (black)

Click here for the full list of Items Available to a Ministry  

 To OFFER an item for this section, or to get a Receipt for an item you have donated,


Pastor Hicham Needs Crucial Car Repairs/Maintenance to Continue Ministry


Pastor Hicham Chehab of Salam Fellowship has alerted LCC to a need for repairs and maintenance work on the car he uses to accomplish his ministry to the Muslim population that ranges all across Chicagoland. He writes...


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Since I am the only Lutheran missionary to Muslims in Chicagoland, I may be sharing the love of Christ with someone in Bridgeview (in the South) in the morning and catechizing someone else in the afternoon, 40 miles away from my morning location in the mission field. This maybe a daily activity, especially considering that the one-on-one approach in evangelism has proven to be the most effective with Muslims.


I have a small four cylinder car (Mazda 1999 stick shift) that I use for my ministry, because it makes around 40 miles per gallon. This saves a lot of God's people's money donated to this ministry, especially with the hike in the gas prices.


However, this vehicle now needs repairs that would cost around $ 1000. I hope that you would help in repairing that vehicle in order to keep the cost low in sharing the love of Christ with Muslims.


Please contact LCC at (866) 455-6466 if you would like to provide the repairs and maintenance for Pastor Hicham, or click here to donate

Help Chaplain Hein Receive an LCC K-9 Comfort Dog - Fire Service Dog Program

A joint project of Lutheran Church Charities (LCC) and the Rev. Mark Hein, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Lockport and chaplain for the Lockport Township Fire Protection District.


Chaplain Hein

Please help Lutheran Church Charities raise the funds for a K-9 Comfort Dog to assist Reverend Mark Hein as he serves Lockport and the surrounding community in crisis situations as Chaplain to the Fire Department.


There are great ministry possibilities for an LCC K-9 Comfort Dog being a fire service dog and assisting Chaplain Hein in his ministry to fire personnel and victims of tragic situations.Click here for more details. 


Click here to donate to the Chaplain Hein K-9 Fund 

Disaster Response

Transform Joplin Announces Suspension of Volunteer Work from November 8-22, 2012  


Trent Davis

LCC has received word from Trent Davis of Transform Joplin that they will not be accepting volunteers from November 8 to 22.  


Coordinators in Joplin will be involved in an overseas mission trip and will suspend volunteer work for that brief time.  Work will resume after the Thanksgiving holiday and teams are welcome to register for dates prior to and after the November break.  Much of the work in Joplin now consists of new home construction in cooperation with Habitat for Humanity.


Click here to register a team to work in Joplin 

Click here to register as a volunteer in Joplin 

Click here to donate to LCC disaster response 


Licensed Electricians Needed to Volunteer in Henryville, Indiana


electricianEarlier this summer "March 2 Recovery", the long term recovery program in Henryville, laid foundations for a good number of homes and continues to pour more foundations for what will eventually be a total of 15 homes.  They would like to have the houses finished before the end of September. In order to do this they need to have licensed electricians working with other volunteers to do the work. This would enable "March 2 Recovery" to have teams of volunteers to come in and complete as many houses as possible before winter sets in.


Click Here to Read More...  


Click here to register as an individual 

Click here to register a group 

Click here to donate to the Southern Indiana Disaster Relief Fund 


International Ministry

Pastor Marky Kessa Thanks LCC and Volunteers for Help Restoring Guest House Roof


Haiti Roof The guest house in Jacmel, Haiti had a portion of the roof ripped off when tropical storm Isaac hit in September. Since then a team of volunteers working through LCC has visited the island country and repaired the roof damage. Pastor Marky Kessa, President the Lutheran Church of Haiti sent us pictures and a thank you note. Once again, your generosity has brought restoration and hope.

Families in Haiti Lose Tent Homes to Hurricane Sandy


Tim Hetzner with family in Haiti tent cityWhile the victims of Superstorm Sandy continue the long process of recovery on the East coast LCC has received word from Lophane, our staff member in Haiti, that families in the tent city lost their homes to hurricane Sandy before it came to the U.S. One of those is the family LCC President Tim Hetzner spent a night with during his last visit to Haiti in September. We are asking everyone to consider a donation to help rebuild the tents lost to the storm. Lophane shares some detail in an email to Tim Hetzner...


Blessings to you brother from our Lord. How was your day? I know it was a bad day for you, because you were busy with the superstorm. Below is the information about the ladies that their children are sponsor in our scholarship program. First the lady you stayed with...her tent measure 4 meters 90 to 3 meters 20. We will need for her $630 to fix it and the two other ladies you asked me to get the information and send to you are : 4 meters to 3 meters 10 for a price of $ 550 each. I want to thank you for your help and your efforts to find people in US who want to support those poor ladies with their families. I know you are not in Illinois, but you will get this message when you will be back home. Have a blessed night and be safe also.




Click here to donate to rebuild homes for Haitian families

Hurricane Sandy Hit Haiti Before it Became a Superstorm - Help the Victims  


Tim Hetzner with Pastor Isaac and President Marky KessaOn the way to the East Coast of the United States Superstorm Sandy was a hurricane that hit Haiti with a glancing blow. The storm came close enough to inflict major damage on the island since so many structures are temporary and unstable anyway. LCC has received word from Pastor Isaac (pictured left) about some of the damage done and what is needed to recover from the storm. He writes...


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!


Following the passage of the cyclone Sandy in Haiti caused much more damage. This was the case in your area. We were praying for you, your family and your people. Thank God there is not much loss of life. We share the pain of the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy. Thus, we continue to pray for one and another to restore areas of our two countries. The road from Port-au-Prince to Jeremie is cut from 2 sides, so the transport is blocked and this has caused the prices of foods to go up. Our gardens and animals are disappearing to 80%, this would result in a great time of famine. We hope on your prayers as we do for you.


God bless you!
Pastor Isaac Jacquet


Click here to donate for Haiti relief

Here are additional ways to Help Our Ongoing Haiti Relief Efforts


Physical Needs

Latrines for the Lutheran schools - $500

Water FiltersLatrine at school in Haiti 

- School Version - $185 

- Home Version - $35 

Shoes- $5
Motorcycles for Pastors - $1,000
Support College Students Volunteering in Haiti - $150
Goats - $50 each
General Disaster Response Donations

Spiritual Needs
Staff Workers in the Tent Cities - $200 a month
Bibles in French - $6 each
Luther's Small Catechism in Creole - $5 each
See Through the Scriptures manuals in French - $2 each

Developing Projects
Radio Ministry - click here to learn more
Hosting Haitian Christian Music Group for U.S. Tour - click here to learn more 

Haiti Tent City Needs


I was hungry and you gave me something to eat  

hungry in HaitiFood needed for families who lost their gardens,  food supply and income from the storm


Many families in Haiti have lost their gardens and their banana trees in tropical storm Isaac. Consequently, they have lost their simple food supply and meager income. Consider helping us in bringing food to them until their gardens recover.  


Click here to donate to Haiti Food Fund   


hungry in Haiti  

I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink  

LCC has received word from Lophane Laurent that 50 more water filters have been received. Below is his email:  


water filters in Haiti Thanks a lot brother for supporting the people in the tent city tohave a chance to now drink GOOD WATER. For them it's a big blessing, because after the earthquake they didn't receive a gift from any other organization, only LCC. This afternoon at 2:00PM I received all of the 50 filters that you sent and at the same time, I went to that tent city, invited some people to meet with me at my church to train them and I spent almost one hour teaching them and then after distributed the filter to them. All of them asked me to thank you and all of the people who are supporting this program. Brother, in their name, I say you thank you so much and may God bless your family. Thanks again for all and may God be with you.


Click here to donate for water filters   


I was in prison and you came to visit me.  

Your Donations Helping Repair Tents


repairing a roof in Haiti Living in a tent city and in a tent is like being in prison. You are stuck - with little hope. Add to that living in a tent that has been damaged and torn because of the storms! LCC Staffer on the ground in Haiti, Lophane Laurent, reports that LCC donations are being used in the tent city where President Tim Hetzner spent the night, to continue fixing homes (tents) there. There is still much work to be done and Lophane is working on our behalf to prioritize needs and see that your donations are put to work in the most effective way possible.  


Click here to donate for tarps to repair tents 

You recognize this prayer written by Martin Luther ...

Come Lord Jesus, be our guest
And let thy gifts to us be blessed.  Amen

If we really mean this prayer and want Jesus to be our Guest - wouldn't we feed him also?

Consider becoming a part of LCC's individual challenge and FEED THE INVISIBLE GUEST - AND MAKE HIM VISIBLE program to help feed the hungry.
Christian Education Projects in the Philippines

Christian Education Phillipines Help the Lutheran Church of the Philippines (LCP) move toward establishing 100 new church and school ministries by the year 2017 to reach more people with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ! Rev. James Cerdenola is the LCP President. Click here to read more... 


Click here to donate


LCC Ministry Resources 

potwTim's Pick of the Week

Tim's Pick of the Week   


Gorgeous resin cross with raised Holy Family, luscious vine accents, and engraved sentiment Jesus, our savior is born. A terrific addition to your shelf or tabletop this Christmas season, and a heartwarming gift. 10" high; boxed

Faith Led Feet - An Opportunity to Put Your Faith in Action  

Lutheran Church Charities


Lutheran Church Charities has a page,"Faith Led Feet", on our web site that will help Christians who are involved in activities for a charitable cause as an expression of their faith to spread the word.


Click here to read more.

Looking to be in an in-depth Bible Study? 
Does Your Church Want to Host a Study?
Your Small Group?

Over 150 weeks of In-Depth Bible Studies available on DVD


Tim Hetzner, President of Lutheran Church Charities, has led over 40 Biblical Studies Trips to the Middle East over the past 30 years.  Learn his insights into the Biblical Text, the Culture and Customs of the People, the History and Archeology of the land - but MOST OF ALL - discover the MIND-METHOD-MANNER and MINISTRY of our Lord Jesus Christ.


All Courses are available on DVD and also on the Internet.  Become a host site for WORD Bible Studies and find Answers in the Bible for Life's Many Difficulties and Questions!


For more information and registration, Click Here...


To find out more information contact Tim Hetzner at 866-455-6466 or email at [email protected] 

Ministry Resources Available to Congregations    


Ministry ResourcesLooking for Ways to Share the Mercy and Compassion of Christ to Those in Your Church and Community?   


How to Conduct a Successful Mission Fair


Click here to learn more about these and other Ministry Resources available from Lutheran Church Charities 


LCC Offers Seminarian Assistance Fund for Men Attending LCMS Seminaries  


young seminarian Lutheran Church Charities has received a number of requests to help Seminarians who will be attending our LCMS Seminaries at either Concordia Fort Wayne or Concordia St Louis. As a way to support our LCMS congregations and the pastors who serve them, we have set up a vehicle for people to support individual seminarians. The funds donated to a particular seminarian will be given Dollar Per Dollar to assist the seminarian for any seminary expenses they may have while attending seminary.


Reverend Roger Pollock from the LCC staff will work individually with each seminarian on how to best use the funds received. Several other pastors that regularly advise and assist LCC will also work with Roger on this project. This fund allows a donor to help a seminarian directly through LCC and receive a charitable contribution tax credit from LCC. If you would like to help one of our seminarians with a contribution, please click here.


If you are someone who will be attending one of our seminaries to go into  the Pastoral Ministry, and would like to encourage family, friends and churches to help you, please fill out a registration form. Seminarians must register with LCC to be added to the list of those eligible for donations to this fund.


Click here to register as a seminarian  

Click here to donate to the LCC Seminarian Assistance Fund  

K-9 Parish Comfort Ministry LCC Staff and Comfort Dogs Available for Church Functions and School Chapels!

Click here to learn more! 


Find us on Facebook 

Servant at Heart - Online Christian Business Directory

Looking for a Christian business?  

Lutheran Church Charities has an online Christian Business Directory, Servant@Heart.

This online directory allows: 

- Christians businesses to advertise their services without cost. 

- Christians looking for employment a place to post their resume

- Christians with job openings a place to post those opening 

- Others to seek out Christian businesses and employees


Click here to learn more 

carsDo More Than "Make A Wish" - Make A Difference in the Name of Christ
Vehicles Needed for Families and MinistriesReceive full Kelley Blue Book value for your IRS charitable deduction as your car is given to a family in need and never sold by LCC


LCC regularly receives requests for vehicles to help families in need. We cannot keep up and are hoping that you will consider donating your vehicle through LCC to meet these needs. Any car, van, or SUV in good working order will be gladly accepted and passed through to people in need. You'll get the full value of your car for charitable donation credit. We cannot overstate the need for vehicles.


If you have a working car or van please consider donating it to LCC for one of these families. All vehicles that are donated to LCC go directly out to families or individuals through our congregations. NO vehicles are sold.Here are some of the most recent requests, but we have others that are still waiting for some word...

Click here for the complete page listing the needs 

If you have a vehicle to donate,  please contact
[email protected] or call 866-455-6466

Lutheran Church Charities Mission & Ministry Fund


Richard MartinThe Lutheran Church Charities Mission and Ministry Fund was recently established for the continuation and advancement of the Mission and Ministry of Lutheran Church Charities into the future. Working with the Lutheran Legacy Foundation in Paris, Illinois our Mission and Ministry Fund now enjoys the benefits of being part of a community foundation that exists to serve the Lutheran community. There are many benefits to being a part of the Lutheran Legacy Foundation.  


Have you made a decision yet on how to use the gifts God has so richly blessed you with to continue His work here after you're gone? If you need some help on where to start our gift planning counselor, Rich Martin can help you navigate through the process. LCC provides Rich's services at no cost to you. Rich can be reached at [email protected] or by phone at 866-455-6466.  


For more information on the Lutheran Legacy Foundation please visit, www.lutheranlegacyfoundation.org 

LCC Emergency Assistance Fund


LCC gets requests daily concerning people who need assistance, and it is increasing because of the current economic times we are living in.


LCC works through our churches to provide assistance by making the need known - and dollar per dollar we give the money to a church to help the family or individual. However, we receive some requests that are emergencies, and money is needed that day or the next day and we can't always get the need out in our weekly email newsletter first.


Would you consider making a gift to our LCC Emergency Assistance fund so that when these emergency needs occur we can help (through our churches) quicker? This is an important way for the Body of Christ to share the Mercy and Compassion and Proclamation of Christ.


To contribute please click here


Thank you for continuing to Make A Difference!
Tim Hetzner

St. Matthew Hawthorn Woods Invites You to Dinner  


Basketball Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2012

St. Matthew Lutheran Church 

24500 North Old McHenry Rd

Hawthorn Woods, IL 60047     


Members of the community are cordially invited to attend our St. Matthew's 6th Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner on Thursday, November 22 {Thanksgiving day}


Appetizers will be served at 11am, followed by a traditional Thanksgiving Day Dinner around 12pm.


Guests are also invited to attend our Thanksgiving Day worship service beginning at 10am.


Please R.S.V.P. By Sunday, November 18th Seating limited to 200 guests

Call Susan Stewart at 847-209-2696 or email at: [email protected]

There is no charge for this dinner. Come spend the day with us and have fun!

St. Luke 3 on 3 Charity Basketball Tournament 


BasketballSunday, December 2, 2012 from Noon until 4:00pm 

St. Luke Charity Basketball Tournament  

410 S. Rush Street, Itasca, IL 60143     


All proceeds from this event will benefit the Itasca community social ministries such as PADS, Itasca Food Pantry, and the Itasca Walk-In Ministry.


Donations of non-perishables and canned goods will be accepted at the door the day of the tournament for the Itasca Food Pantry.  


Click here for more about fees and other information 

ALMA 2013 Conference Announcement

ALMA 2013 Conference brochure
The ALMA Conference dates are Thursday, January 31 and Friday, February 1, 2013. The theme is "Go Fish" based on Matthew 4:19. It will again be held at the Crown Plaza St. Louis Airport Hotel.

Conference highlights:

  • Hear leading plenary and sectional speakers discuss domestic and international missions
  • Learn how to more effectively raise financial support for your organization
  • Explore opportunities for helping others learn about your ministry
  • Network with your peers
  • Discover new mission resources
  • Plenty of prayer, Christian fellowship and great food!
  • The ALMA annual meeting 

Click here for printable brochure 

Click here for October 2012 release

Upcoming Events - Click Here for a complete listing of Upcoming Events

How To Support Lutheran Church Charities

All contributions go dollar per dollar to the causes listed in this newsletter.

If you would like more information on how to help or if you have items to share please contact [email protected] or send contributions to LCC, 333 West Lake Street, Addison, IL 60101
or contribute at our web site at
or call us for credit card donations at LCC's office at (866) 455- 6466