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New Bus Ads Focus on Energy Drinks
Malone Center takes time for health; Healthy aging; Worksite support for new moms
April Partner Spotlight
Healthy Aging
Studies show that people are happier the older they are.    Perhaps it's the absence of career pressure or finding a perfect mate. Whatever the reason, seniors can enhance "the golden years" by following these tips:
Keep Learning: Exercise the brain to keep it in top shape
Keep Connecting:  Being social is an important aspect of happiness
Keep Moving: A simple walk, swim or bike ride can make a huge difference
Eat Healthy: Good nutrition makes moving easier

April is
Minority Health Month
The Malone Community Center, 2032 U Street, is offering free health screenings, a discussion panel with local doctors, and a free healthy meal on Thursday, April 28th from 5:30 - 8:00 PM.  For more information, contact: Regina Sullivan, Health Outreach
Specialist at  402.474.1110

WorkWell Employer Webinar Series
Breastfeeding in the Workplace
Employer, Employee
Return to Work Breastfeeding Support

WorkWell WorkWell is offering a 3 part webinar series to help educate employers and employees on the NEW Nebraska law, passed in August 2015. You can watch a recording of the first webinar from April 14 that outlines the rights of breastfeeding moms who are returning to work on the WorkWell website. Part two (on April 21) and part three (on April 28) will be broadcast live, from 10:30 - 11:30 AM. The webinars can also help employers understand how breastfeeding  helps to increase productivity in the  workplace.   Find more information or register for the remaining webinars.
Next month, Workwell will also have available for download through their website, a step by step guide to developing policies and complying with Nebraska law. 
Don't Waste Your Energy on Energy Drinks
Watch for the "Energy Buses"

Regular calorie energy drinks are not only loaded with sugar, but caffeine. Bad enough for adults, but the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly advises against energy drinks for kids under 18. Energy drinks often far exceed acceptable levels of caffeine and even add other stimulants like guarana and taurine.
Do you know how many miles you have to bike to burn off the calories in a regular 16 oz. energy drink?  Watch for our buses around town and you'll know the answer.
Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln and partners
Focus on Fitness and the Race To Fit by 2020

Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln and our twenty-four community partners report on our efforts of the past year to make our community more fit and healthy in our annual community update out soon. 
Lincoln Journal Star subscribers will find it with their Saturday, April 30th paper.  It will be delivered in the mail to non-subscribers with their Wednesday, April 27th Local Values packet.  Lincoln Public School parents will receive it with their May LPS community newsletter.  You may also view or download it from our web site on April 27th.
MilkWorks Supports Breastfeeding in all Neighborhoods, Cultures
Community Breastfeeding Educators Wanted
Through a grant from Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln, MilkWorks is recruiting eight culturally diverse women to attend a breastfeeding education workshop designed to help them provide accurate, consistent information to other women. 

Currently, Lincoln has seven Community Breastfeeding Educators (CBEs), who speak eight different languages. Each of them provide support to mothers in different settings. 

The successful applicants will be paid $225 to attend the 15 hour course, which will be held on Wednesday evenings in May and early June.

The workshop will be taught in English and is geared towards supporting mothers who are new to America, do not speak English as their primary language, or identify with a unique cultural group.

MilkWorks will hire up to three women who attend the course to work part time (four hours a week) as CBEs to support other women in their neighborhood, church, cultural center, or place of employment.

If you or anyone you know is interested, contact Ann Seacrest at MilkWorks for additional information or to apply.

10 Health TV
April Shape of the City
 Featured this month:
The Child Advocacy Center talks about child sexual  abuse prevention efforts in the community; Lincoln Lancaster County Health Dept. discusses the Healthy Families America program; and some simple tips on how to bond with your child through reading.  Watch now.

Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln (PHL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health, wellness, and fitness of our community. We collaborate with other organizations on joint projects to improve health by increasing physical fitness, promoting good nutrition, supporting breastfeeding, and improving cancer screening rates.
Our work includes improving health and wellness policies, conducting community level research, and evaluation of the success of local health initiatives. 
Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln
4600 Valley Road Ste. 250     Lincoln, NE 68510
Phone: (402) 483-4800     Fax: (402) 483-4802