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Moving Tips II 
February 26, 2016  |  Matt Lemmon
Like social media or a good pot of chili, moving can be simultaneously the best and the worst thing in the world.
On the one hand, you're probably moving into a new home. It could be the home of your dreams or it could just be the next step in the journey of life, but either way it's a major transition that you are, in most cases, probably excited about.
On the other hand, there's the packing. And the boxes. And the expenses. And the boxes. And the upheaval. And the boxes. And the movers. Did we mention the boxes?
Fortunately, in the spirit of all those #lifehacks you see so regularly in your Facebook feed, there is no shortage of #movinghacks available online. Linked below are some of our favorite lists and a tip or two too good not to share.

Wrap your breakables (dishes, glasses, etc.) in clothing to save on bubble wrap or newspaper and
Provide extra padding for stemware by wrapping in clean socks

It's so beautifully brilliant it almost brings a tear to our eye. Just make sure it's something you won't mind getting shredded if the movers drop your "fragile" boxes.

Use the Moving Van app

"Moving Van is an iPhone app ($1.99) that lets you snap photos of the contents of boxes, quickly catalog them, and assign each box a name or number. Then, when you're unpacking everything (which isn't always a super-fast process), and you need to find a specific item that isn't unpacked yet, you can simply search for it on your app and immediately ID the box you need to look in."

DIY box handles

A box cutter and an idea of how big your movers' hands are can make carrying regular boxes much easier.

Press n' Seal can be used to keep jewelry boxes and drawer contents intact
Removing dresser drawers can make moving one of your largest pieces much easier and will keep you from having to pack all your clothes. The jewelry suggestion is simply inspired.

Use wine boxes to pack glassware
You probably ought to start buying boxes of wine, just in case you decide to move. You can't be too prepared.

Once you're in, don't forget about re-assembling beds and other furniture
Hopefully most of your big items made it in one piece, but there's a good chance your bed is going to need to be reassembled. And if you wait until you're tired, sore and cranky, this task could be a headache waiting to happen. Tackle this first, and have some clean sheets set aside with your own unpacked items, so you can fall into bed when you are ready.

Take a photo of how your electronics are connected so you can remember where the wires go
I mean, duh.
(From the Buzzfeed article, you have to check out #17 on packing hanging clothes. Only the photo does it justice.)

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