Staff Bulletin | February 25, 2016
District News

We Want Your Feedback
On Monday, all district staff will receive information by email about proposed changes to our high school graduation requirements. Please take time to review the proposal and give us your feedback. Your opinions are important!

Logan Ave Blood Drive
Logan Avenue Elementary is scheduling appointments for a March 8 blood drive in the school gym. Call the school to make an appointment between 2 and 6 pm. 
This is a supporting activity for the Pennies for Patients campaign now under way. Students are collecting coins and staff have created some themed baskets that will be given away on Friday. Tickets for the basket raffle are $1 each or six for $5. Call the school, 341-2264, for information.

Bunny Hop 5K March 26
Registration is open for the Bunny Hop 5K at Riverside
Elementary on March 26. Entry fees are $10 for students and $20 for adults. Money raised from this event support the Riverside RIF program and Emporia NEA Read to Your Bunny project. 

Join Game On for Kansas Schools Walk in March
Game On for Kansas Schools has added a walk from Emporia March 11 - 14. The Emporia group will walk approximately three hours Friday night, March 11, and full days Saturday and Sunday.

Participants can walk as far as as they like during the weekend. On Sunday, Walkers from the Santa Fe Trails community to join the Emporia group. The event ends with a rally in Topeka Monday.

For more information, contact Erica Huggard by email or phone, 620-366-0426, or visit the Game On Facebook page.

Know Your Benefits!
Are you aware of the free benefits available to all employees through EMPAC?Watch this short video to learn more.

Emporia Board of Education

Personnel Report


Samantha Hernandez
paraeducator, Timmerman

Kathryn McMichael
health office/teacher aide, Walnut

Eva De Hoyos
teacher aide, EHS

Heidi Cooper
paraeducator, Timmerman

Amy Ruge
paraeducator, Timmerman

Erica Henslee
paraeducator, Americus

Ciara Davis
teacher aide, Village

Riley Day
orchestra, EMS & EHS (8/16)

Melissa Gerleman
special education, assignment to be determined


Bethanie Tait
6th grade math, EMS

Dorothy Dennnison
paraeducator, Timmerman

Krystle Tarver
paraeducator, Americus

Lindsey Lovelady
speech-language pathologist, FHSEC

Shaun Snyder
paraeducator, Timmerman

Clarissa Vega
teacher aide, EMS


Megan Dix
paraeducator, Council Grove

Sharman Murphy
paraeducator, EHS

Emporia Public Schools
1700 W 7th Ave
Emporia, Kansas 66801
Be ALL in! 
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Good Things!

Hopkins Award Winner

Congratulations to Casey Phillips, student support specialist at Timmerman, our latest recipient of a Hopkins Award. In addition to the $2,000 cash award, she will receive $1,000 to designate for a school use.

Horizon Awards Presented
Education Commissioner Randy Watson & Deputy Commissioner Dale Dennis present awards to Manuel Estrada Espinoza (top) and Alissa Miller.
Emporia was well represented Friday for the Horizon Award Luncheon during the annual Kansas Exemplary Educators Network (KEEN) Conference in Topeka. Emporia teachers Manuel Estrada Espinoza  & Alissa Miller were honored as 2016 Horizon Award recipients. Each of the 32 recipients received a $250 cash award from Capitol Federal.
Watch for good things happening in USD 253 on the Teaching & Learning Facebook page. Regular reports & photos from classrooms will brighten your day.

Follow news about job postings & education highlights on the Human Resources Facebook and Twitter page.
Emporia Public Schools
Safety & Security Update
Dr. Andy Koenigs and Chris Harvel provided cost estimates on recommendations from the Emergency Operations Planning Committee. The recommendations are part of the capital expenditures priorities now under study by the board. Safety and security priorities include high-wind shelters, secure school entrances, classroom door locks, and reconfiguration of some school entrances. The entire capital expenditure priority list will be discussed in more detail by the board at a study session at 7 pm, March 23 at Mary Herbert. 

Individual Plans of Study
Emporia High School administration and staff presented a summary of the EHS Advisor Model, which includes Individual Plans of Study for all students and incorporates the Career & Academic Planning (CAP) conferences. All high school students create a plan of study to help them focus high school course choices based on their interests and career goals. The EHS team gave a presentation on the model earlier this month to the Kansas State Board of Education.

Logan Avenue Roof Project
The board accepted a low bid from J.B. Roofing of Topeka for $319,800 to replace the roof at Logan Avenue. State law requires the board to accept the lowest bid for new construction, even though a local bidder was within 1 percent of the low bid.

Re-Employment of Administrators
The board approved an intent to offer contracts to current administrators for the 2016-17 school year.

Board Reports

FHTC Board of Trustees  Grant Riles reported on recent activities at the technical college. Dental hygiene students participated in Kansas Mission of Mercy to provide dental services to under-served patients.

Emporia Recreation Commission Mike Helbert reported that the ERC received a good audit report.
Legislative Update - Rob Scheib reported on bills affecting schools in the legislature. No action has been taken by the legislature since the Kansas Supreme Court decision on the school finance case.

Consent Agenda
The board approved the following:
  • Engagement letter for auditing services with Mize Houser & Co.
  • Use of Flexibility Clause at Timmerman & EHS
  • A $1,000 donation to EHS from Flint Hills Volleyball Club

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