Sylvia Woods Harp Center 
Very Late May 2016 Newsletter
SylviaA Personal Note from Sylvia

I'm getting this May newsletter to you just under the wire for the month!  I'm sending it on May 31st, Hawaii time.  For those of you in time zones where it is already June 1st, please re-name the day "May 32nd," instead! 

Sorry I didn't get the newsletter out earlier in the month.  I was waiting for my new "Happy Birthday to You" publication to be done. (See the article below.)  It is now available as a PDF download.  The printed sheet music will be ready in about a month.

I celebrated a milestone birthday earlier this month.  Do you want to know how old I am?  Here's a pop quiz for you!

Start with the number of pieces in my Christmas Carols book
ADD the number of pieces in my Irish Melodies book
DIVIDE by the number of pieces in my Holiday Favorites book
ADD the number of pieces in my Romantic Songs book
SUBTRACT the number of pieces in my Chanukah Music book
ADD the number of piece in my O'Carolan Tunes book
SUBTRACT the number of pieces in my Andrew Lloyd Webber book

The answer is my age.

As they say in Hawaiian: hau`oli la hanau . . . Happy Birthday!

 Sylvia Woods
arrangerHappy Birthday to You
In honor of my birthday (and yours, whenever it may be),  I've published my harp arrangements of the definitive birthday song, "Happy Birthday to You"

How many dozens of times a year do you sing this happy song?   Now you can play it on your lap harp, lever harp, or pedal harp! 

There are Easy, Early Intermediate, and Intermediate Solo arrangements included in the keys of C and G, for a total of 6 arrangements.

The Easy versions have a range of only 18 strings, and the Early Intermediate versions require 21 strings. So these arrangements will fit on most smaller harps.

The key of G versions require an F-natural for the final note of the "and many more" phrase, and the key of C versions require a B-flat.  These levers are pre-set in the Easy and Early Intermediate versions.  The "and many more" phrase may be omitted if you don't have the levers needed.

The Intermediate Solo versions have additional measures of arpeggios, and so they do not work well if people are singing along.  This is why I list them as "solo" arrangements. They require 1 lever or pedal change before the final chord. The range needed for these solo arrangements are 32 or 33 strings.

Lyrics, chord symbols, and fingerings are included. There are 8 pages of music, plus one page of performance notes and important information.

You can see sample pages and listen to synthesized versions of all of these arrangements on the Happy Birthday to You page.

Right now, this is only available as a PDF. 
The printed sheet music should be available by the end of June.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one and all! 
thisMonthsSaleThis Month's Sale
This month's sale includes lots of other "happy" music. To get the 15% discount on the 3 books, sheets, and PDFs shown below, enter the code word happy in the Promo Code box on your shopping cart page and click "Enter Code" by June 13, 2016. For more information, see the 15% Off section at the bottom of this newsletter.   
Regular price: $36.95
15% off with happy code
This fun book of 76 Disney songs includes an original Disney song called "Happy, Happy Birthday to You" from their "Splashdance" album. 172 pages.  
Regular price: $29.95
15% off with happy code
This spiffy collection of 40 songs from the 1960s includes the song "Happy Together" by the Turtles.
96 pages.
Happy - large
Regular price: $7.95 and
15% off with happy code
Pharrell Williams' fun, upbeat 2014 hit song Happy is from Despicable Me 2. Sylvia has arranged this happy piece for solo lever or pedal harp, as well as harp duet.
promocodes15% off select sale items when you use the code word:

Our newsletter promo codes are only redeemable on-line, and can only be used for the 3 products featured in the sale section of this newsletter. They are not valid for phone or e-mail orders. This month's code word is happy and it is good for 15% off the 3 books, sheet music, and PDFs featured above.
Here's how to get your newsletter discount at 
#1. Put the items you want to purchase in your cart. 
#2. On the page where you view the items in your cart, type this month's code word happy in the "Promo Code" box, and click on "Enter Code."
The actual price of the featured sale products on this page will then automatically change to reflect the discount. You'll also see a note below the Promo Code box saying the name of the promo code you entered, and the percentage amount of the discount.  
REMEMBER:  you must enter the this month's code word happy in the Promo Code box
and click "Enter Code" on your shopping cart page by June 13
to get the discount!
If you forget, or if you have trouble adding it to your order,
email us immediately .   

offer expires at the end of the day on 6/13/2016.
Sylvia Woods Harp Center
  (800) 272-4277 or (818) 956-1363

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