WRRC Weekly Wave
May 9, 2014 
Volume 2, Issue 18

In This Issue:
  • WRRC Releases New Water Harvesting Toolbox
  • Spring 2014 Arizona Water Resource Newsletter Out Now
  • UA Campus Repository Offers Digitized WRRC Archives  

... And much more!

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2014 WRRC Annual Conference in Review: Recap Now Available Online    
A review of the WRRC's April 8 Annual Conference, "Closing the Gap Between Water Supply and Demand," is now available at

The recap includes synopses of the keynote speakers' presentations, and panelists' and moderators' talks and commentary. Information is also available on the poster session -- which celebrated the WRRC's 50th anniversary -- the student poster contest, the lunchtime "Audience Voices" session, media coverage and more. The conference was organized in collaboration with the Arizona Department of Water Resources, and attracted 350 attendees from 49 Arizona communities. Read the recap here. Speakers' presentations are also available here: wrrc.arizona.edu/conference/agenda. 
Brown Bag Video Recap: Mark Taylor (April 28)
Video coverage of Mark Taylor's April 28 Brown Bag Presentation, "Tackling Water Quality Issues in Bolivia and Guatemala," is now available on the WRRC's YouTube page. See complete video coverage here:
Tackling Water Quality Issues in Bolivia and Guatemala
Tackling Water Quality Issues in Bolivia and Guatemala

WRRC Releases New Water Harvesting Assessment Toolbox 

The Desert Water Harvesting Initiative (DWHI), a program of the Water Resources Research Center, recently released its new Water Harvesting Assessment ToolboxThis decision-support guide aims to help communities in the arid and semi-arid Southwest evaluate water harvesting as a strategy for meeting water resource challenges and providing multiple additional benefits, such as mitigating urban heat island effects, reducing energy costs and meeting stormwater quality regulations. 


The toolbox, which includes templates and detailed instructions for implementing water harvesting in different communities, is available here.

Spring 2014 Arizona Water Resource Newsletter Now Available for Download

The WRRC has released the Spring 2014 issue of its quarterly newsletter, the Arizona Water Resources (AWR). The latest edition of the AWR features the April 8, 2014 WRRC Annual Conference, "Closing the Gap Between Water Supply and Demand," as well as an in-depth article on the effects of drought on California farming. The Spring issue includes a number of water-focused news briefs and announcements, a special insert featuring the WRRC's 50-year history, and a special column by WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal titled, "Learning Globally, Acting Locally," on applying water management lessons learned from around the world in our own communities. Download the AWR here. 

WRRC Assoc. Director Jean McLain Awarded Funding to Study QACs

WRRC Associate Director Jean McLain, with collaborators Kurt Nolte (Yuma Agricultural Center) and Channah Rock (Maricopa Agricultural Center) has been awarded funding from the Arizona Department of Agriculture, Specialty Crops Block Grant Program, for a project entitled: "Creation of Self-Sterilizing Harvesting Tools." This two-year project will examine the use of quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) for long-term sterilization of harvesting materials. QACs form a long-term biologically resistant film on target surfaces, and this project will examine whether QACs can be used to sterilize harvesting tools without negative crop impacts. Learn more here.

Digital WRRC Publications Now Available Via UA Campus Repository

Digitized archival copies of past WRRC publications are now available online from the University of Arizona Libraries' Campus Repository. Publications -- which date back to 1958 -- are searchable by title, author, date and subject, and include past editions of the Arizona Water Resource newsletter, the Arroyo, WRRC studies and much more. Digitization funding was provided by UA Libraries, and work was finished during the WRRC's 50-year anniversary in 2014. Explore the digitized WRRC archives here

UANews Features Arizona Project WET Discovery Program in Phoenix


Earlier this week, UANews.org featured Arizona Project WET's (APW) newly launched Discovery Program in Phoenix.

APW installed innovative smartphone-guided signage at the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area. The signage is meant to challenge families and groups of student visitors to make scientific discoveries about the nature in their communities. 

Read the complete UANews story here

Cronkite News: Using Water Pricing to Encourage Conservation


WRRC Director Sharon B. Megdal was recently interviewed for the Cronkite News story, "Could Price Be a Tool For Encouraging Water Conservation in Arizona?" Dr. Megdal told author Jamie Killin that household water pricing is inelastic up to a point, but noted that people do respond to higher household prices, which could possibly lead to reductions in certain types of water usage, like outdoor watering.


Read the complete article here.


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The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) - a unit within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) - promotes understanding of critical state and regional water management and policy issues through research, education and outreach. The WRRC works closely with Arizona Cooperative Extension, a CALS outreach organization that  provides a statewide network of knowledgeable faculty and staff that provides lifelong educational programs for all Arizonans. For more information, visit us at wrrc.arizona.edu.