Staff Bulletin | March 10, 2016
District News

Feedback Needed
The district is collecting feedback through Friday from staff and community on proposed changes to our high school graduation requirements and calendar options for 2017-18. Information about both topics and links to the feedback forms can be found at

Summer Paychecks
Employees must notify the Business Office by April 1 to request lump-sum payments for summer checks. Forms were sent to new employees; other employees who want to change their election must notify the Payroll Office at 341-2228 or 341-2428. Lump-sum payments will be made June 30.

Friends of EPS
The Student & Family Resources Office has created a new Facebook page to let the community know about items needed by some of our families. If you see something on the list that you have and would like to donate, please e-mail Heather Wagner or call the office, 341-2392.

Check your online KPERS account at to view your annual statement.
Read this month's KPERS Member Newsletter.

MHEC Spring Break Hours
Mary Herbert Education Center will be closed to the public during spring break. Doors will be locked and the main phone line will not be answered. Dial direct extensions if you need to speak with someone who is working next week.

Walk for Kansas Schools
The Emporia walk to the state capitol starts at 4 pm Friday at East 12th Avenue & Burlingame Road. Drivers will return walkers to their cars after 6 pm. The walk resumes at 8 am Saturday at the Lyon County Fishing Lake. Lunch will be provided by church volunteers in Miller. The Sunday walk begins at 8 am at Caseys in Burlingame. 
See the full schedule and more details on the Game On for Kansas Schools Facebook page.
Emporia Board of Education

Personnel Report


Michelle Gifford
payroll clerk, Mary Herbert


Rebecca Foraker
paraeducator, FHSEC-Olpe

Charles Torres
bus driver, Transportation

Jacob Baker
science, EHS

Tara McDonald

Tegan Nusser
math, EHS

Jessica Mossman
instructional coach, EMS

Taryn Curry-Nelson
paraeducator, FHSEC-Madison

Sabrina Preeo Metcalfe
paraeducator, Timmerman


Geralyn Arndt
administrative assistant, Mary Herbert

Deborah Willhite
food service, EHS

Donna Russell
teacher aide, Walnut

Ronald Douglas
shop foreman, Transportation

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Emporia Public Schools
1700 W 7th Ave
Emporia, Kansas 66801
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Good Things!

Pennies for Patients

Logan Avenue Elementary surpassed its $2,000 Pennies for Patients goal by raising $3,794.70 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society last month. This week's blood drive also collected 33 units of blood for the American Red Cross.  

'Do Your Best!' Pep Assemblies

The Emporia High Pep Band, Drum Line, Cheerleaders & Viva Voce visited schools last week to energize students before the start of spring testing. Pep assemblies were held at Timmerman, Riverside and Walnut.

ESU Speaker: School Violence
Dr. Scott Poland will be speak at ESU at 7 pm Monday, March 21, in Webb Hall in the Memorial Union. His topic will be, "Lessons from the Front Lines of School Violence: Educators and the Community Make a Difference." He has been instrumental in developing practices used with suicide prevention and crisis response. This lecture is free to the public.
Watch for good things happening in USD 253 on the Teaching & Learning Facebook page. Regular reports & photos from classrooms will brighten your day.

Follow news about job postings & education highlights on the Human Resources Facebook and Twitter page.
Emporia Public Schools
KASB Research Compares States & Districts
Ted Carter, research director for the Kansas Association of School Boards, presented information on various reports KASB creates using local, state and national data. He also explained how KASB compares Kansas and individual districts with peer states and districts on a variety topics, including student achievement, teacher pay and state spending on education. He demonstrated a data portal created by KASB that is now available online at The site allows individuals to sort and view data from a variety of sources.

Elementary Boundary Change
The board approved a request to change the boundaries for Logan Avenue and Riverside schools effective in the 2016-17 school year. A neighborhood in east Emporia (shaded green on the boundary map) will be assigned to Riverside instead of Logan. This change will eliminate the only bus route to Logan. All students living in the neighborhood will be eligible for bus transportation to Riverside. Students currently attending Logan will have the option to stay with parents providing transportation. 

Bus Purchase
The board accepted a low bid of $239,610 for two buses from Midwest Bus Sales, and approved a request to dispose of four older buses.

Legislative Update
Rob Scheib summarized some of the education bills being considered in the legislature. Several bills are being considered, which could have a negative affect on school finance.

Consent Agenda
The board approved the following:
  • A $2,500 donation from the Hopkins Foundation to the Employee Wellness Program
  • Donations totaling $4,000 from the Clint Bowyer 79 Fund to EMS and Logan Avenue
  • Donation of $1967.66 from the Emporia Community Foundation to Timmerman