Thank you for being part of our successful year!
It is because of donors like you that we can bring new and exciting learning opportunities to our children.
As we close the books on another fiscal year, we want to say thank you for all you do to help us reach our fundraising goals.  With your help we surpassed our goal this year and were able to raise over $1 million! Below are just some highlights of the things you helped make possible for our children and families.

Donate here to help us keep these good things going!
Indoor Play Spaces
Harlequin Holiday Snow Ball sponsors, attendees and donors made it possible for us to build new, creative, interactive play spaces at both our Gloucester and Beverly facilities.
Music Enrichment
The Mary and Frank Fritsch Music Enrichment Fund made it possible for us to bring music into our classrooms. The children learn about pitch, rhythm and more, while having fun.
Book Fairs
The amazingly dedicated volunteers on our Literacy Task Force hosted our
1st Annual Book Fairs at both sites.  Over 225 children received free books to take home and enjoy with their families.
Rockport Music
Rockport Music is a fantastic community partner!  They made it possible for our children to be exposed to all types of music throughout the year.  Here they are with the Harlem Quartet.
Congressmen Seth Moulton
We were thrilled to have Congressmen Moulton visit our Gloucester site for the 1st time.  He took time to read to the Head Start children and learn more about our advocacy efforts.
Head Start turns 50!
  Pathways celebrated 50 years of Head Start with Mark Kennedy Shriver and nearly 200 supporters at Endicott College. We are honored to be part of the Head Start legacy.
And we are already getting started on next year...
Summer Classrooms
Pathways is proud to be the recipient of a Cummings Foundation $100k for 100 grant and a North Shore United Way grant to support summer learning opportunities at our Beverly site . These summer preschool classrooms specifically serve the needs of children from families that are homeless.
Field Trip Fund
The Hamilton Wenham Mothers Club raised over $3,400 to support field trips for our North Shore Head Start program by hosting a fantastic and fun night out.
NEW Surfacing for Infant & Toddler Playground
Thanks to grants from the Million Dollar Round Table Foundation and the
Valmark Global Gift Fund we are installing new safety surfacing in our Infant and Toddler playground.
We are so grateful for the support of so many individuals and organizations in our communities. Thank You!
Contact Us
29 Emerson Ave, Gloucester, MA 01930     978-281-2400
292 Cabot St, Beverly, MA 01915                 978-236-4101
Serving: Beverly, Boxford, Danvers, Essex, Gloucester, Hamilton, Ipswich, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Middleton, Peabody, Rockport, Salem, Topsfield and Wenham.

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