Are you struggling with summer allergies?
Two people with allergy symptom blow their noses
 The Top 5 Summer Culprits:
Pollen.  It starts with tree pollen in the spring and then moves on to grasses and weeds, such as the most common summer allergy trigger--Ragweed. Did you know that ragweed can travel for hundreds of miles in the wind?
Smog. Air pollution in the summer is worse due to the ozone created from a mixture of sunlight and car exhaust.
Mold. The high humidity of summer is a boon to mold spores that collect in basements and bathrooms and release into the air.
Dust Mites. These microscopic insects peak in the summer in beds, fabric and carpets.
Top 10 tips to ease allergies at home:
  1. Take off shoes before going into the house
  2. Vacuum once or twice a week
  3. Wear a mask when you clean
  4. Keep the bathroom free of mold (don't forget to wash the shower curtain)
  5. Wash sheets weekly in hot water
  6. Don't air-dry sheets outside, use the dryer
  7. Use air-conditioning at home instead of open windows
  8. Wash your hair before going to bed to remove pollens
  9. Recirculate air in the car with the A/C on--close windows and sunroof
  10. Switch out the filters in your furnace and air conditioner as often as recommended

Read about foods to EAT and foods to AVOID to ease allergies  

10 Summer Salads Perfect for Picnics
Click here for 10 great recipes!
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Cooking the Rainbow--3
When:   Monday, June 13th, 6:00 p.m.
Where: 14 A Tsienneto Rd., Derry, NH 
This is part 3 of a 3-part free series with demonstrations and recipes.  Register and learn more.                
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