Brought to you by Martin F. Weber Co., America's master color-maker since 1853.
    Volume 1, Issue 4                                                                                 May 2013          
Dear Art Enthusiast,
Greetings!  With the arrival of springtime, many artists start to venture out of their studios to enjoy plein air painting.  The French term "en plein air," when translated, means "in the open air."  For artists, this season makes the perfect time to finally capture that brilliant sunset, picturesque architecture or kaleidoscope of blossoms dotting a nearby landscape.  Spring offers an inspiring array of subject matter and incomparable color palette capable of awakening the creativity within any artist.  

Prolific artist David Hockney best described this season of new life when he stated, "I had always planned to make a large painting of the early spring, when the first leaves are at the bottom of the trees, and they seem to float in space in a wonderful way. But the arrival of spring can't be done in one picture."  Much like Hockney's celebrated monumental, vibrant landscapes of his native Yorkshire, our featured watercolor artist, Patricia Sharpe, depicts her love of nature through artwork of beautifully rendered landscapes.  As is evident in her painting, Cherry Blossom Pathway, Sharpe explains, "the beauty of the natural, country scene speaks to me like nothing else.... I find the extraordinary in the ordinary." 

We are delighted to present our current issue of Speaking of Color.  In this issue, you will find imaginative ideas, artist profiles and cutting-edge new products that will enhance your studio or classroom environment.  Whether you are an artist, art instructor or art enthusiast, we strive to provide you with the tools and support necessary for you to achieve your artistic endeavors.  In appreciation of your continued support, you will find exclusive offers or coupons located at the bottom of each newsletter.  This issue of Speaking of Color includes an opportunity for you to receive a free starter set  of our wOil® water mixable, professional oil colors.  We included an additional coupon to receive a free 2 pack of Scheewe tube watercolors for you to take advantage of.

Are you familiar with our Facebook page?  Oftentimes, our readers post their artwork on it, which always proves to be an enriching experience.  If you haven't already checked it out, we encourage you to scroll through to learn more about our products and events, as well as have the valuable opportunity to interact with fellow artists and customers.  "Like" us on Facebook before May 30th, to be eligible to enter a drawing for a free a 32-color set of nontoxic wOil® water mixable, professional oil colors, valued at $400.  Email your name and contact information to me at for official entry.

As always, we thank you for your ongoing interest in our newsletter and we are committed to continue providing you with interesting, relevant articles. We have so many talented artists among us, and we feel privileged to be your resource for creative products and information.  We hope that you find renewed inspiration for your artwork in the beauty of the season.


~ Karen J. Clawson
   Resident Artist
In This Issue

Featured Artist: Men Qing
New Products: Avanti Metal Print Rack
Featured Artist: Patricia Sharpe
Bob Ross® Documentary Now Available!
Art Tip: Donna Dewberry®
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Men Qing Explores And Interprets Cultural Symbolism

Men Qing is an accomplished Chinese artist who infuses his modern, painterly style with thematic references to classical Chinese history, literature, symbolism and theory.  For example, his painting, Rereading Lu Xun, is inspired by the influential 20th century Chinese author of that name, best known for his often dark and critical social commentaries.  Rereading Lu Xun is one in a series of paintings which explore traditional Chinese culture in a modern context.  Another significant painting in this series, Reread Lan Ting Xu, reveals a wealth of cultural information to the viewer upon close observation.  While abstract and modern in style, it references a historic work of calligraphy by Wang Xizhi which dates back to 353 CE.  The Reread series beautifully illustrates the manner in which Men successfully juxtaposes contemporary and traditional influences.

Traditional (or native) Chinese painting dates back thousands of years.  It is among the most antiquated, uninterrupted artistic traditions in the world.  Whereas modern Chinese paintings may entail the use of oil paint and canvas, traditional Chinese paintings were typically created using ink on surfaces such as paper and silk.  Completed artwork could be seen on scrolls, folding screens, walls and other media.  In contrast to Western paintings, long Chinese paintings often portrayed multiple scenes or perspectives.  This unique practice freed artists from the constrictions
Rereading Lu Xun, by Men Qing 
of time and space.  Calligraphy is another beautiful element often found in traditional Chinese paintings.  It may be used to inspire, impart knowledge or express ideas and emotions.  Chinese artists employ skillful brushwork to render a variety of lines, ranging from broad and emotional to delicate and detailed, which effectively elevate calligraphy from a language to an art form. 

Men's work is not only intelligent and philosophical, it is passionate, as evidenced by his use of color and brushwork.  His painting, 12th May, depicts the deadly earthquake that hit China in 2008.  The posture of the figures and the intense, dripping red lines move the viewer to sense the despair that took place that day.  This painting, along with many others, includes Men's signature, a bar code, which symbolizes his travels. 

Men Qing's paintings are done in oil colors.  While he has painted with many different brands of oil, he especially enjoys working with Permalba® colors.  Friend 4, pictured below, was painted using Permalba® oil colors.  Men recently told us, "Permalba® is the best oil color that I have ever used.  Permalba® colors are very bright, vibrant and pure.  I have used many different brands of oil colors from the USA, Japan, Europe, China and all over the world, but Permalba® colors are by far my favorite.  The intensity of colors are great.  I've also found that as the pigments are strong, a small tube of Permalba® can last as long as a larger tube of a different brand of oil color.  I also love using Weber's Res-N-Gel!"
12th May, by Men Qing
Friend 4, by Men Qing.
Build Your Kindle Art Resource Library


Jon Gnagy's Learn to Draw, Kindle Edition

The original, Learn to Draw™ book by Jon Gnagy, provides excellent step-by-step written drawing and sketching instructions and includes more than 200 illustrations.  You will learn basic fundamen
tal drawing, composition, and perspective.  Additionally, techniques for landscape, still life, figurative art, portraiture and wildlife will be taught.


 Learn More About Jon Gnagy's, Learn to Draw™, Kindle Edition.   

Innovative New Products


  Avanti Metal Print Rack by Martin Universal Design, Inc. 

Avanti 1
Avanti Metal Print Rack

Our new Avanti Metal Print Rack is a large capacity print holder that has a rubberized base to help keep your prints vertical, even when the rack is not full.  While it is ideal for storing and displaying large works of art, prints and posters, it can also accommodate small documents due to the print rack's jail house grating on the sides.  The Avanti Metal Print Rack is conveniently furnished with both castors and large adjustable glides.  Whether you want to make the print rack mobile or stationary, we have built it for you!  The Avanti Metal Print Rack, is in many ways, similar to our classic original design seen around the world, the Avanti Elmwood Print Rack. 

If you have any questions or comments regarding our Avanti Metal Print Rack or other products, please contact our customer service department. We're here to help you.

Learn more about Martin Universal Design's products.
Featured Artist 

Patricia Sharpe Paints Her Love of Nature


The ethereal painting, Maiden - Earth Mother IV, is part of a series of nature inspired works of art painted by a talented, professional watercolor artist, Patricia Sharpe.  Maiden depicts a young Mother Earth, illuminated by moonlight, opening her senses much like a flower opens its petals in the springtime.  Patricia specializes in painting nature scenes as well as portraiture, and feels at home with all things natural.  


When describing what inspires her to paint, she stated, "it may be a lovely flower from my garden or colorful rocks in a creek or spring.  The beauty of natural, country scenes speak to me like nothing else. I find the extraordinary in the ordinary.  An interesting face or pose is always a draw.  Be it young, old, wealthy or poor, it makes no difference to me or my brush."   


Patricia's artwork is beautiful and mysterious.  Her compositions are wonderfully unique and interesting, and her skillful use of light and color add to her artworks' mystique and drama.  When viewing her portraits, we find that they often reveal a deeper meaning than what we saw upon our initial first glance.  We are drawn to linger looking at them a little longer, discovering their narrative.


patsy sharpe maiden
Maiden - Earth Mother IV, by Patricia Sharpe
Cherry Blossom sharpe
Cherry Blossom Pathway, by Patricia Sharpe
Patricia Sharpe grew up in Austin, Texas, and holds a master's degree in English from the University of Texas at Austin.  After a stint as a schoolteacher (teaching English and Spanish) and at the Texas Historical Commission (writing historical markers), she joined the staff of Texas Monthly, in 1974.  Patricia is now an award-winning, professional artist.  Her paintings have been juried into numerous exhibitions.

Patricia paints with the premium line of watercolors, Mission Gold. In fact, she loves Mission Gold so much that she now uses it exclusively, telling us that, "I have been liberated by Mission Watercolors. The rich, vibrant colors and ability to reconstitute even after drying out, has amazed me. I have found that I no longer go to my old stand-by products that I have used for years but go to the Mission colors because the results have been so astounding. It was my lucky day when I decided to give the introductory set a try. I am a professional artist and I now use nothing else. Thank you for this truly quality product."  If you'd like to learn more about Mijello's Mission Gold Watercolors, visit

Click here to visit Patricia Sharpe's website.


Breaking News


Bob Ross® Documentary Now Available!

We are excited to announce that the Bob Ross® life story, titled The Happy Painter, is now available from Martin F. Weber Co.  This incredible documentary is available for the first time ever through arts and crafts stores and also online. 

Additionally, for the first time, Series I of the PBS TV series is now available in book or DVD form. 


Art Tip

Donna Dewberry® Creates New Brush Sets For Varied Surfaces

Donna Dewberry is a self-taught artist who picked up different painting tips where she could and "learned by observations". Thirty years later, she is recognized throughout America, Europe and Asia as the innovative creator of the One Stroke™ painting technique.

Although Donna's career started with an early interest in painting tin ware, she now has over 200 designs for painting mailboxes and other surfaces.  We are excited to announce that
Martin F. Weber Co. has paired with Donna Dewberry® to bring you five new brush sets:
  • 4 piece round brush set - Round brushes are the most popular with stroke work.  4 sizes make it possible for you to do the scroll work and stroke work you will need to work on decorations and paintings.  Fine tips on your round brushes will make detail work easier.  Even a beginner will have success with this set. 
  • 4 piece fabric brush set - This quality set of brushes is ideal for painting on fabric and other rough surfaces.  You can achieve better coverage by using a loaded brush with stiffer bristles, enabling you to get enough paint into the weave of the fabric or surface. 
  • 4 piece acrylic brush set - An acrylic get started brush set for those who want to learn how to paint or those who already love to paint.  This beginner brush set is made for acrylic painting.  You're a stroke away from becoming an artist! 
  • 4 piece glass brush set - This quality set of glass brushes are best used for painting on non porous surfaces such as glass, ceramic, mirror, tile or metal.  The soft bristles will help you blend, shade and highlight on smooth surfaces more effectively.  
  • 9 piece mini brush set - This brush set is made for painting small details on many surfaces, including nail art.  Use the included fan, flats, angles, rounds and liners for fine detail work, making your projects more successful.  Even a stylus is included in this special set!  
donna brushes1
9 piece mini brush set
4 piece round brush set
4 piece acrylic brush set
. Learn more about Donna Dewberry®'s products.

Upcoming Events


Society of Decorative Painters 41st International Conference and Expo
May 13-18, 2013
Pheasant Run Resort - St. Charles, Illinois 

We look forward to visiting with you in St. Charles, Illinois for the SDP show. The 2013 Conference and Expo will feature more than 50 exhibitors ranging from artist supply manufacturers to instructors.  We will be showcasing new Donna Dewberry® items, new color lines, new mediums, new drawing tables and more.  The Expo opens at 9 a.m., Thursday, May 16th, to registered conference attendees, and at 12 p.m. to the public.  We encourage you to put this on your calendar.  It's going to be a great show!

Heart of Ohio Tole Chapter's 33rd Convention

August 5-10, 2013
Greater Columbus Convention Center - Columbus, Ohio.  


We invite you to visit our booth at the Heart of Ohio Tole Chapter's 33rd Convention this summer.  HOOT will be held August 5-10, 2013, at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio.  It is always an exciting event.  Visitors can choose from a variety of activities including: taking classes, visiting the art show, viewing painting demonstrations or going to the exhibit sales floor.  All events are open to the public with no prior painting experience or affiliation in any painting organization.  The exhibit floor will be open August 8-10, 2013, with approximately 100 exhibitors/vendors offering a wide variety of craft supplies for painting, scrap-booking and other hobbies.  Be sure to visit our booth as we will be showcasing several exciting new products!
 Learn more about HOOT's 33rd Convention.

Continue Your Art Education Online
Interactive Artist Magazine is proud to bring you an exciting and innovative way to continue your art education.  Their new Interactive Learning Center provides instruction and enjoyment through art classes, instructor certification programs and the convenient option of purchasing your art supplies in one spot.  You can communicate directly with your teacher through their virtual learning classroom and interactive discussion forums as well as connect with other students in the same class.  For more information, visit their website at
Follow-up Links
Colorful Quotes

Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt
 rather than seen.

~ Leonardo da Vinci  
Martin F. Weber Co., America's master color-maker since 1853.
Martin F. Weber Co. / 4444 Lawton / Detroit, Michigan 48208 
Free Sample

This issue, we are are offering our readers an opportunity to receive a free 2 color set of our wOil® water mixable, professional oil colors.  They are both archival and non-toxic. Each basic 2 tube sample set includes: 2 each 37 ml colorsWe feel confident that you will be excited about the result.
To receive your free wOil® 2 tube sample set, with 2 each 37 ml colors, click on the "contact us" button below.  
Fill out the attached form and submit it to us by the coupon's expiration date.


Offer Expires: June 30, 2013
Free Sample 
       This issue, we are are offering our readers an opportunity to receive a free 2 pack of
Scheewe tube watercolors.  Scheewe watercolors are a narrow range of 20 intensely
pigmented colors, manufactured to Sue's exacting standards.  As such, Scheewe 
watercolors follow the colors specified in all her instructional books and DVDs. 
Be sure to take advantage of this free "Try us, You'll Like Us" special.

To receive your free 2 pack of Scheewe tube watercolors, click on the "contact us"
button.  Fill out the attached form and submit it to us by the coupon's expiration date.

Offer Expires: June 30, 2013